Tag: Father of lights

James 1:17 – God’s Perfect Gift

Every good act of giving and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.

Truth to Learn

God cannot be the source of our temptation because He only gives what is good.

Behind the Words

There are two different nouns translated “gift” (or “act of giving”) in this verse. “Act of giving” is translated from the noun dosis which refers to “the act of giving.” “Gift” is translated from the noun dōrēma referring to “the gift itself.”

“Father of lights” is a representation of God as the one from whom lights originate. According to the Apostle John, “God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.” (1John 1:9) But this is not James’ point. The reference to lights (plural) is an apparent reference to the heavenly bodies, the sun, the moon, and the stars. God is the one who gave light to these heavenly bodies. He is the creator and father of these lights.

The word “variation” is from the Greek word parallagē which means “to change alternately from one condition to another” or “to change successively through a series of stages.” This is most likely a reference to the changing of the path of the sun from one season to the next or to the moon from one full moon to the next.

The expression “shadow of turning” is also an allusion to heavenly light. It refers to the turning of a shadow from one part of the day to the next. A shadow changes both in position and intensity as the sun moves through the sky.

Meaning Explained

James is telling us that every good act of giving and every gift in its totality have their source in God. There is nothing good that you receive which does not ultimately come from God. James calls Him the Father of lights, which refers not only to physical lights in the skies, but metaphorically to spiritual light as well.

In the very beginning of creation God said, “light exist!” and light existed. He was declaring Himself present in His new creation. He is the originator, the Father of all light. Not only is He the source and substance of all light, but with Him there is no change or even variation and no moving shadow because He stays the same. That is, He is the same invariable light in all directions and at all times.

God illuminates things, He does not hide them, and He does not change from one moment to the next, from one month to the next, from one season to the next, from the beginning of creation to the end of time, God does not change! Halleluiah!

James is teaching some very profound truths about Jehovah God, here. Not only is He the source of all good, and the very existence of all light, but we can count on Him always being the same and always dealing the same with us. So, no matter what trial or temptation we are facing; no matter whether we resist the temptation or succumb to it, God’s love and His light are unchanged. And, God has not caused the temptation because that would not be in keeping with His character. God gives all good things and God does not change!


Are you in the middle of a trial? Remember that God loves you unconditionally and unceasingly. You can be sure of His love in every situation and at all times!

In God's service, for His glory,

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