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2 Peter 1:18 – His Holy Presence

2 Peter 1:18

We ourselves heard this voice that came from heaven when we were with him on the sacred mountain.

Truth to Learn

Holiness is in the presence of God, not the location or building.

Behind the Words

The word translated “voice” is phōnē, which comes from the verb phaō, meaning “to shine.” So phōnē actually means “to audibly shine forth.” The Greek historian, Plutarch, calls it “that which brings light upon that which is thought of in the mind.” So, not only did these three disciples see the shining glory of the Son of God revealed, but they also heard the revelation of the shining voice of God the Father.

The word translated “holy” is hagios, which comes from the word hagos, meaning “an awful thing.” Not awful as we often think of it as “terrible” or “very bad,” but awful as something that fills one with awe and wonder. It is a word that has come to mean “morally pure and set-apart from sin.”

Meaning Explained

As Peter continues his description of the transfiguration of Christ, he makes three assertions in this verse. First, that he, along with James and John, heard the voice of God the Father. It was not merely an inarticulate noise; they heard His words giving glory and honor to the Son.

The second assertion that Peter makes is that the three disciples were “with Him.” Yes, they were physically with him, but there is another sense in which they were with him. They were with him in spirit through their belief in him. They were his disciples, his followers, desirous of learning more about Him. This is one of the “black and white” issues of the Scriptures. Christ, Himself, said it this way in Luke 11:23,

He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters.

You are either with Him, that is, you believe in Him, you follow Him, and you obey Him, or you are against Him. There is no middle road and no half-way Christianity. Either your faith is real or it is pretend. That’s one of the points Peter has been making throughout this chapter. We need to show our faith, let it shine forth like the voice of God, by diligently working on developing the Christian character qualities he outlined in the early verses of this chapter.

The third assertion that Peter makes in today’s verse is regarding the place where they were. He calls the mountain holy, not because the mountain itself possessed any special moral purity, but because of the presence of the Almighty. We think of a temple or a church, particularly the “sanctuary” where church services are held, as a holy place. The very word “sanctuary” is a translation of the Greek word hagia meaning an awful (holy) place. It is not a place of holiness and awe because the physical structure possesses any holiness, but because of Whose presence is there. It is this presence of the Holy God that makes something, or someone, holy.


The place where you meet on Sunday morning may be a large cathedral, a small hand-made building, or even someone’s living room. The place is not important, but the presence of God is. As you participate in your church service this week, remember that you are in a holy place because the Spirit of our Holy God is in your midst.

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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2 Peter 1:17 – A Father Well Pleased

2 Peter 1:17

For he received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory, saying, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”

Truth to Learn

God the Father is, and has always been, pleased with His Son.

Behind the Words

The word “honor” is a translation of the Greek word timē, which also occurred back in verse 4 of this chapter. It refers to “having value.” In verse 4 it was used in reference to the promises that have been given to us and there it was translated as “precious,” i.e. very valuable. In today’s verse it is translated as “honor.” According to The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, the word honor means, “High respect, as that shown for special merit; esteem” but this doesn’t quite carry the same sense as the Greek word. It is more than respect or esteem, it is recognition of His value in the order of creation, He is preeminent, that is, the highest, most valuable, and greatest!

The word “glory” is from the Greek word doxan, which refers to “glory, dignity, or honor.” There is a subtle but distinct difference in these two words that Peter used (glory and honor). The first refers to His worth as a being and the second refers to recognition for what He has done.

The word translated “Majestic” is from the Greek word megaloprepēs, which is a compound made up of megas, meaning “great or big” and a form of prepō, meaning “that which is right or proper.” In English, this word implies something “resplendent, glorious, magnificent, or majestic.”

Meaning Explained

Peter has just talked about his eyewitness account of the transfiguration of Christ on the mountaintop. In today’s verse he recounts some of the details of that event. Before we talk about his details, however, let’s look at the word translated “transfigured” from Matthew 17:2. It is the Greek word metamorphoō, which is a compound word made up of meta, which means “a change of place or condition” and morphoō, which means “to form.” So Matthew is telling us that he didn’t simply change appearance, he actually changed in form on that mountaintop.

In today’s verse Peter tells us that Jesus Christ received “honor and glory from God the Father.” He then tells us how glory and honor were bestowed on Jesus. There was an audible voice carried forth from the majestic (or magnificent) glory saying, “This is my son – the beloved, with whom I was well pleased” (literal translation). Jesus received glory in that God the Father referred to Him as “my Son” (the Son of God), and He received honor from God the Father when He proclaimed, “with him I was well pleased.” This does not mean that the Father is no longer pleased with the Son. Rather, it means that He has been pleased with the Son of God since eternity past.


Although we will never attain the same position as Jesus (i.e. we will never be God), we who have accepted Christ as Savior have had His righteousness bestowed upon us and we have been adopted into the same family. And, if we are faithful and diligent in our efforts for Him during this life, we may someday hear, “Well done good and faithful servant!”

Is that what you want to hear from your Heavenly Father?

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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2 Peter 1:16 – His Majestic Return

2 Peter 1:16

We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.

Truth to Learn

Christ’s glorious return is not a wishful, made-up story. It is a promise from Christ himself, attested to by angels.

Behind the Words

Follow” is from the Greek word exakoloutheō, which is a compound word made up of ek, meaning “out” but used here as an intensifier and akoloutheō, meaning “to follow.” This word has the meaning of “to follow carefully, to pursue, or to precisely copy.”

The words “cleverly invented” come from a form of the Greek word sophidzō, meaning “to make wise” or “to devise skillfully.” It refers to something that is carefully crafted with the skill of a wise master craftsman.

The word “stories” is translated from muthos, from which we get our English word myth. This Greek word means, “that which is fabricated by the mind in contrast to reality.”

Power” is translated from dunamis, from which we get our English word dynamite. Although our English word “power” implies strength in action, this Greek word literally means “possessing great ability.”

The word translated “majesty” is megaleiotēs, which is based on the word megas, meaning “great” or “big.” In this form it means “greatness.”

Meaning Explained

One of the foundational truths, characteristic of Peter’s ministry, is the fact that Jesus Christ will return soon. This is a doctrine that was preached by all the apostles and is one that was ridiculed by detractors of Christianity from the very beginning. In response to this opposition and by way of emphasizing the points he has been making since the beginning of this letter, Peter now offers evidence of why he believes so strongly that Christ will, indeed, return again soon.

He opens this verse saying that he and the others have not been carefully following cleverly crafted stories, or myths. That is, the stories of Christ’s resurrection and His coming again are not made-up at all. Peter’s belief in Christ’s return is based on personal experience (he saw Jesus’ glory) and the promise from our Savior that He would return.

Peter says that they did not make up these stories; instead, he says that “we were eyewitnesses ….” He is referring to the time when he actually experienced the majesty of Jesus Christ when He was transformed before him on the mountain top.

Because Peter had personally experienced this event, the majesty and glorious splendor of the Savior, he was absolutely convinced of Christ’s promised return. He tells us that this return will not simply be a casual experience any more than the one that he witnessed. Peter refers to it as, “the power and coming or our Lord.” In fact, Christ’s return will be with such a demonstration of power that no one will be able to deny it.


Do you believe Christ’s return will be soon? Will you be ready when He does? Are you ready right now?

It could be today!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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2 Peter 1:15 – Eternal Retirement Plan

2 Peter 1:15

And I will make every effort to see that after my departure you will always be able to remember these things.

Truth to Learn

God has a job for us to be doing until we take our last breath.

Behind the Words

The expression “will make every effort” is translated from the word spoudadzō, which is from the same root as the word translated “diligent” back in verse 5 and again in verse 10. This word refers to speed, earnestness, diligence, or zeal. It is used in today’s verse in the future, active, indicative tense, indicating continual earnestness in the future.

