Tag: sacred

2 Peter 1:18 – His Holy Presence

And we heard this voice borne out of heaven being with him on the sacred mountain.

Truth to Learn

Holiness is in the presence of God, not the location or building.


Behind the Words

The word translated “voice” is phōnē, which comes from the verb phaō, meaning “to shine.” So phōnē actually means “to audibly shine forth.” The Greek historian, Plutarch, calls it "that which brings light upon that which is thought of in the mind." So, not only did these three disciples see the shining glory of the Son of God revealed, but they also heard the revelation of the shining voice of God the Father.

The word translated “sacred” is hagios, which comes from the word hagos, meaning “an awful thing.” Not awful as we often think of it as “terrible” or “very bad,” but awful as something that fills one with awe and wonder. It is a word that has come to mean “morally pure and set-apart from sin.”


Meaning Explained

As Peter continues his description of the transfiguration of Christ, he makes three assertions in this verse. First, that he, along with James and John, heard the voice of God the Father. It was not merely an inarticulate noise; they heard His words giving glory and honor to the Son.

The second assertion that Peter makes is that the three disciples were “with Him.” Yes, they were physically with him, but there is another sense in which they were with him. They were with him in spirit through their belief in him. They were his disciples, his followers, desirous of learning more about Him. This is one of the “black and white” issues of the Scriptures. Christ, Himself, said it this way in Luke 11:23,

He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters.

You are either with Him, that is, you believe in Him, you follow Him, and you obey Him, or you are against Him. There is no middle road and no half-way Christianity. Either your faith is real or it is pretend. That’s one of the points Peter has been making throughout this chapter. We need to show our faith, let it shine forth like the voice of God, by diligently working on developing the Christian character qualities he outlined in the early verses of this chapter.

The third assertion that Peter makes in today’s verse is regarding the place where they were. He calls the mountain sacred, not because the mountain itself possessed any special moral purity, but because of the presence of the Almighty. We think of a temple or a church, particularly the “sanctuary” where church services are held, as a holy place. The very word “sanctuary” is a translation of the Greek word hagia meaning an awful (holy) place. It is not a place of holiness and awe because the physical structure possesses any holiness, but because of Whose presence is there. It is this presence of the Holy God that makes something, or someone, holy.



The place where you meet on Sunday morning may be a large cathedral, a small hand-made building, or even someone’s living room. The place is not important, but the presence of God is. As you participate in your church service this week, remember that you are in a holy place because the Spirit of our Holy God is in your midst.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Peter 1:18 – His Holy Presence

2 Peter 1:18

We ourselves heard this voice that came from heaven when we were with him on the sacred mountain.

Truth to Learn

Holiness is in the presence of God, not the location or building.

Behind the Words

The word translated “voice” is phōnē, which comes from the verb phaō, meaning “to shine.” So phōnē actually means “to audibly shine forth.” The Greek historian, Plutarch, calls it “that which brings light upon that which is thought of in the mind.” So, not only did these three disciples see the shining glory of the Son of God revealed, but they also heard the revelation of the shining voice of God the Father.

The word translated “holy” is hagios, which comes from the word hagos, meaning “an awful thing.” Not awful as we often think of it as “terrible” or “very bad,” but awful as something that fills one with awe and wonder. It is a word that has come to mean “morally pure and set-apart from sin.”

Meaning Explained

As Peter continues his description of the transfiguration of Christ, he makes three assertions in this verse. First, that he, along with James and John, heard the voice of God the Father. It was not merely an inarticulate noise; they heard His words giving glory and honor to the Son.

The second assertion that Peter makes is that the three disciples were “with Him.” Yes, they were physically with him, but there is another sense in which they were with him. They were with him in spirit through their belief in him. They were his disciples, his followers, desirous of learning more about Him. This is one of the “black and white” issues of the Scriptures. Christ, Himself, said it this way in Luke 11:23,

He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters.

You are either with Him, that is, you believe in Him, you follow Him, and you obey Him, or you are against Him. There is no middle road and no half-way Christianity. Either your faith is real or it is pretend. That’s one of the points Peter has been making throughout this chapter. We need to show our faith, let it shine forth like the voice of God, by diligently working on developing the Christian character qualities he outlined in the early verses of this chapter.

The third assertion that Peter makes in today’s verse is regarding the place where they were. He calls the mountain holy, not because the mountain itself possessed any special moral purity, but because of the presence of the Almighty. We think of a temple or a church, particularly the “sanctuary” where church services are held, as a holy place. The very word “sanctuary” is a translation of the Greek word hagia meaning an awful (holy) place. It is not a place of holiness and awe because the physical structure possesses any holiness, but because of Whose presence is there. It is this presence of the Holy God that makes something, or someone, holy.


The place where you meet on Sunday morning may be a large cathedral, a small hand-made building, or even someone’s living room. The place is not important, but the presence of God is. As you participate in your church service this week, remember that you are in a holy place because the Spirit of our Holy God is in your midst.

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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