Tag: life

Romans 8:38 – No One and Nothing

For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come,

Truth to Learn

Our salvation is secure!


Behind the Words

The word translated “persuaded” is the Greek word peithō, meaning “to persuade or convince someone.” This word is in the perfect tense implying past completed action with a continuing result, but with the emphasis on the result. So, Paul is not saying that this may be true, or that he thinks it is possible, rather he is saying that he has been persuaded and he is now absolutely convinced that this is true.

“Death” is from the Greek word thanatos. It can refer to physical death (the death of our physical bodies) or spiritual death (exclusion from the presence and favor of God). The base meaning of this word implies separation. Regarding physical death, it is the separation of the soul and spirit from the body. With respect to spiritual death is the separation of the soul and spirit from the presence and favor of God.

The word “life” is from dzoē, which refers to “human life.” It can refer to our physical life or to eternal life.

“Angels” is a transliteration of angelos, meaning “messenger.” It is used in reference to any of God’s created spirit beings.

The word “principalities” is from archē, which literally refers to “the beginning point.” Metaphorically, it is used to refer to the highest in position or power of the angelic beings.

“Powers” is from dunamis (from which we get our English word dynamite), meaning “a powerful force.” It is used here as a reference to other powerful angels.

The word translated “things present” is enistēmi, meaning “something that exists now.” And “things to come” is from mellō, meaning “something that is about to be or to happen.”


Meaning Explained

Back in verse thirty-five Paul asked the question, “What will separate us from the love of Christ, tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?” We told you at that time that Paul would answer the question in a few verses. Well, here it is. This is the final explosion in his volcanic eruption of the glorious benefits of being an adopted child of God; in fact, there is so much here that it is spread out over two verses.

Paul starts out this verse with “For I am persuaded.” And what is it that he is absolutely convinced is true? That nothing can separate us from the love of God! You will notice that this list starts out with life and death. We cannot be separated by life or by death. The three words angelos, archē, and dunamis represent all of the angelic host, including faithful angels as well as fallen angels. It even includes Satan. Hence, no angelic being can separate us from God’s love in Christ Jesus. The list includes things that exist as well as things that have not yet come into being but shall exist some day.



We are saved by God and by God alone, and once we have been declared righteous (saved) by God, it cannot be undone!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 6:23 – Free Eternal Life

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Truth to Learn

God offers all of us a free gift of inestimable value.


Behind the Words

The Greek word translated “wages” is opsonia, which is the plural form of opsonion. This word is a compound word made up of opson, which means “meat” and a form of oneomai, which means “to buy.” According to The Complete Word Study Dictionary, “It primarily signifies whatever is bought to be eaten with bread, provisions, or supplies from a soldier's pay. Metaphorically, it means general wages, recompense.” It is what a soldier has earned for being a soldier.

“Gift” is translated from charisma, which means “a gift of grace or an undeserved benefit.” In the New Testament, this word is only used in reference to an undeserved gift or favor from God.

The Greek for the gift that God gives us is, Zoe aionios. Zoe is the word for “life” and aionios means “belonging to the continuance of time.” In other words, it means “perpetual, everlasting, or eternal.”


Meaning Explained

This verse is one of the pinnacles of Paul’s teaching in the Book of Romans. It is the second step in what has been called “The Romans Road,” the road to salvation. The first is found in Romans 3:23:

for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

Now, after having talked at length about the fact that we used to be slaves to sin, Paul has just taught us that we are now the slaves of God. We learned that when we were slaves to sin, we were dead (separated from God).

 In this verse Paul tells us why we were dead when we were the slaves to sin. He says:

For the wages of sin is death,

 Paul is saying that death is what we earned for our sin (and we worked hard for it!). But, Paul says, God does not pay us what we have earned if we have received His gracious gift through faith in the blood of Jesus Christ. Instead of giving us what we deserve (what we’ve earned), God gives us a free gift that we don’t deserve (and didn’t earn).

If you stop to think about it, there is no greater gift that God could possibly give to us than an eternal existence with Him. The one constant in this earthly existence is the fact that we all will die physically someday and we will be separated from our earthly body. But because of this marvelous gift that God has given us, we will continue our existence in His presence in a heavenly body. We will join with all of our loved ones who have likewise received God’s gift, and together we will glorify God for eternity.



God offers a free gift to all who will believe and that gift is eternal life! Wow!

Do you believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay the price for your sins? I certainly hope so!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 14:7 – Life Focus

Romans 14:7 – Life Focus

For none of us lives to himself, and no one dies to himself.

Truth to Learn

Christians are not to live for themselves, but for God.