The word, “departure” is translated from the Greek word exodon, from which we get our English word exodus, meaning “to exit” or “to leave.” Peter is once again making a reference to his departure from this life to his eternal life with our Lord. This same word was used by Luke in his description of events on the mount of transfiguration where Moses and Elijah appeared and talked with Jesus about his coming death:

who appeared in glory and spoke of His decease which He was about to accomplish at Jerusalem. (Luke 9:31)

The word translated “decease” here is also exodon.

Meaning Explained

There is something remarkable in the simplicity of this verse. Peter has already made a couple of references to the fact that he is going to die soon (physically), and he makes reference to it again in this verse. Yet he is neither without hope nor purpose. The race is nearly done for him and he is not easing up at all. Instead, he is ever mindful that he still has work to do and he has found a way to continue that work even after his departure.

Here is a demonstration of true love. In his final days in this life, Peter is more concerned about what he can still do to help other Christians than he is about himself. He even wants to leave something behind which will continue to edify Christians after he is gone.

He has spent the better part of this chapter urging us all to continue to work hard at developing Christian character. Peter knows the importance of not slacking in this endeavor, and he is leading by example. This is not some kind of theological positioning by Peter, nor is he simply pontificating. This is the real deal to him. He is so convinced of his position in Christ, he is so aware of what his God has done for him, that he will not ease up until the race is finished.

Peter says that he, himself, “will make every effort” to do these things. Peter’s mind was fixed on the work that God had called him to do. He is not looking to retire until he dies, and he is not looking to ease up until his departure. He even wants his work to continue on after his departure.


Are you busy right now working for our Lord, or are you working for yourself? Do you even know what God wants you to be doing? If not, then get on your knees and ask Him.

Then, let us all be like Peter, continually working our hardest for God and His glory, right up until we take our last breath! Then, we shall be ushered into the presence of the King, arrayed in our finest, prepared to cast our crowns at his feet because He is worthy!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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2 Peter 1:14 – The Final Doorway

2 Peter 1:14

because I know that I will soon put it aside, as our Lord Jesus Christ has made clear to me.

Truth to Learn

Life here on earth is short and only temporary. What we do during this time, however, will have eternal consequences.

Behind the Words

The expression “put it aside” comes from the Greek word apothesis, which is a compound word made up of apo, meaning “from” or “away from” and a form of tithemi, which means “to lay something down” or “to put something in the proper place.” It is the word that is used to express the removing of one’s clothes and laying them down or putting them away. It expresses a calm, casual experience.

The word “tabernacle” appeared in the previous verse and, in the Greek text, also appears in this verse, though it has been translated as the word “it” in the New International Version which we have here. A literal translation of the first half of this verse would be:

having known that soon is the laying aside of my tabernacle

Tabernacle is a word that is often misunderstood today. Because of its reputation for great acoustics, the Mormon Tabernacle, a huge, massive structure built expressly for public performances, is what is often thought of when we hear this word. However, that’s not at all what this word means. It comes from the Greek word skēnōmatos, which refers to “a tent.” It is a small flimsy structure that is used in a transient nature as a temporary dwelling place. Similarly, our earthly body is not permanent nor something for us to use in a public display to draw attention to ourselves. It is, rather, a flimsy, temporary dwelling place for our soul.

Meaning Explained

Peter knows that the time of his death was drawing near. The type of death he should die was prophesied by Christ some 30 years earlier (John 21:18,19). On the surface it seems that this is all Peter has to say in today’s verse. But, as is often the case with Scripture, if we are in a hurry when we read, we dash right past some nuggets on the way. This nugget is what Peter refers to as his tent or his tabernacle. He knows that this body is temporary and the time spent in it is fleeting. But he is ready to calmly and confidently lay it aside and walk into eternity. He’s not looking at death, he’s looking at eternity with Christ.

One day in the future we too will put off this temporary dwelling place as we pass through the gates that lead from this life to eternity. It is both an end and a beginning, the end of our time on this earth and the beginning of glory in the presence of the Lord. When we walk through that door, we will be able to look back and see whether it has been a life of service (the production of eternal rewards) or a life of emptiness (time wasted that could have been used for God’s glory), which Solomon called “vanity.”


When you reach death’s door will you be ready to calmly lay aside this tabernacle and head into eternity? Or will you finally realize that you could have done much more if your focus had been on God instead of yourself?

It’s not too late! We still have time left, so let’s get to work for God and for His glory!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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2 Peter 1:13 – Late Life Refresher

2 Peter 1:13

I think it is right to refresh your memory as long as I live in the tent of this body,

Truth to Learn

We need to keep encouraging each other to stay the course because we haven’t much time left.

Behind the Words

I think” is translated from hēgeomai, which is a form of ago, meaning “to lead.” Metaphorically, this word refers to “leading out with the mind.” Therefore, it is interpreted as, “to esteem, consider, regard, or reckon.”

The word “right” comes from the Greek word dikaion, which refers to that which is “proper, right, or appropriate”

The word translated “refresh” is diegeirō, which means “to arouse, to wake up fully, or to stir up.”

Meaning Explained

Peter is aware that he is being rather forceful in his admonition to us all regarding the necessity of Christian growth and maturity. He has used very strong words to urge us on in this regard, but he is not apologetic regarding his words. He says that it is right for him to do this. He believes that he has a responsibility to be constantly reminding us all that we need to be continually working on becoming more mature in our Christian experience.

Specifically, Peter feels that he is obliged to stir up our memory. We all have a tendency to get lazy and careless regarding our walk with the Lord, and Peter feels compelled, as we all should, to grab us by the shoulder and wake us up. He does so by reminding us of those things that we already know. Anyone who has ever studied a foreign language knows how critical it is to constantly review the basic principles until they become second nature. Only after we know the basics without thinking about them can we continue on to the next level with confidence.

Peter also knows that his time on this earth is coming to an end, and he feels a necessity to do as much as he can in the time he has left. When we are young, we have our whole lives ahead of us, and there is not much of a sense of urgency to do what we know we should be doing. As we get older, we realize that time is passing us by, and time that has passed cannot be made up. As we recognize God’s calling on our life and realize how much He has done for us, we feel more compelled to work hard for Him in the things He expects from us. As the end of life approaches, we become acutely aware that this life is transient, and only what is done for God has any real lasting value.

That’s where Peter is right now. He wants to make the most of his remaining days by constantly reminding us to work hard for the One who has given His life for us.


Let our ears not be deaf!

Let our minds not be cloudy!

Let us not be caught asleep on the watch!

Rather, let us purpose in our hearts to wake up and work diligently, for the time is fleeting, our life is short, and He is coming soon!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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2 Peter 1:12 – Continual Refresher Courses

2 Peter 1:12

So I will always remind you of these things, even though you know them and are firmly established in the truth you now have.

Truth to Learn

We need to be continually learning and refreshing our knowledge of God through His Word.

Behind the Words

You know” comes from a form of the Greek word eidō, meaning “to see,” that is, “to perceive.” As such, it is also used to express perception in the form of experiential knowledge. Hence, it is often translated as “to know.” It is expressed here as a perfect active participle, which implies past continual accumulated action. We could actually translate the meaning as, “having already perceived and come to understand them.”

He then says that we are also “established” which is from the Greek word stēridzō, which means “to be firmly set in place or grounded.” This verb is also a perfect participle, but is in the passive voice (something done to us).

Meaning Explained

Peter begins this verse with another connective word, “So.” He told us that we need to develop the Christian character qualities of faith, morality, knowledge and understanding, self-control, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love. He said that in developing these we become fruitful, we maintain our spiritual vision, and we become stabilized on the foundation. And, he told us that developing these will cause us to receive a splendid entrance into the presence of the King. Therefore, Peter is compelled to continually remind us of these truths.

Obviously, he thinks that there is great importance in developing these qualities. That is why he has used such strong language in urging us to work hard on them and why he gives such evidence of their effect on us. Therefore, he tells his readers, he personally will not be negligent in constantly reminding them (and us) of these things. It is not that Peter thinks we have not yet learned what he has told us. In fact, he makes it clear that he knows that these truths have already been learned.

In other words, Peter is saying that he believes his readers have already worked hard at developing these character qualities in themselves, having perceived their importance, and having become firmly established, not in the past but “in the truth you now have.” There is some disagreement as to exactly what Peter is referring to by this expression. Either it refers to all the truth that has been learned from God’s holy Word, or it is a specific reference to the gospel truth, the truth in which we were saved. Whichever it is, Peter wants to make sure that it is constantly taught and re-taught so that we will be firmly grounded in it.

It is incumbent on us all, not just preachers, to constantly remind each other of the importance of things that we have already learned. Not so much because we forget, but because the cares of this life, the things of the world, and our own sin nature cloud our memory and distract us from our mission.


Let us never get to the point where we think we know all there is to know about living a victorious Christian life. No matter how much we know about the Bible and our faith, we can always learn more. We all need continual refresher courses in living a life committed to our faith and submitted to our God.

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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2 Peter 1:11 – Heavenly Homecoming

2 Peter 1:11

and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Truth to Learn

Our entrance into heaven will be affected by the way we spend our life here on the earth.

Behind the Words

Peter starts off this verse with the Greek words houtōs gar, which are connective words meaning, “for in this way.” In other words, “having built these character qualities upon the foundation of our calling and election …”

The next two words are wonderfully descriptive. They are, plousios, meaning “abundantly” or “copiously,” almost to the point of being excessive, and epichorēgeō, which is a compound word made up of epi, meaning “over” and choregeo, meaning “to furnish, to supply, or to outfit.” Hence, we will be lavishly outfitted or “dressed” for a very spectacular event: our entrance into the eternal kingdom

Meaning Explained

Peter has been exhorting us to work diligently to build the previously mentioned Christian character qualities upon the foundation of our calling and election. He said that in doing this, we will never lose our salvation. Peter now tells us that there will be a future benefit to us as well if we develop these character qualities.

Scripture tells us that immediately after the rapture of the church, when Christ returns with the departed saints and unites us all with our heavenly bodies, we will appear before the Bema Seat (judgment seat) of Christ. This is the believers’ judgment where we will receive rewards in the form of crowns for the things we have done in this life. The next thing after the Bema Seat Judgment will be the introduction of the saints to the great King of Kings. Peter is here giving us a glimpse of this “entrance into the eternal kingdom.”

We will be lavishly outfitted for our entrance into the eternal kingdom and our presentation to the God of all creation. Peter refers to it as “the entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” This will be our celebratory homecoming event. It is likely that this will also be our opportunity to cast our crowns at His feet proclaiming, “You are worthy, O Lord!”

But, let us not lose focus on what Peter is saying in the midst of all this pomp and circumstance. The point he is making in this verse is that what we do on this earth with the life (both the physical life and the spiritual life) we have been freely given will have a dramatic future effect on us that is worthy of note.

Some will be ushered into the eternal kingdom with the smell of smoke clinging to them as all their earthly works have been burned-up because they were self-serving instead of God-serving. Others will be ushered into the kingdom lavishly adorned because they have spent their time of sojourning here on this earth in the humble service of their Lord and Savior. These are those who lived this life for the glory of God rather than for their own glory.


How will you be dressed when you are ushered into the kingdom and appear face-to-face before the one who gave his all for you? Will you smell of smoke, or will you be richly adorned with a crown to cast at His feet?

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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2 Peter 1:10 – Secure Salvation

2 Peter 1:10

Therefore, my brothers, be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure. For if you do these things, you will never fall,

Truth to Learn

If you are truly saved, then you are completely saved, forever!

Behind the Words

Therefore” is translated from dio, which means “for which, wherefore, or therefore.”

The word “eager” is translated from the Greek verb spoudadzō, which comes from the same root as one of the words we looked at in verse five, spoude. It refers to “speed, earnestness, diligence, or zeal.” It is used here in the imperative mood, indicating a command. In the context of the past few verses, this should probably be translated “diligent” or “zealous.”

Calling” is from the Greek klēsis, which refers to “an invitation.” And the word “election” is from the Greek eklogē, which comes from eklegō (to choose), referring to something that was “chosen” or “selected.”

