Tag: awake

Romans 13:11 – Wake Up!

Also this, knowing the time, that the hour has come for you to awake out of sleep, for our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.

Truth to Learn

It’s time for all Christians to wake up and get busy for God.


Behind the Words

The word “knowing” is from the Greek word eidō, which refers to perception and is translated as either “to know” or “to see (to understand a truth).”

The word “time” is from kairos. There really is no English equivalent to this word which refers to “a period of opportunity” or “a season.”

“Hour” is from the Greek word hōra, which refers to “an hour” as a specific period or point in time.

The word “awake” is from egeirō, meaning “to rise up from sleep.” And the word translated “sleep” is a form of hupnos or hypnos, which literally refers to “sleep” but is used here figuratively referring to “spiritual stupor or dullness.”

“Nearer” is from the Greek word enguteron, which is the comparative of engus, meaning “near in position or time.”


Meaning Explained

Paul started off this chapter talking about the necessity of our submission to those who are in authority over us. This, he says, includes the payment of taxes to the taxing authorities and giving honor, paying the proper respect, to all authorities. He then segued into his next point of paying the debt of love to our fellow humans. One of the reasons for us loving our neighbors is the fact that it is what the second table of the Law is all about. It is how God expects us to behave toward others.

Another reason for us to treat those in authority over us with respect and for us to show true love to those around us is the fact that it is high time for us to be doing these things. As Christians, we have the obligation to be a witness to the unsaved by being Christ-like. We need to show forth the qualities that make us different from the rest of the world. When we were unsaved, we were walking around in the same hypnotized stupor as the rest of the world. Now that we have been illuminated by the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, it is time for us to wake up from this sleepiness.

We have the Holy Spirit living in us, who will teach us all things with a spiritual discernment that the unsaved are incapable of. It’s as if we have been injected with a powerful form of spiritual caffeine, and it is now time for us to wake-up and get to work out of gratitude for what He has done.

At the end of this verse Paul refers to our salvation being nearer than when we first believed. Most Christians think of salvation as occurring at the point in time when we first believed God’s message and accepted the blood of Christ as payment for our sins. In God’s record book we are already saved, but the consummation of that salvation will not occur until the return of Christ, when he raptures His church.



The return of Christ could literally be any day now. Time is running out and we need to be busy for Him who bought us. In other words, what Paul is saying is:

Wake up, Christian!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 13:11 – Wake Up!

Romans 13:11 – Wake Up!

And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.

Truth to Learn

It’s time for all Christians to wake up and get busy for God.

Behind the Words

The word “knowing” is from the Greek word eidō, which refers to perception and is translated as either “to know” or “to see (to understand a truth).”

Time” appears twice in this verse, but from two different Greek words. The first occurrence of “time” is from kairos. There really is no English equivalent to this word which refers to “a period of opportunity” or “a season.” The second occurrence of “time” is from the Greek word hōra, which refers to “an hour” as a specific period or point in time.

The word “awake” is from egeirō, meaning “to rise up from sleep.” And the word translated “sleep” is a form of hupnos or hypnos, which literally refers to “sleep” but is used here figuratively referring to “spiritual stupor or dullness.”

Nearer” is from the Greek word enguteron, which is the comparative of engus, meaning “near in position or time.”

Meaning Explained

Paul started off this chapter talking about the necessity of our submission to those who are in authority over us. This, he says, includes the payment of taxes to the taxing authorities and giving honor, paying the proper respect, to all authorities. He then segued into his next point of paying the debt of love to our fellow humans. One of the reasons for us loving our neighbors is the fact that it is what the second table of the Law is all about. It is how God expects us to behave toward others.

Another reason for us to treat those in authority over us with respect and for us to show true love to those around us is the fact that it is high time for us to be doing these things. As a Christian we have the obligation to be a witness to the unsaved by being Christ-like. We need to show forth the qualities that make us different from the rest of the world. When we were unsaved, we were walking around in the same hypnotized stupor as the rest of the world. Now that we have been illuminated by the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, it is time for us to wake up from this sleepiness.

We have the Holy Spirit living in us, who will teach us all things with a spiritual discernment that the unsaved are incapable of. It’s as if we have been injected with a powerful form is spiritual caffeine, and it is now time for us to wake-up and get to work out of gratitude for what He has done.

At the end of this verse Paul refers to our salvation being nearer than when we first believed. Most Christians think of salvation as occurring at the point in time when we first believed God’s message and accepted the blood of Christ as payment for our sins. In God’s record book we are already saved, but the consummation of that salvation will not occur until the return of Christ, when he raptures His church.


The return of Christ could literally be any day now. Time is running out and we need to be busy for Him who bought us. In other words, what Paul is saying is:

Wake up, Christian!

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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2 Peter 1:13 – Late Life Refresher

2 Peter 1:13

I think it is right to refresh your memory as long as I live in the tent of this body,

Truth to Learn

We need to keep encouraging each other to stay the course because we haven’t much time left.

Behind the Words

I think” is translated from hēgeomai, which is a form of ago, meaning “to lead.” Metaphorically, this word refers to “leading out with the mind.” Therefore, it is interpreted as, “to esteem, consider, regard, or reckon.”

The word “right” comes from the Greek word dikaion, which refers to that which is “proper, right, or appropriate”

The word translated “refresh” is diegeirō, which means “to arouse, to wake up fully, or to stir up.”

Meaning Explained

Peter is aware that he is being rather forceful in his admonition to us all regarding the necessity of Christian growth and maturity. He has used very strong words to urge us on in this regard, but he is not apologetic regarding his words. He says that it is right for him to do this. He believes that he has a responsibility to be constantly reminding us all that we need to be continually working on becoming more mature in our Christian experience.

Specifically, Peter feels that he is obliged to stir up our memory. We all have a tendency to get lazy and careless regarding our walk with the Lord, and Peter feels compelled, as we all should, to grab us by the shoulder and wake us up. He does so by reminding us of those things that we already know. Anyone who has ever studied a foreign language knows how critical it is to constantly review the basic principles until they become second nature. Only after we know the basics without thinking about them can we continue on to the next level with confidence.

Peter also knows that his time on this earth is coming to an end, and he feels a necessity to do as much as he can in the time he has left. When we are young, we have our whole lives ahead of us, and there is not much of a sense of urgency to do what we know we should be doing. As we get older, we realize that time is passing us by, and time that has passed cannot be made up. As we recognize God’s calling on our life and realize how much He has done for us, we feel more compelled to work hard for Him in the things He expects from us. As the end of life approaches, we become acutely aware that this life is transient, and only what is done for God has any real lasting value.

That’s where Peter is right now. He wants to make the most of his remaining days by constantly reminding us to work hard for the One who has given His life for us.


Let our ears not be deaf!

Let our minds not be cloudy!

Let us not be caught asleep on the watch!

Rather, let us purpose in our hearts to wake up and work diligently, for the time is fleeting, our life is short, and He is coming soon!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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