Tag: reproaching

James 1:5 – Wisdom Given

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who is giving liberally to all and not reproaching, and it will be given to him.

Truth to Learn

We all lack wisdom when we are in trials, yet all we need to do is ask God for it and He will give us all the wisdom we need.

Behind the Words

Paul starts this verse with, “If any of you lacks wisdom.“ In the Greek of the New Testament there are three types of conditional clauses. They are all translated with “if.” The first class condition is most easily explained as “If, and it is assumed to be true.” The second class conditional clause is, “If, and it is assumed not to be true.” The third class condition is the real unassuming conditional. In this verse we have the first class conditional clause (it is assumed to be so).

The phrase, “let him ask” is from the Greek word aiteō, which does, in fact, mean “to ask,” but this Greek word is in the present tense, active voice, and imperative mood. As we learned in the previous verse, the imperative mood means that this is a command. The present tense, active voice in Greek implies present continuous action, so James is commanding us to be continually asking for wisdom. This Greek word, however, means more than “to ask a question.” It means “to request” or even “to beg.” It is the word used of someone asking a favor from someone who is his or her superior, like a common beggar asking for food or money.

The Greek word translated “liberally” is haplōs, which can mean “liberally,” or it can mean “simply.” Not only does God give us enough of the wisdom we need for a situation, but he is straight forward in his gift (so that even some of us hard headed dummies can get it).

Oneididzō is the Greek word translated “reproaching.” It is from the word oneidos, which means “to taunt, disgrace, chide, reproach or use abusive words.”

Meaning Explained

Notice the play on words between the previous verse and this one? God wants to make us completely finished (not lacking anything). But if we lack wisdom (and the assumption is that we do lack wisdom) then we must continually be asking God for it and our God who simply gives – will give it to us. Note that the verse does not say that it might be given, but that “it will be given.” This is, as they say, a promise that you can take to the bank. If you find yourself in a difficult situation, not knowing what to do, humbly ask God for wisdom and He will give it.

God allows trials in our lives in order to build patient endurance in us, and as we develop patience, we become more completely like Christ. But which one of us doesn’t sometimes lack wisdom in matters pertaining to trials and patience? And yet, all we need do is ask for it. At the same time, however, we might want to ask for courage to carry out what we know to be the right thing to do based on the wisdom we receive! We often know what the proper response to a situation is, but it is not always easy to do, is it?


Are you currently going through a difficult time in your Christian walk? Do you feel like God has left you walking all alone? Well, my friend, you are not alone, because of what God has promised us in Hebrews 13:5.

Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with things that you have. For He Himself has said, "No way will I leave you, no way will I forsake you."

Get on your knees right now and thank Him for your trial and ask Him for wisdom on how to take the next step. He will answer you and He will provide! 

In God's service, for His glory,

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