Behind the Words

Lives” is translated from the verb dzaō, which always refers to “life.” It is used to express both physical life and spiritual life. In the ancient Greek Attic dialect (initially spoken primarily around Athens) this verb was only used in the  present and perfect tenses. In all other tenses the verb bioō, meaning “to spend one’s existence.”

The word translated “dies” is from the Greek word apothnēskō, which is composed of apo, meaning “away from, in time or location” and thnēskō, meaning “to die, either physically of spiritually.” Thus, apothnēskō means “to die away” or “to die off.” It is used in a stronger sense than thnēskō, often implying separation; either separation of the soul from the body (physical death) or separation of the soul of man from God (spiritual death).

Meaning Explained

In order to understand the meaning of this verse we first have to ask ourselves, “Who does “us” refer to?” If “us” refers to everyone, then this verse could be taken to mean one thing, but if “us” refers to Christians, then it means something entirely different. So, let’s look at the context. Reading from the first verse of this chapter through verse 10, it is abundantly clear that Paul is talking to members of the church. Hence, the “us” is referring to those who have put their trust in the saving blood of Jesus Christ and have submitted to His Lordship over their lives. In other words, he is referring to Christians, whether previously Jews or Gentiles.

Now, what does he say about us Christians? He says that not one of us lives to himself. Some interpreters would have us believe that Paul is teaching that Christians are to live primarily to serve others, thus supporting a social gospel that emphasizes the need for us to take care of each other. This type of interpretation almost always accompanies a works-oriented Christianity. However, if we look at how the Apostle Paul finishes this thought (in the next verse), we see that the focus is not on serving others (though this is part of Paul’s teaching elsewhere), but on submitting ourselves to our Lord and Master. What Paul is specifically teaching in this verse is that no Christian is to live to gratify his own desires or appetites; instead, we should make it our goal to do the will of God, to subordinate our will to His.

Paul also says that none of us dies to himself. What he means is that even in dying we are committed to doing God’s will. We should do all we can to keep our body healthy since it is the temple of God, the Holy Spirit. You will remember that Paul told us that we are to offer ourselves to God as  living sacrifices (Romans 12:1),  placing not only the use of our lives but also the manner and time of our death in the hands of the Almighty.


Do you see your salvation as simply a free ticket into heaven? If so, you are missing one of the primary reasons for Christ’s death on the cross. It was not done simply as a type of Christmas present, but as a purchase transaction to obtain those who would lovingly serve the desires of the Owner. Think about that!

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 8:38 – No One and Nothing

Romans 8:38 – No One and Nothing

For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come,

Truth to Learn

Our salvation is secure!

Behind the Words

The word translated “persuaded” is the Greek word peithō, meaning “to persuade or convince someone.” This word is in the perfect tense implying past completed action with a continuing result, but with the emphasis on the result. So, Paul is not saying that this may be true, or that he thinks it is possible, rather he is saying that he has been persuaded and he is now absolutely convinced that this is true.

Death” is from the Greek word thanatos. It can refer to physical death (the death of our physical bodies) or spiritual death (exclusion from the presence and favor of God). The base meaning of this word implies separation. Regarding physical death, it is the separation of the soul and spirit from the body. With respect to spiritual death is the separation of the soul and spirit from the presence and favor of God.

The word “life” is from dzoē, which refers to “human life.” It can refer to our physical life or to eternal life.

Angels” is a transliteration of angelos, meaning “messenger.” It is used in reference to any of God’s created spirit beings. The word “principalities” is from archē, which literally refers to “the beginning point.” Metaphorically, it is used to refer to the highest in position or power of the angelic beings. “Powers” is from dunamis (from which we get our English word dynamite), meaning “a powerful force.” It is used here as a reference to other powerful angels.

The word translated “things present” is enistēmi, meaning “something that exists now.” And “things to come” is from mellō, meaning “something that is about to be or to happen.”

Meaning Explained

Back in verse thirty-five Paul asked the question, “What shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?” We told you at that time that Paul would answer the question in a few verses. Well, here it is. This is the final explosion in his volcanic eruption of the glorious benefits of being an adopted child of God; in fact, there is so much here that it is spread out over two verses.

Paul starts out this verse with “For I am persuaded.” And what is it that he is absolutely convinced is true? That nothing can separate us from the love of God! You will notice that this list starts out with life and death. We cannot be separated by life or by death. The three words angelos, archē, and dunamis represent all of the angelic host, including faithful angels as well as fallen angels. It even includes Satan. Hence, no angelic being can separate us from God’s love in Christ Jesus. The list includes things that exist as well as things that have not yet come into being but shall exist some day.


