Tag: lead a quiet life

1 Thessalonians 4:11 – Love, Don’t Meddle

that you also aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you,

Truth to Learn

Loving others is right. Meddling in their affairs is wrong.

Behind the Words

Aspire” is translated from the Greek word philotimeomai. This big word is composed of philos, meaning “a friend” along with a form of timē, meaning “honor.” So, literally it means “to be fond of honor.” In general usage it means “to be ambitious of something honorable” or “to be eager to do something honorable.” This word is never used of ambition to do something dishonorable or bad.

The words “to lead a quiet life” are from the Greek verb hēsuchadzō, a form of hēsuchos, meaning “quiet or still.” Hēsuchadzō means “to live quietly” or “to be quiet.”

The words “to mind your own business” are from prassein ta idia. Prassein is a form of prassō, meaning “to make a practice of.” The Greek word ta means “things.” And idia means “pertaining to yourself.” Thus, this expression means “to practice your own things” or “to mind your own affairs.”

To work with your own hands” is a very literal translation of ergadzesthai tais idiais chersin.

Meaning Explained

As we have noted previously, the Christians in Thessalonica had a reputation for being very loving toward others. Paul commended them for this, but challenged them to add abundantly to this practice. In order to show love to others, however, it is often necessary to know what is going on in the lives of others. But this presents a dilemma and a fine line that should not be crossed.

Some people are natural care givers while others have to work at it. The problem is that care givers sometimes get carried away, meddling in the private affairs of others, wanting to know more details than is necessary and giving advice on matters that they should leave alone. These people sometimes get so wrapped up in the lives of others that they become quick to give advice and slow to do their own things.

These are the people (and problems) that Paul is addressing in today’s verse. Yes, it’s important to show love to our brothers and sisters in the Lord. It’s just as important, however, to be a silent witness of the love of Christ. Yes, it’s important to assist others who are going through difficult times. It’s just as important to mind your own affairs and get your own work done.

In fact, the Thessalonians had such a difficult time in showing love without crossing the line into being meddlesome that in his second letter to them he had to tell them:

For we hear that there are some who walk among you in a disorderly manner, not working at all, but are busybodies. (2 Thessalonians 3:11)


We all need to work hard at showing love for others, for those inside the church as well as those outside the church. But, we need to work just as hard at not becoming meddlesome, rather minding our own business. Our testimony to others depends on us being Christ-like in everything we say and do. Does your love of others look like Jesus in action?

In God's service, for His glory,

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