Tag: ploutos

Romans 11:12 – How Rich We Are!

Romans 11:12 – How Rich We Are!

Now if their fall is riches for the world, and their failure riches for the Gentiles, how much more their fullness!

Truth to Learn

Because of the failure of the Jews to listen to and follow God, the offer of salvation has come to the Gentiles.

Behind the Words

The Greek word translated “fall” is paraptoma, which we saw in the previous verse, meaning “to fall by the wayside.”

Riches” is translated from ploutos, which refers to “riches or wealth, either in money or possessions.”

The word translated “failure” is the Greek word hēttēma, which refers to “a state that is worse than the former state.” Therefore it could easily be translated as “loss or failure.” Paul is saying, that which the Jews lost has become riches for the Gentiles.

Fullness” is from the Greek word plērōma, which is from the verb plēroō, meaning “to fill completely.” Hence, we see that plērōma refers to the condition of being completely filled up. Here it probably refers to the fullness of the remnant of the Jews to be saved in the last days before the return of Christ.

Meaning Explained

In the previous verse we talked about how the stumbling of the Jews resulted in the gospel message being sent to the Gentiles. This is the picture that Jesus portrayed in Matthew 22:1-10 where he told the parable of the wedding. Those who were invited by the king did not care to come, so he sent his army to destroy them and invited the strangers from all parts to come to the wedding. That is precisely what happened to the Jews. They refused to come to the Messiah, so God invited the Gentiles to partake of the riches of His grace.

In the previous verse Paul said that it was their “falling by the wayside” that resulted in salvation coming to the Gentiles. He uses the same word in this verse indicating that it has produced riches (the riches of salvation) for the world. It is because the Jews stumbled and fell by the wayside that the Gentiles have received the riches of God’s blessing, that is, salvation and the righteousness of God. He then follows this up with the expression, “and their failure riches for the Gentiles.”

But then Paul turns this around. He says that if the stumbling and loss of the Jews resulted in blessing to the Gentiles, how much more so will their fullness be. In other words, Paul is projecting to a future time when the remnant of Israel will believe. With the zeal and ardor that the Jews possess, as well as their mastery of the Old Testament and their knowledge of God, imagine how they will spread the message!

Oh, that we in the Church had the zeal and tenacity that the Jews have always had. That, coupled with the truth of the gospel, could produce a wildfire of revival!


We Christians take our salvation too lightly. We forget that the combined riches of the whole world cannot even come close to the price of eternal blessing in the presence of Almighty God. It is a priceless treasure that has been given to us, not because we deserve it in any way, but because God chose to give it to us. But the church today is beginning to resemble the Jews of Jesus’ time. We have become complacent and have placed greater value in following the rules and traditions of our denominations than in following and being obedient to Christ. Who do you resemble, your church or your Savior?

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 9:23 – Undeserved Glory

Romans 9:23 – Undeserved Glory

and that He might make known the riches of His glory on the vessels of mercy, which He had prepared beforehand for glory,

Truth to Learn

God chose some to know the glory of heaven for eternity.

Behind the Words

Riches” is from the Greek word ploutos which refers to “fullness or abundance.” It is often associated with possessions or money and is thus often translated as “wealth” or “riches.”

The expression “had prepared beforehand” is translated from the Greek word proetoimadzō, which is composed of pro, meaning “before, in time or place” and hetoimadzō, meaning “to prepare” or “to make ready.” Hence, proetoimadzō means “to prepare beforehand” or “to predestine.” It is expressed here in the aorist tense, indicating action that was done at a point in time in the past (a single action, not a process).

Meaning Explained

In the previous verse we talked about one class of people, namely those who are sinners whom God has prepared for damnation. In the current verse Paul talks about the other class of people. This class of people also includes sinful people but God has chosen them and has declared them to be righteous.

According to Paul, the reason that God did this is so that He might make known “the riches of His glory.” This is a Hebrew expression meaning the abundance or fullness of His glory. But what does this term “glory” refer to? It often refers to the glorious manifestation of his presence (called the shekina glory). This use of the word, however, refers to the eternal state in the presence of Almighty God. This eternal state blends together everything that constitutes honor, dignity, purity, love, and happiness. All these attributes are in various places attached to the word “glory,” and all mingle in the eternal state of the righteous.

In the previous verse we noted that the “vessels of wrath” were “prepared for destruction.” The word “prepared” is translated from a form of the Greek word katartidzō, which means “to establish, arrange, or prepare.” In the current verse Paul says that the “vessels of mercy” (the saved elect) were “prepared beforehand for glory.” So we see that the Potter prepared the vessels of wrath for the damnation that they will receive as a result of God’s righteous judgment, but the vessels of mercy were prepared beforehand (before time) to be recipients of His gracious gift of salvation. The opening verses of Ephesians also speak of this preparation before time began:

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, (Ephesians 1:3-5)

That should be enough to make any born again Christian fall to his or her knees and thank our heavenly Father for choosing us and granting us His salvation, not because we deserved it or earned it, but because He chose to do it!


Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul. Thank you for choosing me in spite of the fact that I am an undeserving sinner. I don’t know why you chose me of all people, but I praise you for it! You deserve all the praise and all the glory!

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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