Ephesians 2:20 – Building Material

Ephesians 2:20  – Building Material

having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone,

Truth to Learn

Every Christian is part of God’s building.

Behind the Words

The words “having been built on” are translated from epoikodomeō, which is a double compound word made up of epi, meaning “upon,” oikos, which refers to “a dwelling place” or “a house,” and demō, meaning “to build.” Thus, epoikodomeō literally means “to build a dwelling upon.” It is expressed here as an aorist, passive, participle, so “having been built on” is a very accurate translation of this word.

Foundation” is from the Greek noun themelios. This word is derived from the verb tithēmi, which means “to stand” or “to set in place.” Themelios, therefore, refers to something that has been put down in place, like a foundation.

The words “chief cornerstone” come from akrogōniaios, which is made up of akron, meaning “the extreme” or “the one on the end” and gōnia, which refers to “an angle” or “a corner.” So, we see that akrogōniaios refers to the extreme corner. Metaphorically, it refers to the first corner stone laid.

Meaning Explained

In the previous verse Paul told us that we are no longer strangers from the covenants of promise and we are no longer foreigners from the commonwealth of Israel. We are now fellow citizens of a holy nation and members of God’s household. The word translated “household” is oikeios, which usually refers to people who live and work under the master of the house, but it can also refer to the things which make up the building as well. We see in the previous verse that Paul’s meaning was “a person who is a member of the household.” In the current verse, however, he twists the meaning of the word and now refers to us as part of the building itself. And, in the next couple of verses Paul will twist the meaning a little further yet.

For now, Paul is telling us that not only are we part of God’s family, but we are part of his building as well. The foundation of this building consists of Jesus Christ, as the first corner stone as well as the apostles and prophets. At the time that Paul wrote this letter, buildings were built differently than they are today. The foundation was not cement poured into forms; it consisted of large square-cut stones laid next to each other. Sometimes there was a second or third course of stones laid upon the first. The placement of the initial corner stone was the most critical because it set the position for the entire structure. If it’s not level and oriented in the proper direction, the entire building could suffer.

Jesus Christ was, Himself, the initial corner stone of this building, and He sets the position and the basis for the remainder of the structure. The apostles and prophets (that is, New Testament prophets) provide the remainder of the foundation of the building. Paul’s reference is probably to the writings of these men of God. You and I are also part of the building and we depend on the foundation for our stability.


There is no Christian who exists alone and apart from the rest of the church. We are all interdependent and each one of us is needed to make the building whole.

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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