Tag: hubristes

Romans 1:30 – Active Hatred

slanderers,  God haters, insolent, arrogant, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

Truth to Learn

Those who reject God and show an open hatred for Him are fools.


Behind the Words

“Slanderers” (katalalos) – One who openly slanderers others.

“God haters” (theostugēs) – (theos) God + (stugeo) to hate or abhore – one who hates God.

“Insolent” (hubristēs, from which we get our English word “hubris”) – Arrogant insulter, insolent persecutor of others, one who shames or humiliates another.

“Arrogant” (huperēphanos) – (huper) above + (phaino) to shine – arrogant and proud.

“Boasters” (aladzōn) – boaster, bragger.

“Inventers of evil things” (epheuretas kakōn) – inventers of bad things or of worthless things.

“Disobedient to parents” (goneusin apeitheis) – to parents – unwilling to be persuaded, unbelieving, disobedient.


Meaning Explained

Paul continues his list of characteristics of the mind filled to the brim once God has surrendered those who reject Him to their own sinfulness.

We can see many of the characteristics that we were guilty of ourselves before we were saved and to which we gravitate when we are not under the control of the Holy Spirit. The first one is very similar to the last one in yesterday’s list. The difference between whisperers and backbiters is primarily a matter of volume. By that I mean that whisperers go quietly behind someone else’s back and say gossipy things (it doesn’t matter whether they are true or not). Backbiters, on the other hand, are more brazen and their message is always negative.

The worst of these listed in today’s verse, I suppose, is “God haters.” This word means not just to feel hatred but to show hatred as well. That anyone would openly hate the all powerful Creator of all things and the Judge of all mankind is foolish. It is also the most self-condemning action a person can do. To disbelieve in the existence of God is one thing, but to hate God you have to believe that He exists, otherwise there is no object of your hatred. Remember that Paul began this part of his message back in verse 20 where he said,

For the invisible things of Him are clearly seen since the creation of the world, being understood by the things that are made, both His eternal power and Godness, so that they are without excuse,

According to this, there really is no such thing as an atheist (one who doesn’t believe that there is a God), only those who claim to be atheists. One day at the Great White Throne Judgment they will stand before the very God they claim doesn’t exist (the one they hate) and they will be condemned to eternity in hell for their unbelief!



Christians should exhibit the extreme opposite of the people being described here. The most obvious of our actions should be a love for God. Do your actions demonstrate an active love for the one who has given you eternal life?

In God's service, for His glory,

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