Tag: truphe

2 Peter 2:13 – Life of the Party

Suffering wrong as the payback for their unrighteousness. They consider it pleasure to carouse in the daytime; they are stains and blemishes, self-indulgent in their delusions while they indulge in luxury with you.

Truth to Learn

When harsh criticism is given of others, we need to ensure that we are not guilty of the same misdeeds.


Behind the Words

The word translated “pleasure” is hēdonē, from which we get our English word hedonism. This Greek word refers to “physical pleasure, gratification, or enjoyment.”

“Carouse” is from the Greek word truphē, meaning “to be made weak by luxury which destroys the integrity of body and mind.”

“Self-indulgent” is from entruphaō (having the same root as truphē), which means “to indulge or revel in luxuries.”

The word “deceits” is from the Greek word apatē, actually meaning “delusion or deception.”


Meaning Explained

Peter continues his condemning description of the actions of these false teachers. This is a tricky verse to translate, so let’s look at it carefully. We also have to tie it to the previous verse to get the full meaning. My translation of the end of the previous verse and this one is:

… In their own corruption they shall utterly perish, suffering wrong as the payback for their unrighteousness. They consider it pleasure to carouse in the daytime; they are stains and blemishes, self-indulgent in their delusions while they indulge in luxury with you.

“Suffering wrong as the payback of unrighteousness” This is a reference to what will happen when they perish and are judged by God. It should be encouraging to us as we see the ungodly seemingly getting away with, even being rewarded for, their evil deeds. Peter says that these false teachers will get what they deserve when all is said and done.

“They consider it pleasure to carouse in the daytime.” These people believe in indulging themselves in pleasurable things all day long. And lest we get too self-righteous, consider that this is precisely what advertising is telling us everywhere we look: “live for pleasure, and live for today, not worrying about what it will cost tomorrow.”

“They are stains and blemishes indulging in their delusions while they indulge in luxury with you” Peter is saying that these people indulge themselves in activities that they consider appropriate but that are morally wrong. And, these false teachers do such things with the pretense of fellowshipping and celebrating with you in church. But all the while they are deceiving you so as to keep you around, not for what they can give you spiritually, but for what you can give them materially.



In light of Peter’s harsh condemnation of the false teachers of his day, let’s examine ourselves, as Paul says in 1 Corinthians 11:28-30.

But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread, and let him drink of the cup; for the one eating and drinking unworthily eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the body of the Lord. For this reason many among you are weak and feeble, and many sleep.

Let’s determine what our own motives really are. Are they selfish and self-seeking? Or, are they submissive and God-serving? Before we cast the speck out of our brother’s eye, let us deal with the beam in our own eye!

In God's service, for His glory,

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