Tag: following

2 Peter 2:15 – The Straight Path

having forsaken the true way, they went astray following the way of Balaam son of Beor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness.

Truth to Learn

Follow the path God leads you on no matter how much fame and fortune are promised you.


Behind the Words

The words “having forsaken” are translated from planaō, meaning “to roam, to go astray, to leave the right way.”

“Following” is the translation of the Greek word exakoloutheō, a compound word made up of ex, used here as an intensifier, and akoloutheō, meaning “to accompany or to follow.” Hence this word means “to intensely follow” or “to imitate.”


Meaning Explained

In the close of the last verse and the first part of this verse, Peter said that these false teachers are “accursed children who have left the true way and went astray.”  The way of righteousness in our traversing this world is often portrayed as walking down a path. We all have the option of following the straight path (true path) or of blazing our own path apart from the road God wants us to travel. These false teachers have gone one step farther. Not only have they left the path God has for them, but they have led others off the right way unto their own path. Though it may seem like a better way, it never works out so.

Instead, Peter says, these teachers have followed “the path of Balaam the son of Beor.” Let’s look at this prophet of the Old Testament and see what he did. This event occurred just as the children of Israel were about to enter into the Promised Land. You can read about it in Numbers 22:1-24:25. The Israelites were in the land of the Moabites just across the Jordan River from Jericho. Balak, the king of Moab, was afraid of the Israelites and called for Balaam to come and curse the Israelites so that the Moabites could attack them and destroy them.

Initially Balaam refused to come because Jehovah had instructed him that these were “blessed” people and they were not to be cursed. When Balak heard that Balaam refused to come, he offered Balaam great wealth and great honor if he would curse the people of Israel. Balaam then agreed to go with them knowing full well that God had forbidden him from cursing the Israelites.

Balaam was more persuaded by wealth and honor than he was by direct revelation from God himself. He was willing to “go along” with the evil doers even though he knew it to be wrong. It appears that Balaam’s intention was to not curse the Israelites, but he went along anyway because of his fleshly desire for fame and fortune.

There is a very real warning contained in this event. Do not stray from the path that God has laid out for you no matter what the price. Do not let the allurement of fame and fortune turn you from the straight way. Not only will the riches not satisfy you, but you will find that you are acting in direct opposition to God, and He will not bless your actions.



The path of truth does not always appear to be the easiest or even the best, but we can trust God when he gives us direction. Let us learn to be sensitive to the prodding of the Spirit so that we can overcome the allurements of our own sinfulness and obey the One who knows the best path for us!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Peter 1:16 – His Majestic Return

Fore not following cleverly devised fables, we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, having been eyewitnesses of his majesty.

Truth to Learn

Christ’s glorious return is not a wishful, made-up story. It is a promise from Christ himself, attested to by angels.


Behind the Words

“Following” is from the Greek word exakoloutheō, which is a compound word made up of ek, meaning “out” but used here as an intensifier and akoloutheō, meaning “to follow.” This word has the meaning of “to follow carefully, to pursue, or to precisely copy.”

The words “cleverly devised” come from a form of the Greek word sophidzō, meaning “to make wise” or “to devise skillfully.” It refers to something that is carefully crafted with the skill of a wise master craftsman.

The word “fables” is translated from muthos, from which we get our English word myth. This Greek word means, “that which is fabricated by the mind in contrast to reality.”

“Power” is translated from dunamis, from which we get our English word dynamite. Although our English word “power” implies strength in action, this Greek word literally means “possessing great ability.”

The word translated “majesty” is megaleiotēs, which is based on the word megas, meaning “great” or “big.” In this form it means “greatness.”


Meaning Explained

One of the foundational truths, characteristic of Peter’s ministry, is the fact that Jesus Christ will return soon. This is a doctrine that was preached by all the apostles and is one that was ridiculed by detractors of Christianity from the very beginning. In response to this opposition and by way of emphasizing the points he has been making since the beginning of this letter, Peter now offers evidence of why he believes so strongly that Christ will, indeed, return again soon.

He opens this verse saying that he and the others have not been carefully following cleverly crafted stories, or myths. That is, the stories of Christ’s resurrection and His coming again are not made-up at all. Peter’s belief in Christ’s return is based on personal experience (he saw Jesus’ glory) and the promise from our Savior that He would return.

Peter says that they did not make up these stories; instead, he says that “they had been eyewitnesses ….” He is referring to the time when he actually experienced the majesty of Jesus Christ when He was transformed before him on the mountain top.

Because Peter had personally experienced this event, the majesty and glorious splendor of the Savior, he was absolutely convinced of Christ’s promised return. He tells us that this return will not simply be a casual experience any more than the one that he witnessed. Peter refers to it as, “the power and coming or our Lord.” In fact, Christ’s return will be with such a demonstration of power that no one will be able to deny it.



Do you believe Christ’s return will be soon? Will you be ready when He does? Are you ready right now?

It could be today!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved