Tag: obtain

Romans 11:7 – Chosen or Hardened

What then? Israel did not obtain what it seeks; but the chosen ones obtained it, and the rest were hardened.

Truth to Learn

God chooses some and hardens the rest.


Behind the Words

The word “obtain” is translated from the Greek word epitugchanō. This word is made up of epi, used as an intensifier, and tugchanō, meaning “to obtain.” It is used here in an absolute sense meaning that Israel did not acquire, or obtain, the righteousness they were seeking through the law of Moses.

“Seeks” is from epidzēteō, made up of epi, used as an intensifier and dzēteō, meaning “to seek.” Thus, we see it means “to intensely seek” or “to strive for.”

“Chosen ones” is translated from the word eklogē, which we have looked at before. It refers to something that was specifically chosen.

The word translated “hardened” is pōroō, meaning “to make hard as stone” hence, “calloused or insensitive.” Applied to the mind, it means “hardened, insensitive, or not comprehending.”


Meaning Explained

Paul is now drawing a conclusion regarding the statements that he has just made. That is, God has not abandoned His people, but neither has Israel obtained the righteousness that they tried to obtain for themselves. Those whom God has chosen have obtained this righteousness (because God imputed it to them) but the rest, those who are not elect, were hardened.

We see here, then, two things at work with regards to the righteousness of the elect (Jews in this case). The first is that it is not earned. There is no amount of works that will save them (or us). There is absolutely no single thing or combination of things that can be done which will save them (or us) and give them (or us) the righteousness of God. It is, as Paul says in Ephesians 1:5, “according to the good pleasure of His will” that they (and we) were chosen.

The second thing that we see here regarding election, and the righteousness that comes with it, is that those who were not chosen were hardened. But the obvious question is, “Who is responsible for this hardness or blindness?” Let’s see what Jesus, Isaiah, and Paul have to say about it:

Jesus – He (God, the Father) has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts, lest they should see with their eyes, lest they should understand with their hearts, and turn, so that I should heal them. (John 12:40)

Isaiah – For the LORD has poured out on you the spirit of deep sleep, and has closed your eyes, namely, the prophets; and He has covered your heads, the seers. (Isaiah 29:10)

Paul – Therefore He has mercy on whom He wills, and whom He wills He hardens. (Romans 9:18)

Paul – whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them. (2 Corinthians 4:4)

It is God who chooses and it is also God (through various means, including Satan) who blinds or hardens those whom He has not chosen, so that they cannot believe. And even now I can hear some saying, “But that’s not fair!”

In the next few verses Paul will continue with this statement of God’s hardening by quoting a couple of Old Testament passages which affirm what he has just said.



We may not want to believe that God chooses some and hardens others, but that’s precisely what Paul teaches. Your church may teach something different, and you may believe that teaching. We want to believe that we are the ones in control of our own eternal destiny, but Paul teaches that God chooses whom He wants to choose and He hardens the rest. That’s what the Bible teaches; therefore, I believe it.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 5:9 – Why We Fight!

For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,

Truth to Learn

We need to realize what God has given us and fight for Him.

Behind the Words

For” is from hoti, meaning “because.” It serves to introduce something that is the reason for what was just said.

The Greek word translated “appoint” is tithēmi, which means “to set” or “to put in place.” Here it means that God did not place us in a position in which we would receive His wrath.

Wrath” is from orgē, which properly means “strong desire” or “excitement of the mind,” that is “strong passion.” By implication it means “punishment,” but it is most often translated as “wrath.”

Peripoiēsis is the Greek word translated “obtain.” It is made up of peri, meaning “around” and a form of poieō, meaning “to make” or “to do.” Thus, peripoiesis carries the meaning of surrounding yourself with things. It is most often translated with the English words “acquire” or “obtain.”

Salvation” is translated from sōtēria, which refers to “safety, deliverance, or preservation from danger or destruction.”

Meaning Explained

In the previous verse, Paul exhorted us to put on the breastplate of faith and love as well as the helmet of salvation. This is to be followed by being of a sober mind, thinking logically and rationally with a mind that is not under the influence of extreme thought patterns. You may know Christians who are so worried about losing their salvation that they have a difficult time moving forward in their Christian walk. Others are caught up in experiencing miraculous demonstrations of God’s Spirit and become distracted when they aren’t seeing such signs in their own lives. Still others are so bound by legalism that they spend all their effort trying not to break the rules their church has bound them with. They’re wearing so much spiritual fluff and have their minds so filled with distractions that they can’t effectively engage the enemy. As a result, they are easily defeated when they face spiritual battles.

Instead, Paul wants us to be dressed for battle and mentally prepared. The source of that mental preparation is knowledge of what the Bible actually teaches. The only way we can do this is to engage in regular, consistent reading and studing of God’s Word.

So, why should we always be prepared for spiritual battle? Why shouldn’t we live like the world, like those who have no clue regarding what the future holds? Because God did not put us here to receive His wrath; we will not experience the Day of the Lord. Instead we will be resurrected from the earth and granted complete salvation, that salvation which only comes from faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, out of a heart of true thanksgiving and gratitude, we should take up sides, put on the battle gear, and get ready to do battle for Him!


Consider what God has done for us through the sacrifice of His only begotten Son. Consider what He has promised us, both now and eternally. Given what He has already done, how can we possible just drift through life? We need to get in the race! We need to engage in battle! We need to give our all to serving Him who gave us the most precious gift we could possible get!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved