Tag: lived luxuriously

James 5:5 – Pleasure Without Peace

You have lived luxuriously on the earth in wanton self-indulgence; you have fattened your hearts in a day of slaughter.

Truth to Learn

Luxury and pleasure cannot bring peace to our soul. Only God can do that.


Behind the Words

The word translated “wanton self-indulgence” is spatalatō, which means “to live for self-pleasure.” It comes from the noun spatalē, which refers to “self-indulgence in eating and drinking.”

The word translated “lived luxuriously” is the Greek word truphaō, which means “to live delicately or luxuriously.”

“Fattened” is from the Greek verb trephō, which properly means “to nourish or feed.” As used here it probably carries the idea of “pampering” or “fattening.”

The words “day of slaughter” are from the Greek hemera spagēs. Hemera means “day” and spagēs, which is based on sphadzō, refers to the slaughter of an animal for food or sacrifice. Some have interpreted this as these rich people fattening themselves up like animals that are being prepared for slaughter. Others, however, believe that this is a reference to the Day of Judgment, based on the context of this verse and the verses surrounding it.


Meaning Explained

It’s interesting that in every society where slavery has been condoned or where there has been a distinct division between the upper and lower classes, the slave owning class, or wealthy class, of people have been known for their wanton indulgence in physical and sensual gratification. Even in our American society today, though we condemn slavery and have only subtle class distinctions, we nonetheless are an exceedingly wealthy society compared to most nations on the earth. And the two things that seem to be distinguishing us from the rest of the world are our growing appetites for sexual pleasure and our fatness.

The whole Madison Avenue marketing spin on nearly every product we see advertised today is to stimulate or titillate our appetite for pleasures of all kinds.

As Christians, God never promised us pleasure or even a life of ease. Instead, He promised us that we will have tribulation in this world. And He also promised us that He would give us peace in the midst of it. In John 16:33 the Lord said,

These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but be encouraged; I have overcome the world.

And in Romans 5:3, the Apostle Paul said,

And not only so, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about patience.

Finally, in 1 Thessalonians 1:6, Paul said of the Thessalonian believers,

And you became imitators of us and of the Lord, having received the word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Spirit,

But in James’ day (and in our day as well) the rich had become so focused on indulging their appetites that they could not (and cannot) see the needs of those around them. How can we Christians live in comfort and ease, even in luxury, when there are so many in this world who still have not heard the gospel message?



Let us guard ourselves, especially in these “last days” before the return of our Lord. Let us not get caught up in the self-indulgent, pleasure seeking, me, me, me society that is being foisted on us every day. Instead, let us seek out quiet time alone with our Lord, let us busy ourselves in His work and in His Word. In the midst of our tribulation, let the world see our peace, and let us proclaim with joy the glorious message that there is hope and that one can have peace in Christ and in Christ alone.

In God's service, for His glory,

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