Tag: gave them up

Romans 1:26 – Disgraceful Passions

Because of this God gave them up to dishonorable passions, for even their females exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.

Truth to Learn

Paul makes it very clear that homosexuality is sinful.


Behind the Words

The phrase “gave them up” is from paredoken, meaning “to give up to” or “to surrender something to.” This is the same word found in verse 24 and verse 28.

“Dishonorable” is from the Greek word atimios, which is made up of the privative a, meaning “not” or “without” and a form of timaō, which means “to give honor.” Hence, atimios means “dishonorable” or “disgraceful.”

The word translated “females” is thēlus. This is the word which is used in expressing a sexual gender distinction from men. The usual word for woman or wife is gunē.

The expression “natural use” is from the Greek words psukikēn krēsin. Psukikēn refers to the natural, or physical, body.  Krēsin is from the verb chraomai, meaning “to use.” Hence, krēsin refers to the use of something. Together, we see these words refer to the natural physical use. Its predominant use is in reference to sexual activities.

The expression “against nature” is from the Greek words para psusin. The word para means “beside, alongside, or against” and psusin means “to bring forth as in child birth.” Hence, these two words refer to that which is “against the natural use for reproduction.”


Meaning Explained

Paul is talking about those who have rejected the evidence of the one true God and have decided to worship and serve the creature rather than the Creator. In verse 24 Paul said because they exchanged the glory of God for idols, God “gave them up” (He surrendered them) to the uncleanness that is in their hearts, driving them to dishonor their bodies between themselves.

Now, because they refuse to acknowledge their creator, God surrendered them to unnatural and disgraceful passions. And what are these disgraceful passions? One of them is, “their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. What Paul is saying is that these women gave up normal sexual intercourse within the confines of marriage for a form of sex that is contrary to that which would produce children.

Paul is saying that these women developed a view of sex that is simply a physical act rather than an expression of deep devotion between a husband and a wife. With this unnatural view of sex, all kinds of perversion become possible to the depraved mind of Godless people. Based on the specific words used here and what Paul says in the verse that follows, it is quite certain that he is referring to female homosexuality.

Paul will get even more graphic, though tastefully so, in the next verse about what the men have done.



God is very clear in this series of verses that homosexuality is wrong. It is sinful! But we need to be careful that we Christians learn to love the sinner even though we hate their sin. Someone engaged in this sinful practice can be saved, but once saved they must reject their sinful ways.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 1:24 – God Gives Up

Through which God also gave them up to impurity, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves,

Truth to Learn

God deals directly and harshly with those who deny Him.


Behind the Words

The expression “gave them up” is translated from the Greek word paredoken, which is a compound word made up of para, meaning “alongside” or “to a place beside” and a form of didomai, which is the verb meaning “to give.” This word means to “give over to someone or somethingor to “surrender something to another.”

“Impurity” is translated from akatharsia, which is a compound of the privative a, meaning “not” and a form of kathairō, meaning “to cleanse, either physically, morally, or spiritually.” In this case Paul is referring to moral uncleanness.


Meaning Explained

Back in verse 21 we said that these people became vain and that their hearts were darkened. We noted at that time that these actions were expressed in the passive voice, indicating that these things were done to them. The previous verses implied that it is God who did these things to them. In today’s verse it is no longer an implication, but a clear statement.

Today’s verse says that because these people have decided to worship idols of created things instead of the creator of all things, God “gave them up.” And what did God give them up to? He surrendered them to the uncleanness of their own lusts. God did not force them to indulge in unclean practices, fulfilling their wicked lusts; He simply stopped preventing them. He allowed them. In effect, He let go of the reigns and let them do what their own inner desires were driving them to do. Today’s text tells us that in satisfying their own inner lusts these people “dishonor their bodies among themselves.” The actions of their lusts involve their bodies in a way that is dishonoring to themselves and even against nature itself, according to verse 26.

Paul will spend the next few verses giving a more detailed explanation of what these dishonoring practices are. The point of this verse is, because these people refuse to give God his rightful place in their lives, God lets them have their way and allows them to be completely controlled by their sinful desires.

Notice that this is just the first of God’s “giving them up.” In this verse He gives them up to impurity. In verse 26 it is to dishonoring passions and in verse 28 it is to a worthless mind. This explains a lot about what is happening in Western society today as secular humanism has continued to spread. We, as a society, have not given God His rightful place and, as a result, He has allowed our society to decline into a state where satisfying self is the prime directive.

The real tragedy is that this type of thinking has even pervaded the Church and the lives of Christians!



Let us not allow ourselves to be seduced into thinking like the world system. God did not create us to serve our own lusts. He created us to serve Him. Instead of serving ourselves, let us give God His rightful place through our worship and praise of Him and through our submission to His will.

And let us be a beacon of light in a world of darkness!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved