Tag: muopadzo

2 Peter 1:9 – Blinding Laziness

For anyone who does not have these things is blind, nearsighted, having forgotten the cleansing of his past sins.

Truth to Learn

Being spiritually lazy is an indication that we have forgotten what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross.


Behind the Words

The word translated “blind” is tuphlos, which means “to be enveloped with smoke.” There are two effects that smoke has on our vision. The first is that it obscures our vision and cuts down how far we can see. The second thing that smoke does is that it irritates the eyes and causes an involuntary muscle reaction which causes them to shut tight. Hence, this word has come to mean “blind.”

The word “nearsighted” comes from the Greek word muōpadzō, which literally means “to shut the eyes” or “to squint.” It refers to a person who squints the eyes in an effort to see things far away. Hence, it has been translated as nearsighted.


Meaning Explained

Peter has been talking about the Christian character qualities that we all need to be working hard to develop in ourselves. Now he looks at the other side of the coin, so to speak. He talks about what happens to us if we don’t apply ourselves to developing these qualities.

Peter is telling us that if we are not earnestly trying to grow in our Christian experience, then we are walking into smoke and our vision (that is our spiritual vision) is greatly hampered, perhaps even cut off. Peter then tells us that the next step in our wanderings is that we forget what our gracious God has done for us in cleansing us from our sins.

This sounds like what used to be referred to as “backsliding.” Let us not take it lightly, though! It is a serious condition for a Christian. Remember that we have an enemy who walks around “like a roaring lion seeking whom He might devour.” Not only that, he wants to take away our joy and our peace. He knows that all he has to do is help us to become lazy Christians and we will gradually go spiritually blind, and we will forget what our real reason for living is.

Jesus’ death on the cross and the shedding of His blood has cleansed us from our sins. He has given His all for us, we need to show Him how thankful we are by giving our all for Him. If we aren’t living for Him and growing in our faith, then we’re just being selfish.



Do you feel like God is not listening to your prayers? Have you lost the joy of your salvation? Do you find it hard to see (understand) what God is trying to tell you? If so, re-read the first seven verses in this chapter slowly and carefully and put yourself to work developing the Christian character qualities that we have been talking about for the past week. Confess your sins to God and humble yourself before Him, and in His time He will lift you up. I call it “submit and commit!”

One final closing thought for today is summed up in a couple of questions that I heard as a young Christian, which have stuck with me and which God has used a number of times to prod me when I have become spiritually lazy.

Does God seem far away? Who do you think moved?

In God's service, for His glory,

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