Tag: trochon tes geneseos

James 3:6 – The Inflaming Tongue

And the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. So the tongue is set among our members defiling the whole body, and inflaming the course of nature; and it is inflamed by hell.

Truth to Learn

Our tongue, like an out of control fire, is the source of much of our sinfulness.

Behind the Words

The word “fire” in this verse is from the Greek word pur which means “fire.” However, it is also the word that is specifically used of lightning, indicating the rapidity and unexpected nature of the fire.

The word “unrighteousness” comes from the Greek adikia, which is made up of the privative a, meaning “without” and a form of dikē, which means justice or righteousness. Hence, adikia refers to anything which is “unjust, unrighteous, or morally wrong.”

The word translated “defiling” is from spilos, which means “a stain” or “a blemish.” In the Greek text this word is expressed as a participle, so it could be rendered, “defiling” or “staining.”

“Course of nature” is translated from trochon tēs geneseōs, which literally means “wheel of birth.” That is to say, the wheel which is set in motion at birth and runs on th the close of life. Thus, it is a figurative description of human life. Metaphorically it refers to the entire circuit, or pathway, of life.

The word “inflaming” is a form of phlogidzō, which means “to set on fire.” It is expressed here as a present, passive participle, which implies continuous action done to the subject (course of nature).

Finally, the word translated “hell” in this verse is gehenna. Gehenna is a reference to the valley of Hinnom, on the south side of the city of Jerusalem, where trash and refuse were constantly burned. Because of the unceasing fire there, it came to mean an eternal fire, which is thus interpreted as “hell.”

Meaning Explained

This is one of the more difficult passages of James to interpret because of his use of so many odd or obscure words. He literally says that the tongue is “the world of unrighteousness.” That is, the tongue personifies all that is unrighteous. As was pointed out in verse two, we are all sinners. This is because we all have a sin nature and our sin nature is often revealed by our words. Hence, our tongue is the ambassador for the world of our sin nature and thereby stains, or defiles, all that we do. In other words, the tongue reveals the most basic unrighteousness in us, kindling the worst fires in the entire course of our life.

James is telling us that even though the tongue is only a small member of our body, it is a rapid fire starter, causing sin. Therefore it blemishes our entire being and continually inflames all of our being into a fire like that of Hell itself.

Lest we give up without even trying, however, let’s remember that God’s grace is greater than our sin. And through the power of the Spirit of God we can control our tongue.


Wow! No wonder James said earlier that the man who can control his tongue is a fully mature Christian. I hope I get there someday soon, how about you? Don’t relax just yet, though. James has lots more to say about the tongue. Apparently, he felt that it was a subject about which we all need a lot of teaching.

In God's service, for His glory,

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