Tag: prudence

Ephesians 1:8 – Abundant Grace

Ephesians 1:8  – Abundant Grace

which He made to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence,

Truth to Learn

God gives us an abundant supply of His grace.

Behind the Words

Made to abound” is translated from perisseuō, which is built upon the preposition peri, meaning “over” or “above.” Perisseuō means “to cause to have much (over and above).” It means that there is an exceedingly great amount of something. Some translations use the words “super abound” to express the meaning of this word.

The word “wisdom” is from the Greek noun sophia. This word refers to “skills in the affairs of life, deep knowledge, natural and moral insight, or practical wisdom.”

Prudence” is from phronēsis, which is based on the verb phroneō, meaning “to think” or “to have a mindset.” Phronēsis refers to “intellectual or moral insight.” This insight is a direct result of exercising wisdom (sophia).

Meaning Explained

In the previous verse we learned that because of the grace of God we have both redemption and forgiveness. That is, through God’s grace we have been set free because the ransom has been paid, and we remain free because He has sent our sins far, far away.

In today’s verse we learn that God did not simply show us a tiny, little piece of His grace, He gave us a super abundant amount of His grace. You might say that God made our “grace cup” overflow, and He did so “in all wisdom and prudence.” As to the meaning of this phrase there are two schools of thought. The first is that two of the products of His abundant grace are wisdom and prudence, which He has given to us. The other is that this grace is a result of His wisdom and prudence.

If the first of these is true, it means that when God caused His grace to be abundantly extended to us, He also imbued us with wisdom (both spiritual and common) and insight as He makes known to us the mystery (see next verse) of His will. Those who hold to this view would say that this is a reference to what is said in verse eighteen:

the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, (Ephesians 1:18)

But if this is the case, then why does Paul pray that we might yet receive this blessing (see verse seventeen).

If, on the other hand, Paul is telling us that God made His grace to super abound to us as a result of all His wisdom and insight, then it tells us that His grace was not simply an afterthought. It means that in eternity past when the Godhead determined the plan for mankind, He determined by all His wisdom and intellect that grace should be an integral part of that plan. This seems to me to be a better explanation for today’s verse.


God’s grace is a central character of his overall plan of salvation for mankind. Were it not for His grace we could not be saved. Part of His plan for the ages was not just to show us a little of His grace, but to heap it on us in an abundant supply. Thank you God, for your amazing grace!

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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