Tag: eager

Romans 15:20 – Singular Ambition

And so I am eager to preach the gospel, where Christ was not named, lest I should build on another man's foundation,

Truth to Learn

All Christians are called and gifted to build the body of Christ.


Behind the Words

The expression “I am eager” is translated from the Greek verb philotimeomai. This word is made up of philos, meaning “a friend,” (expressing the fondness between good friends) and a form of time, meaning “honor.” Thus, we see this word literally means “a love or fondness of honor.” By application, it means “to make something an ambition” or “to aspire to something.” It is expressed here as a present participle so it might literally be translated, “making it my ambition.”

The words “preach the gospel” are from the Greek verb euangelidzō, which is made up of eu, meaning “good” or “well” and a form of angellō, meaning “to tell or to proclaim.” It means “to proclaim the gospel” or “to evangelize.”

“Build” is from oikodomeō, which literally means “to build a house.” The particular house that Paul is building is the body of Christ, the temple of the Holy Spirit.


Meaning Explained

It is clear from this verse that Paul was absolutely certain of the calling he had from God. As the apostle to the Gentiles, Paul was called to evangelize among the heathen who had not yet heard the gospel message. He said in the previous verse that he had fully preached the gospel from Jerusalem all the way around to Illyricum. And in the verse before that, he would take no credit for the work that that the Spirit had done through others. He now explains why.

Paul says, “And so I am eager to preach the gospel.” In other words, Paul was singularly focused on preaching the gospel, making it his greatest ambition. From the moment of his conversion he recognized God’s calling in his life, thus his ambition from that time was to proclaim the good message, or good news, about salvation through Jesus Christ.

And, he says that his ambition was to preach the good news to people who had never heard the name of Jesus Christ. His reason for doing this was because he was not called to build upon someone else’s work. God called Paul to proclaim Christ to those who had never heard the gospel and that is precisely what he wanted to do.

God has not called us all to this type of ministry. There are many different spiritual gifts that God has given to the members of the church through the Holy Spirit, and we each have a calling that is empowered by the gifts He has given us. God does not expect us all to travel to foreign lands and proclaim the gospel to those who have never heard it. Some, like Paul, are called to do that but others are specifically called to teach, to encourage, to be a helper, or to give generously from what God has blessed us with. However, we are all called to share our testimony with those around us, and we are all called to give of ourselves, our time, and our money. Where and how we do this depends on what God has called us to do and on how obedient we are willing to be.



Do you know what God has called you to do within the body of Christ? Are you making it your singular ambition to know what that calling is and to fulfill it for God’s glory?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Peter 3:13 – Zealous Followers

And who is he who harms you if you are eager to do good?

Truth to Learn

The real lesson for today is, let us live our lives as examples of the goodness of God, knowing that He is watching over us. In doing so, we can truly give God the glory for anything that happens to us knowing that our future is secure!


Behind the Words

The King James translation of today’s verse is: “And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good?” The word translated “followers” is mimētai, from which we get our English word “mimic.” It means “someone who is an imitator or follower.”

The New International translation of this verse is: “Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good?” The word translated “eager” is dzēlōtai, from which we get our English word “zealous.” This is what is called a transliteration, a word that is transferred literally from one language to another. It means “ardently active, devoted, or diligent.”

The only difference in the Greek text for these two translations of today’s verse is this one word. But, no matter which translation you prefer, the meaning is essentially the same.

The verb translated “harm” comes from the Greek kakuō. Sound familiar? It comes from the same root as a word we looked at in verse eleven, the word kakos, which means general badness or evil.


Meaning Explained

Peter is saying that if you are zealous about doing good (or if you are followers of doing good), who is there that will harm you for this?

The answer to this question in not “no one!” (Excuse the double negative.) That is, Peter is not saying nothing bad (as we see it) will ever happen to those who are benevolent and keep their tongue under control. What he said in the previous verse is that God will watch over and listen to those who live their life in such a manner. God is a good God, one who truly loves us. Peter is telling us that since God is watching over us when we are zealous for good or when we follow goodness, who can really do anything bad to us without God allowing it for His eternal purpose.

Let us look at Christ as our supreme example. He surely was zealous for good, He was the epitome of goodness, and yet, at least from a human perspective, bad things were done to Him. These bad things, however, resulted in glorious goodness for all who believe, so they weren’t really bad in God’s eyes.

The other way to look at this is to realize that we already have been declared righteous in God’s book (if we have truly been saved). And, we have already been adopted into His family, which includes the promise of spending eternity with Him in heaven. Therefore, if we behave the way His children should, there is no permanent badness that can be done to us!



Are you a follower of what is good? Are you zealous to do good things? If not, then you are not behaving like a child of God. If you are, no real eternal harm can possible happen to you. You’re in good hands!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved