Tag: sinful nature

2 Peter 2:10 – Selfish or Submitted?

2 Peter 2:10

This is especially true of those who follow the corrupt desire of the sinful nature and despise authority. Bold and arrogant, these men are not afraid to slander celestial beings;

Truth to Learn

Some false teachers only care about their own desires.

Behind the Words

The words “corrupt desire” are translated from the Greek words, epithumia miasmou. The word epithumia refers to “overly strong desires” or “lusts.” The other word, miasmou means “contaminated or polluted.” We could translate these two words as “perverse lusts.”

The words “despise authority” are from the Greek words kuriotētos kataphronountos. The first of these is from the root, kurios which means “lord or master” and the other is a compound word made up of kata, meaning “against” or denoting evil and phroneō which means “to think or have a mindset.” Hence these words mean “to think evil of their masters” or “to despise authority.”

Not afraid to slander celestial beings” is translated from doxas ou tremousin. The word doxas means “glories” or “glorious ones.” The word ou means “not” and tremousin means “to dread” or “to be terrified of.” Hence, it literally means, “they have no dread of the glorious ones.”

Meaning Explained

Peter has just told us that the Lord knows how to keep the ungodly from escaping the judgment that is due them. Now he says that this is especially true of these false teachers, those who “follow the corrupt desire of the sinful nature.” They have a way of life that caters to their appetites, especially their perverse lusts. They have so allowed their lusts to overpower them that they have become corrupt and perverse. Yet, in their mind, their actions seem normal.

Peter also says that they “despise authority.” These are people who don’t like anyone telling them what to do; that is, they don’t have respect for authority, either civil or religious. They certainly don’t want a God who tells them what to do, so they invent a theology that gives them control over their god.

But Peter doesn’t stop here. He continues to describe these false teachers as “bold and arrogant;” that is, they think far too highly of themselves. He also says that they “…are not afraid to slander celestial beings” In other words, these false teachers have no fear of those who are worthy of praise and glory and will freely slander or blaspheme them.

Wow! Peter certainly doesn’t pull any punches when he talks about these false teachers. They have become self-absorbed and self-seeking. Their entire focus is inward instead of God-ward. For the most part, however, these false teachers appear outwardly good and honorable, hiding the reality of their desires behind a façade of devoted religiosity.

We have talked in the past about the fact that the central notion of sinfulness is really “self-ness,” making our own decisions and considering only ourselves. That’s the opposite of submission to God.


Now, the question is, are you submitted to God, or are you more like these false teachers who serve their own overpowering desires? Only you can answer these questions. Think carefully before you answer, and be honest with God.

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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