Tag: epiginosko

Romans 10:2 – Zeal for God

For I testify to them that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge.

Truth to Learn

Zeal and devotion are good if they are not misplaced.


Behind the Words

Paul starts off this verse with “For I testify to them.” This is translated from the Greek words marturō gar. The Greek word gar is a primary particle which assigns a reason. Hence it is usually translated as “for.” This particular word is always post positive; that is, it always appears after the word to which it applies. The Greek word marturō is the word from which we get our English word martyr. It means “to be a witness.

“Zeal” is from the Greek word dzēlos, which literally refers to “heat.” Figuratively, it is a reference to the heat of a person’s passion. Thus it is often translated as “zeal.”

The word translated “knowledge” is epiginōskō, which is made up of epi, meaning “on or upon” and ginōskō, which means “to know, to perceive, or to be aware of.” Hence epiginōskō literally means “to know upon.” That is, to perceive and understand based on the facts.


Meaning Explained

Paul is now declaring the reason why he is desirous of seeing all of Israel saved, while at the same time declaring the reason why they aren’t all saved. He tells us, “For I am a witness of the fact that they (his fellow Jews) have a zeal for God.” His witness is driven by the fact that not only was he that way himself, but he has personally known many devout Jews who were earnestly seeking after God and His righteousness.

The problem, according to Paul, is that they have been seeking after the righteousness of God in the wrong way. It hasn’t been “according to knowledge,” he says; that is to say, they haven’t recognized or understood the proper way to attain God’s righteousness because they didn’t understand the proper way.

As part of his calling from God, Paul is declaring the facts of salvation through the Messiah, Jesus Christ. He wants them to have knowledge of their Savior so that they might accept the truth and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul knows that many of his fellow Jews are ignorant of the truth. Because of that ignorance, even though they are very passionate about God and His righteousness, they are going about it all wrong.



There are many who call themselves Christian today who are very passionate about God. But instead of seeking God through faith, they are trying to earn His favor. Some would call them devout, but their devotion is to their church or to living up to some set of standards. Some of them even believe that they can reach a point of sanctification in which they no longer sin. That, however, is a works oriented religion; it is not walking by faith.

Being zealous is a good thing. Being devoted to a good cause or to a church is wonderful. But it’s not the way of salvation. Salvation only comes through faith in the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. Only through living by faith can we please the One who is our Heavenly Father. And we can only live by faith if we have knowledge of the truth. That’s why it is so important that we study the Bible!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 1:32 – Rejection Fellowship

who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those practicing such things are worthy of death, not only do them but also approve of those who practice them.

Truth to Learn

Those who reject God are comfortable with others who feel the same way.


Behind the Words

“Knowing” is translated from the Greek word epiginōskō. It is made up of epi, meaning “upon or over” and ginoskō, meaning “knowledge.” Hence it is more than mere knowledge about something, it is knowing upon something. In other words, recognizing or realizing the truth about something.

The words, “righteous judgment” are a translation of dikaiōma, which roughly means, “a righteousness proclamation.”

The word translated “practicing” is a form of prassō, meaning “to perform an action continually, repeatedly, or habitually.”

The words “approve of” are from the Greek word suneudokeō, a compound word made up of sun, meaning “together,” eu, meaning “good” or “well” and dokeō, meaning “to think.” So we see that suneudokeō means, “to jointly think well with others “or “to take pleasure along with others.”


Meaning Explained

Paul now gives a final word of condemnation concerning those who deny God. He says that those who reject Him are not only filled with all kinds of sinfulness, but they also know better. Paul says they know the righteous judgment of God. That is, they recognize, or realize, that God has already proclaimed something to be true.

And that something is explained in the next phrase, “that those practicing such things are worthy of death. “ These God haters know that those who do the things they are doing (not just occasionally, but repeatedly) are guilty of sins that are worthy of death in God’s mind.

But Paul doesn’t stop there. He says that these people not only do these things themselves, but they take pleasure in others who do the same. So what Paul is telling us is, not only do these people realize what God thinks of the things they are doing habitually (that such sins are worthy of death), but they feel gratified with others who practice such things as well. In other words, they feel camaraderie with other sinners who are doing the same things.

The interesting thing is that when these people are in the presence of someone living a life submitted to God, they don’t feel camaraderie, they feel conviction! They don’t want the light of God shining on their darkness. This is precisely what our Lord said regarding those who reject Him:

This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their works were evil. (John 3:19)

When we witness (either by word or by deed) to those who are sold out to sin, it convicts them and they don’t like it (or us).



Now let me ask you a question, “When you are in the presence of people whom you know are living in defiance of God, do they welcome you, or do they want you to leave?”

Think about it!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 10:2 – Zeal for God

Romans 10:2 – Zeal for God

For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge.

Truth to Learn

Zeal and devotion are good if they are not misplaced.

Behind the Words

Paul starts off this verse with “For I bear them witness.” This is translated from the Greek words marturō gar. The Greek word gar is a primary particle which assigns a reason. Hence it is usually translated as “for.” This particular word is always post positive; that is, it always appears after the word to which it applies. The Greek word marturō is the word from which we get our English word martyr. It means “to be a witness.

Zeal” is from the Greek word dzēlos, which literally refers to “heat.” Figuratively, it is a reference to the heat of a person’s passion. Thus it is often translated as “zeal.”

The word translated “knowledge” is epiginōskō, which is made up of epi, meaning “on or upon” and ginōskō, which means “to know, to perceive, or to be aware of.” Hence epiginōskō literally means “to know upon.” That is, to perceive and understand based on the facts.

Meaning Explained

Paul is now declaring the reason why he is desirous of seeing all of Israel saved, while at the same time declaring the reason why they aren’t all saved. He tells us, “For I am a witness of the fact that they (his fellow Jews) have a zeal for God.” His witness is driven by the fact that not only was he that way himself, but he has personally known many devout Jews who were earnestly seeking after God and His righteousness.

The problem, according to Paul, is that they have been seeking after the righteousness of God in the wrong way. It hasn’t been “according to knowledge,” he says; that is to say, they haven’t recognized or understood the proper way to attain God’s righteousness because they didn’t understand the proper way.

As part of his calling from God, Paul is declaring the facts of salvation through the Messiah, Jesus Christ. He wants them to have knowledge of their Savior so that they might accept the truth and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul knows that many of his fellow Jews are ignorant of the truth. Because of that ignorance, even though they are very passionate about God and His righteousness, they are going about it all wrong.


There are many who call themselves Christian today who are very passionate about God. But instead of seeking God through faith, they are trying to earn His favor. Some would call them devout, but their devotion is to their church or to living up to some set of standards. Some of them even believe that they can reach a point of sanctification in which they no longer sin. That, however, is a works oriented religion; it is not walking by faith.

Being zealous is a good thing. Being devoted to a good cause or to a church is wonderful. But it’s not the way of salvation. Salvation only comes through faith in the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. Only through living by faith can we please the One who is our Heavenly Father. And we can only live by faith if we have knowledge of the truth. That’s why it is so important that we study the Bible!

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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