We are saved by God and by God alone, and once we have been declared righteous (saved) by God, it cannot be undone!

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 8:10 – A Spirit of Righteousness

Romans 8:10

And if Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.

Truth to Learn

Because we have been declared righteous, we are alive with a life that will last eternally.

Behind the Words

In order to fully understand the current verse we have to look at a Greek grammatical construction known as “Correlative (or paired) Conjunctions.” That is, a pair of conjunctions that have a correlation between each other. The conjunctions are men and de. They are used in the following manner, “men (followed by the first phrase) … de (followed by the second phrase).” The effect of this construction is to say, “on the one hand (first phrase), but on the other hand (second phrase).” In today’s verse men is used before the phrase “the body is dead because of sin” and de is used before the phrase ”the Spirit is life because of righteousness.”

The word translated “because of” is dia, which means “through.” As in English, this word has two meanings. The first is a preposition of motion; it implies motion through a place. The other is a preposition of instrumentality; it implies the instrument or cause of something In this situation it can be translated as “by reason of” or “because of.” In today’s verse dia is used instrumentally.

As we have mentioned before, in Biblical Greek there are three types of conditional clauses. The first class condition assumes the condition to be true and can sometimes be translated as “since,” although not always. In today’s verse Paul is speaking to Christians and is assuming “Christ is in you.”

Meaning Explained

What Paul says in this verse is “And if Christ is in you, (assumed to be true) on the one hand the body is dead because of sin, but on the other hand the spirit is alive because of righteousness.” In other words, if Christ is in you, that is, if you are saved, then your body is technically dead because of your sinfulness, but because you have accepted Christ as Savior, through the grace of God (who has declared you to be righteousness), your spirit is alive and you will spend eternity in the presence of God because of that righteousness.

In the next verse Paul will explain further what he means when he days that our Spirit is alive.

What he doesn’t say, but clearly implies, is that if you aren’t saved (if you don’t have the Spirit of Christ dwelling in you) then your body is still dead because of sin. But, because you are a sinner and have not been declared righteous, you have no hope of spiritual life. You will have to pay the penalty for your own sins and you will enter the presence of the Almighty as an unrighteous sinner; you are spiritually dead (now and forever).


If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then praise be to God that your entrance into His presence will not be just as a cleansed former sinner, but as an adopted son (or daughter) whom God has declared “righteous.”

This salvation that we hold so dear is not just our “get out of Hell free” card. It’s not just our “ticket into Heaven.” It is the undeserved privilege and honor of standing before our Holy God as one who has fulfilled all righteousness and one who possesses His life giving Spirit for all eternity.

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 8:6 – Guarding Our Peace

Romans 8:6

For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

Truth to Learn

Guarding our thoughts keeps us at peace with God.

Behind the Words

We saw in the previous verse that the verb translated “minds” is phroneō, which means “to think or have a mindset.” In the current verse Paul uses the word phronema, a noun form of the same word. Here it is translated “minded.” The Greek suffix ma on this word indicates that it is the result of one’s thinking. Thus it refers to the condition of a person who is constantly thinking of such things.

The word translated “carnally” in the current verse is the same exact word (sarx) that was translated “flesh” in the previous verse. But, in the current verse it has the definite article, so it means, “the flesh.” Putting these two together we see that Paul is saying that “mindedness of the flesh is death.

Death” is from the Greek word thanatos, which is based on the verb thaneskō, meaning “to die.” Thanatos refers to physical death (the death of our physical bodies) as well as spiritual death (exclusion from the presence and favor of God). The base meaning of this word implies separation. Regarding physical death, it is the separation of the soul and spirit from the body. With respect to spiritual death is the separation of the soul and spirit from the presence and favor of God. In the current verse it indicates the separation of fellowship with God.

Meaning Explained

This verse is tightly coupled with the preceding and the following verses. Putting all three together we have:

For they who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace because the carnal mind is enmity against God, for it is not subject to the Law of God, nor indeed can be.

What Paul is saying is that a mind that is constantly focused on the flesh, on self-gratification, the mind that is always “looking out for number one,” is dead. As we pointed out in “Behind the Words,” since death implies separation, the notion is that those who are fleshly minded are separated from God. But God has promised all believers, “I will never leave you, nor forsake you,” so what does Paul mean? The simplest way to understand this is to recognize that when we are acting fleshly we are separated from the fellowship of God who cannot tolerate the presence of sin, but we are not separated from the presence of God. Our fellowship is restored when we confess our sins.

The second half of this verse describes the state of the mind that is focused on the Spirit of God. He says “mindedness of the Spirit is life and peace.” In other words, the person who is focused on the things of God is characterized as not being separated from God, but in fellowship with Him and at peace. In the next verse Paul will explain why fleshly mindedness results in death.


