Tag: cataclysm

2 Peter 3:6 – Watery Destruction

2 Peter 3:6

By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed.

Truth to Learn

God said there was a worldwide flood; therefore, there was a worldwide flood, no matter what today’s scientists claim.

Behind the Words

The word translated “deluged” is katakludzō, from which we get our English word cataclysm. This is a compound word made up of kata, meaning “down” used here as an intensifier and kludzō, meaning “to surge over like a wave of the sea.” Hence, katakludzō refers to “total inundation by water.”

Destroyed” is translated from the Greek word apollumi. This is another compound word made up of apo, meaning “off” or “away” but used here as an intensifier and a form of olethros, meaning “ruin” or “destruction.” Hence apollumi refers to “complete ruin” or “absolute destruction.” The word is expressed here in the middle voice indicating action done by the subject (the world) to itself. The end of this verse could be translated, “the world of that time destroyed itself being inundated with water.

Meaning Explained

Today’s verse validates what we said yesterday regarding the meaning of the phrase, “and the earth was formed out of water and by water.” Not only did the word of God form the earth from the midst of water, but the word of God also condemned the antediluvian inhabitants of the world with a worldwide flood, saving only Noah and his family.

The scoffers that Peter is talking about (like the humanists of today) claimed that things had always been just as they are now. It’s a scientific principle called uniformitarianism, which states that the same scientific laws and principles that apply today have always applied and always will. Therefore, there could not have been a sudden cataclysmic whole earth flood because there isn’t enough water in the world today to cover all the existing mountains. They refuse to accept the fact that the high mountains of today could have been formed in the five or six thousand years since the flood because that would violate uniformitarianism.

Incidentally, it is these same scientists who claim that we have evolved from apes, even though in recorded history there is no observable example of any species evolving into another species – none, zip, zero, nada! Not to mention that even evolution violates their precious second law of thermodynamics which states that everything moves from a state of order to a state of disorder, from a higher energy level to a lower energy level. But the secular, God denying scientists of today conveniently ignore these facts.

There are many today who are scoffing at Christians, especially at those of us who hold a literal interpretation of the Bible. But we shouldn’t be surprised by this because the “world has always been that way” (tongue in cheek).


Let us not be dissuaded by their big words and well orchestrated arguments. Let us, instead, hold fast to the Word of God. Let us not waiver. Let us carry the banner, that is, the message of salvation by grace through faith in the crucified Christ, even in the face of scoffers and mockers!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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