Tag: chastening

1 Peter 4:17 – Fatherly Chastening

1 Peter 4:17

For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?

Truth to Learn

As His child, God will chasten you because He loves you.

Behind the Words

The word translated “house” is oikos, which literally means “a dwelling place.” However, in the Old Testament and the New Testament alike the word for house is often used to refer to the family. An example of this is when God spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai:

And Moses went up to God, and Jehovah called to him out of the mountain, saying, You shall say to the house of Jacob, and tell the sons of Israel: (Exodus 19:3)

Moses was not being commanded to speak to a building, but to the family of Jacob.

Meaning Explained

Much has been written from varying viewpoints on the meaning of today’s verse. Some have said that this refers to God’s method of dealing with His people (the Jews) in times past. Though His judgment was on the entire body of people, He seems to have always started by judging the more righteous first before proceeding to the less righteous and then the wicked. Others have argued that the term “house of God” refers specifically to the Temple in Jerusalem and that Peter was predicting the destruction of the temple which was soon to come.

But Peter says that judgement begins “with us,” which is a reference to Christians, not Jews. Therefore, it is more reasonable that Peter is telling us that Christians, as God’s children, will be judged first. That is, we will receive chastisement from the Him when we get off track and stray from His way.

“But,” you may say, “I thought that our sins were already judged and paid for at the cross.” It is true that all of our sins have been paid for, past, present, and future. In fact, it is only because of this that God can now deal with us as children rather than sinners. When we sin, we do not lose our salvation, but we do break our fellowship with Him. Confession is what restores that fellowship. Sometimes, though, we lie to ourselves regarding our sinfulness and, as a result, don’t confess our sins. At times like this God often steps in and judges (chastens) us like a loving father. We need to learn to recognize God’s chastening and respond to it with humility, submission, and confession.

In today’s verse Peter goes on to say that if the judgment begins with those who have obeyed the gospel message, and we receive chastening as from a father, what will it be like for those who have rejected the gospel message?


God has a place of final judgment (the lake of fire) for all who reject the truth about Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, then you need not fear the Lake of Fire. However, as His child, your Heavenly Father will allow times of trial in your life to strengthen your faith and test your submission to Him. Is your time of trial right now God’s chastening? If so, get on your knees and deal with it, giving God the glory!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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