Let’s all strive for fellowship with God and the peace that it produces by keeping our thoughts fixed on the things of God!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 8:2 – His Faithful Spirit

Romans 8:2

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.

Truth to Learn

The Holy Spirit is continually working in Christians.

Behind the Words

This verse starts with “For,” a translation of the Greek article gar, which is “a causative particle expressing the reason for what has been before.” In other words, the expression that follows is an explanation as to why “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.

The word translated “in” is the Greek preposition en, which refers to “a fixed position in place or time,” but by implication here it means “instrumentality.” In other words, the law of the Spirit of life is brought about through the work of Christ.

“Free” is translated from eleutheroō, which means “to liberate from the power and punishment of a master.” It is expressed here in the aorist tense, indicating action that occurred at a point in time in the past. In other words, it was not a gradual act of liberation but one that occurred immediately. This liberation occurred the moment we accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Meaning Explained

Paul is explaining why there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. It is because, “the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.” The expression, “the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus,” refers not to a written law but a natural law as we discussed back in Romans 7:21. The Spirit of life mentioned in this verse refers to the Holy Spirit who brings life.

Paul is telling us that there is no condemnation against those of us who are saved because the natural law (supernatural law in this case) of the Holy Spirit, providing life through our faith in Jesus Christ, made us free from the control of sin and the death which results from that sin. We were set free from the law of sin and death at the moment we were saved.

It is because we believe God’s message about the saving work of Jesus Christ on the cross that God’s grace has been bestowed on us and the Holy Spirit has been given to us as a seal of our salvation. And it is the Holy Spirit who gives us both eternal life and the ability to overcome our own sin nature. Hence, we have free will to obey God or not. Before we were saved, we did not have this free will, we were slaves to sin.

Why, then was Paul so frustrated back in Romans 7:15? Because having a free will does not mean that we always do what is right. It means that we have the choice to sin or not, and when we choose to sin we are convicted by our conscience (and by the Holy Spirit) and we regret doing it. This sin that separates us from fellowship with God requires confession to restore that fellowship and to restore our peace. Unsaved people don’t have this free will; they are under the dominion of their sin nature without the ability to resist.


It’s easy to believe that because we have been declared righteous by God we can sin and not suffer the consequence of sin. However, the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin and prompts us to confess our sin. Thank you, Lord, for the freedom to obey and for the work of the Holy Spirit in us when we don’t obey!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 7:10 – The Deadly Law

Romans 7:10

And the commandment, which was to bring life, I found to bring death.

Truth to Learn

The Law is supposed to bring life, but it only brings death.

Behind the Words

The word translated “found” is heuriskō, which means “to find, by having searched or without searching. Metaphorically, it means “to find out by inquiry, to learn, or to discover.”

Meaning Explained

As we said in the previous verse, Paul believed himself to be righteous until the Law stirred up in him all manner of sinfulness, showing him how unrighteous he really was. He now claims that the original purpose of the Law was to bring life, but instead it brought death. The reason he claims that the original purpose of the Law was to bring life can be seen in several Old Testament passages:

Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, “Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: ‘I am the LORD your God. According to the doings of the land of Egypt, where you dwelt, you shall not do; and according to the doings of the land of Canaan, where I am bringing you, you shall not do; nor shall you walk in their ordinances. You shall observe My judgments and keep My ordinances, to walk in them: I am the LORD your God. You shall therefore keep My statutes and My judgments, which if a man does, he shall live by them: I am the LORD. (Leviticus 18:1-5)


And I gave them My statutes and showed them My judgments,”which, if a man does, he shall live by them.” (Ezekiel 20:11)


The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not bear the guilt of the father, nor the father bear the guilt of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself. “But if a wicked man turns from all his sins which he has committed, keeps all My statutes, and does what is lawful and right, he shall surely live; he shall not die. (Ezekiel 18:20, 21)

But, instead of obtaining life from the Law, Paul discovered that it caused him to have all sorts of sinful impulses that he couldn’t resist, thus causing death in him. His conclusion is that the Law, which is supposed to bring life, only brings death.


Now, lest you think that you and Paul are the only two people on earth who have ever had this frustrating experience, let me assure you that all Christians have this constant battle with sin. The ungodly don’t have this battle because they don’t know the Law (God’s expectation) and they don’t care. But you and I do know what God expects from us, and we know just as well that we can’t possible live up to His expectations.

That’s where grace comes in! That’s why God sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross, that whoever believes on Him should have all of his or her sins (past, present, and future) forgiven and receive everlasting life. And, God gladly did this because He loves you!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 6:23 – The Free Gift

Romans 6:23

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Truth to Learn

God offers all of us a free gift of inestimable value.

Behind the Words

The Greek word translated “wages” is opsonia, which is the plural form of opsonion. This word is a compound word made up of opson, which means “meat” and a form of oneomai, which means “to buy.” According to The Complete Word Study Dictionary, “It primarily signifies whatever is bought to be eaten with bread, provisions, or supplies from a soldier’s pay. Metaphorically, it means general wages, recompense.” It is what a soldier has earned for being a soldier.

Gift” is translated from charisma, which means “a gift of grace or an undeserved benefit.” In the New Testament, this word is only used in reference to an undeserved gift or favor from God.

The Greek for the gift that God gives us is, dzoe aionios. Dzoe is the word for “life” and aionios means “belonging to the continuance of time.” In other words, it means “perpetual, everlasting, or eternal.

Meaning Explained

This verse is one of the pinnacles of Paul’s teaching in the Book of Romans. It is the second step in what has been called “The Romans Road,” the road to salvation. The first is found in Romans 3:23:

for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

Now, after having talked at length about the fact that we used to be slaves to sin, Paul has just taught us that we are now the slaves of God. We learned that when we were slaves to sin, we were dead (separated from God).

In this verse Paul tells us why we were dead when we were the slaves to sin. He says:

For the wages of sin is death,

Paul is saying that death is what we earned for our sin (and we worked hard for it!). But, Paul says, God does not pay us what we have earned if we have received His gracious gift through faith in the blood of Jesus Christ. Instead of giving us what we deserve (what we’ve earned), God gives us a free gift that we don’t deserve (and didn’t earn).

If you stop to think about it, there is no greater gift that God could possibly give to us than an eternal existence with Him. The one constant in this earthly existence is the fact that we all will die physically some day and we will be separated from our earthly body. But because of this marvelous gift that God has given us, we will continue our existence in His presence in a heavenly body. We will join with all of our loved ones who have likewise received God’s gift, and together we will glorify God for eternity.


God offers a free gift to all who will believe and that gift is eternal life! Wow!

Do you believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay the price for your sins? I certainly hope so!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 6:10 – Identity Crisis?

Romans 6:10

For the death that He died, He died to sin once for all; but the life that He lives, He lives to God.

Truth to Learn

We have identified ourselves with Jesus Christ in His death to sin. We should also identify ourselves with Him in living for God.

Behind the Words

The word translated “once for all” is ephapax, which means “once and only once. Though the translation above seems to indicate that Christ died once for everyone, it really says that He died once for all of time and eternity.

Meaning Explained

Paul makes a couple of key points in this verse that we all need to learn. The first is contained in the expression, “For the death that He died, He died to sin. Paul is explaining the meaning and purpose for Christ’s death. The purpose of His death is that he died to sin. That is, he died paying the penalty for sin so that sin should no longer have dominion over any of us. His death paid for all our sins so, even though sin used to be our slave master, that bond has been destroyed and we are now free from the dominion of sin.

But his death means more than just that we are freed from sin. Paul says that He died once and only once. In other words, He will never have to die again because the sin penalty has been taken care of forever by His onetime death. Since the sin penalty has been taken care of once and for all, we will never have to die after we leave these mortal bodies. We will have to die physically (unless we are raptured) in order to shed these mortal bodies, but we will never have to die spiritually because our sins have been completely paid for.

Remember that death means separation, so we will never again be separated from God – for all eternity. This is not true for those who will be cast into the Lake of Fire. They will be eternally separated from God. That, in fact, is one of the worst torments that they will face in Hell, being eternally separated from God (eternally dead!).

The second half of this verse now tells us what’s on the other side of the coin. Since Jesus Christ will never die again, He lives with respect to God the Father who raised Him from the dead. That is, His life is a testimony to the power of God the Father. Likewise, we who have had our sin penalty paid once and for all (which, incidentally, becomes a problem for those who think they can lose their salvation since it was taken care of once for all time, not just until the next big sin). We now owe this eternal life that we possess to the one who paid our penalty for us.

Paul’s point is that when we were baptized we were identifying with Christ’s death, which He died to sin. And our baptism also identifies us with His life which we should now live to God.

We are indebted to Christ for paying our penalty and we are indebted to God the Father for graciously declaring us righteous. In gratitude and in debt we should now be living our life for God and not for ourselves.


Now that you have identified yourself with Christ in dying to sin, are you being identified with Him in the way you live? Or, put another way, whom are you living your life for now? And, how thankful are you for the eternal life that you now possess?

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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