Ephesians 2:19 – Household Members

Ephesians 2:19  – Household Members

Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God,

Truth to Learn

Christians are part of God’s household and will live with Him for eternity.

Behind the Words

The word translated “Now” is ara, which is an inferential particle. That is, it indicates that an inference, or conclusion is being made. It is somewhat difficult to translate directly into English, but is often translated as “now,” “then,” “so be,” “in conclusion,” or “truly.”

Therefore” is from another Greek inferential particle, oun. This word is most often translated “therefore” or “certainly.”

The words “no longer” are translated from a single Greek word, ouketi. This is made up of ouk, meaning “not” and eti which refers to a duration of time. It is most often translated as “yet” or “still.” When these two words are combined they mean “not still” or “no longer.”

Strangers” is the Greek word xenos, which we saw back in verse twelve. It refers to someone who is “a stranger” or “an alien.”

Paroikos is the Greek word translated “foreigners.” It is made up of para, meaning “by, beside, or near” and oikos, which refers to “a dwelling place” or “a house.” Thus, paroikos refers to “someone who lives nearby,” that is, “someone who lives in a nearby foreign country.”

Meaning Explained

As we saw above, the opening words of this verse indicate a conclusion is being drawn. In this case, the two words ara oun, are best translated as “So then,” That’s the basic meaning of “Now, therefore” as we have in our translation here (New King James Version). Paul is not saying “Now” as opposed to “previously.” He is simply summarizing what he has been teaching. This summary takes us back to verse twelve, where Paul said that we were “aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise.

Paul has been teaching us about how the blood of Jesus Christ and faith in His death on the cross as payment for our sins has broken down the dividing wall between the Gentiles and Jews. By breaking down this wall, we are at peace with the Jews and with God and we have access to God the Father through the Holy Spirit. So then …

We are no longer strangers from the covenants of promise and we are no longer foreigners from the commonwealth of Israel. Instead, we are fellow citizens of a holy nation with all the saints. “Saints” is a reference to all those whom God has declared righteous through faith, from the time of Adam to the present day. And, not only are we fellow citizens of that holy nation, we are now members of God’s household. That means that when we leave this life and “go home” it will be to God’s home.


As Christians, we have so many precious promises that will help us endure this life of service to God. One of the greatest promises, however, is that when this life is over, we will live with Him in His home forever. What a blessing!

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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