The word “sure” is from “bebaios,” meaning “fixed” or “firm.” Figuratively, this word refers to the foundation upon which something is built. Literally, we could translate this word as “foundational,” meaning that which is sure, firm, secure, and upon which other things can be built.

The expression “you will never fall” is translated from ou me ptaisēte pote, which literally means, “no not fall ever.” The double negative, although improper in English, is a way of emphasizing the point in Greek. We could translate this as “you will in no way fall, ever!”

Meaning Explained

Peter has been talking about the character qualities that all Christians need to develop in order to be mature, and he spoke in verse nine about the consequences of not diligently pursuing these qualities. Those who don’t work hard at developing these qualities actually become less Christ-like and become blinded, unable to see the truth, and they become forgetful of the work done to wipe out the consequences of their sins. Therefore, says Peter, work even harder at developing these Christian characteristics.

When Peter says to “make your calling and election sure” he is not saying “to eliminate doubt” about them. He is not questioning the doctrine of election; rather he is affirming it by saying that we are to be diligent in demonstrating the firmness of our calling and election. The word “if” is not in the original Greek. Literally he says, “for doing these things there is no way you would fall, ever!”

There has been much debate about what he means that there is no way we would ever fall. But if we look at the next verse we see that he is talking about our entrance into the everlasting kingdom. In other words, Peter is telling us that as we build on the sure foundation of our salvation, which was made sure by our calling and election, then we will absolutely never lose our salvation, ever!


Perhaps you have been taught that if you commit certain kinds of sins you will lose your salvation. According to Peter, however, if you are demonstrating your salvation by developing these character qualities, it is proof that you are saved, and you will never ever lose your salvation.

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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2 Peter 1:9 – Blind Laziness

2 Peter 1:9

But if anyone does not have them, he is nearsighted and blind, and has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins.

Truth to Learn

Being spiritually lazy means we have forgotten what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross.

Behind the Words

The word “nearsighted” comes from the Greek word muōpadzō, which literally means “to shut the eyes” or “to squint.” It refers to a person who squints the eyes in an effort to see things far away. Hence, it has been translated as nearsighted.

The word translated “blind” is tuphlos, which means “to be enveloped with smoke.” There are two effects that smoke has on our vision. The first is that it obscures our vision and cuts down how far we can see. The second thing that smoke does is that it irritates the eyes and causes an involuntary muscle reaction which causes them to shut tight. Hence, this word has come to mean “blind.”

Meaning Explained

Peter has been talking about the Christian character qualities that we all need to be working hard to develop in ourselves. Now he looks at the other side of the coin, so to speak. He talks about what happens to us if we don’t apply ourselves to developing these qualities.

Peter is telling us that if we are not earnestly trying to grow in our Christian experience, then we are walking into smoke and our vision (that is our spiritual vision) is greatly hampered, perhaps even cut off. Peter then tells us that the next step in our wanderings is that we forget what our gracious God has done for us in cleansing us from our sins.

This sounds like what used to be referred to as “backsliding.” Let us not take it lightly, though! It is a serious condition for a Christian. Remember that we have an enemy who walks around “like a roaring lion seeking whom He might devour.” Not only that, he wants to take away our joy and our peace. He knows that all he has to do is help us to become lazy Christians and we will gradually go spiritually blind, and we will forget what our real reason for living is.

Jesus’ death on the cross and the shedding of His blood has cleansed us from our sins. He has given His all for us, we need to show Him how thankful we are by giving our all for Him. If we aren’t living for Him and growing in our faith, then we’re just being selfish.


Do you feel like God is not listening to your prayers? Have you lost the joy of your salvation? Do you find it hard to see (understand) what God is trying to tell you? If so, re-read the first seven verses in this chapter slowly and carefully and put yourself to work developing the Christian character qualities that we have been talking about for the past week. Confess your sins to God and humble yourself before Him, and in His time He will lift you up. I call it “submit and commit!”

One final closing thought for today is a couple of questions that I heard as a young Christian, which have stuck with me and which God has used a number of times to prod me when I have become spiritually lazy.

Does God seem far away? Who do you think moved?

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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