Romans 8:33 – Chosen to be Sinless

Romans 8:33 – Chosen to be Sinless

Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies.

Truth to Learn

God declares His chosen ones to be completely righteous.

Behind the Words

Bring a charge” is from engkaleō, which is a compound word made up of en, meaning “in” and kaleō, meaning “to call.” So, literally this word means “to call in.” Originally it was used with regard to a debt that was “called-in” when it was due. In general usage it has come to mean “to bring a charge against or to accuse someone.”

The word translated “elect.” It is the Greek word eklektos, from the verb eklegō, which is made up of ek, meaning “out” and legō, meaning “to select or choose through thoughtful deliberation.” Hence, eklektos refers to someone or something that has been chosen or selected out of a larger group.

Meaning Explained

Paul now continues with his volcanic eruption regarding the benefits of being God’s children. The first thing we learned is that God is Almighty and will do all to protect us and bless us because we are His adopted children. In other words, we are safe from any evil force. But, if our enemy can’t get to us by force, he will try to get to us by subtlety. He will accuse us of unrighteousness, which makes us feel unworthy to be God’s children. That’s what Paul is addressing in the current verse. Notice Paul’s play on words here. He says “Who shall bring a charge (engkaleō – call in) against God’s elect (eklektos – chosen out ones)?”

Now here is where those who don’t believe in God’s election have a problem. Paul is asking, “Who shall make an accusation against those whom God has chosen?” Now if you don’t believe in election (which says you have believed the gospel message and are saved because God chose you, not because you chose to believe) then this verse doesn’t make sense.

Paul, on the other hand, very much believes in election and teaches it throughout his letters. In fact, the first few chapters of this letter to the Roman Christians were spent explaining how justification comes by grace through faith, not as the result of anything that we have done. And, because God is the one who has declared us righteous (nowhere in the Bible does it teach that God ever removes that righteousness from our account) then it doesn’t matter who brings a charge against us. God’s response is that we are righteous according to His records; therefore the charge will not stand because, “God declares us righteous.”

Thus we see that according to this verse, it doesn’t matter how bad a sin we commit, it has already been paid for by Christ’s blood, and in God’s eyes we are free from sin because we have been given the righteousness of Christ. We don’t deserve this righteousness, we deserve eternity in Hell, but we are righteous because God has chosen us and declared us righteous.


Now, just because we have been declared righteous doesn’t mean we are free to sin all we want. The One who declared us righteous also tells us that if we love Him, we will obey Him. And we should love Him gratefully because of what He has done for us. Thank you God, for the gift that I don’t deserve!

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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