Tag: trap

Romans 11:9 – Ensnared by Blessings

And David says: "Let their table become a snare and a trap, a stumbling block and a repayment to them.

Truth to Learn

Blessings can become a trap if taken for granted.


Behind the Words

The words “let … become” are translated from a form of ginomai, meaning “to cause to be” or “to become.” It is expressed here in the imperative mood indicating a command. Though in English we often interpret the word “let” as “allow,” it is used here and elsewhere in the Bible as a command to cause something to be.

The word “table” is from trapedza, which is made up of tetra, meaning “four” and pedza, meaning “foot.” Hence, it refers to something having four feet, like a table. It is used here as a metonym, referring to the feast that is on the table.

“Snare” is from pagis, “that which is set-up or fixed in place.” It is the word that is used to refer to a snare or a trap.

The word “trap” is from thēra, referring to “a hunt for an animal,” which usually ended up in the animal being caught in a net or other inescapable trap.

“Stumbling block” comes from skandalon, which refers to “the trigger of a trap on which the bait is placed.”

The word translated “repayment” is antapodoma, meaning “the penalty which is justly deserved.”


Meaning Explained

In this verse and the following Paul makes a very curious quotation from a psalm of King David. This quotation (though not exact) is from Psalms 69:22, 23 which reads:

Let their table be a trap before them, and their well-being a snare. Let their eyes be darkened, so that they do not see; and make their loins shake continually.

But notice also the verse that comes just before this:

They also gave me gall for my food, and they gave me vinegar to drink for my thirst. (Psalms 69:21)

This passage is talking about the Messiah, the Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, while he was hanging on the cross paying the penalty for all of our sins. While He was hanging on the cross, they were enjoying the blessings He had provided for them as God’s chosen people. But in the midst of their enjoyment of the benefits of God’s blessing, they were blinded by their appetites regarding the truth that was right in front of them. They were so busy enjoying the temporary, physical blessings which God had provided for them, they totally missed the eternal, spiritual blessings they should have received if they had only believed in the One they were killing. They were ensnared by their appetites, resulting in the penalty which they justly deserved.

Paul will finish his thought, and the condemnation of the unbelieving Jews, in the next verse.



This is a warning to all of us not to take God’s blessings for granted. All of the temporal things that we have, our health, our welfare, our possessions, our freedom, our peace, are a direct gift from God and He can take away any or all of them at any moment. So, instead of taking them for granted, let’s stop right now and thank our Heavenly Father for them. Let’s release the right to these things to the One who truly owns them, and then trust in His care and provision for us.

I think it’s time to pray.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 11:9 – Ensnared by Blessings

Romans 11:9 – Ensnared by Blessings

And David says: “Let their table become a snare and a trap, a stumbling block and a recompense to them.

Truth to Learn

Blessings can become a trap if taken for granted.

Behind the Words

The word “let” is translated from a form of ginomai, meaning “to cause to be” or “to become.” It is expressed here in the imperative mood indicating a command. Though in English we often interpret the word “let” as “allow,” it is used here and elsewhere in the Bible as a command to cause something to be.

The word “table” is from trapedza, which is made up of tetra, meaning “four” and pedza, meaning “foot.” Hence, it refers to something having four feet, like a table. It is used here as a metonym, referring to the feast that is on the table.

Snare” is from pagis, “that which is set-up or fixed in place.” It is the word that is used to refer to a snare or a trap.

The word “trap” is from thēra, referring to “a hunt for an animal,” which usually ended up in the animal being caught in a net or other inescapable trap.

Stumbling block” comes from skandalon, which refers to “the trigger of a trap on which the bait is placed.”

The word translated “recompense” is antapodoma, meaning “the penalty which is justly deserved.”

Meaning Explained

In this verse and the following Paul makes a very curious quotation from a psalm of King David. This quotation (though not exact) is from Psalms 69:22, 23 which reads:

Let their table become a snare before them, and their well-being a trap. Let their eyes be darkened, so that they do not see; and make their loins shake continually.

But notice also the verse that comes just before this:

They also gave me gall for my food, and for my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink. (Psalms 69:21)

This passage is talking about the Messiah, the Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, while he was hanging on the cross paying the penalty for all of our sins. While He was hanging on the cross, they were enjoying the blessings He had provided for them as God’s chosen people. But in the midst of their enjoyment of the benefits of God’s blessing, they were blinded by their appetites regarding the truth that was right in front of them. They were so busy enjoying the temporary, physical blessings which God had provided for them, they totally missed the eternal, spiritual blessings they should have received if they had only believed in the One they were killing. They were ensnared by their appetites, resulting in the penalty which they justly deserved.

Paul will finish his thought, and the condemnation of the unbelieving Jews, in the next verse.


This is a warning to all of us not to take God’s blessings for granted. All of the temporal things that we have, our health, our welfare, our possessions, our freedom, our peace, are a direct gift from God and He can take away any or all of them at any moment. So, instead of taking them for granted, let’s stop right now and thank our Heavenly Father for them. Let’s release the right to have them to the One who truly owns them, and then trust in His care and provision for us.

I think it’s time to pray.

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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