Ephesians 2:18 – Three In One

Ephesians 2:18  – Three In One

For through Him we both have access by one Spirit to the Father.

Truth to Learn

All three persons of the Godhead have a part in our salvation.

Behind the Words

Through” is translated from the Greek preposition dia, which indeed means “through.” As in English, it can mean motion through something or it can refer to something as the instrument of action, which is how it is used in the current verse.

The word translated “both” is amphoteros. This is the comparative form of amphi, meaning “around.” It can mean either “each of two things” or “both of two things.”

Access” is from prosagōgē, which is made up of pros, meaning “forward to” or “toward” and a form of agō, which means “to lead” or “to bring.” So, literally, prosagōgē refers to “something that has been brought near;” that is, “something or someone that has permission to draw near.”

The word “Spirit” is pneuma, which is derived from the verb pneō, which means “to breath hard” or “to blow.” Pneuma, therefore, refers to “a current of air” or, figuratively, “a spirit.”

Meaning Explained

Before we get into this verse, let’s do a little review to properly set the stage for today’s verse. Paul began his current train of thought back in verse eleven, where he reminded us that we Gentiles were previously called “the uncircumcision” by the Jews. Because we were not circumcised, we were excluded from the spiritual nation of Israel, which meant that we were not included in the covenant of promise (that a Messiah would come and save Israel). Therefore, we did not have a relationship with God and we were without hope of salvation.

In fact, Paul tells us that we were far away from God. Not only were we a long way away, but there was a wall between us and the chosen nation of Israel so that we were prevented from getting near to God. And – there was hostility between us and the children of Israel. At that time, the only way for a person to get close to God was to adopt the Jewish faith and become circumcised, thereby committing to be bound by all the requirements of the law.

God, in His infinite wisdom, however, has made a way for us to be at peace with our Jewish brothers and to be at peace with God. Through the blood of Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son, the wall has been broken down, we have peace with our Jewish brothers, and we have peace with God. Jesus, who was completely man and completely God, lived a life without sin, perfectly fulfilling the law. He is righteous! On the cross, Jesus offered up His perfect life as payment for our sins. All who believe and accept that payment have their sins forgiven and are credited with the righteousness of Christ. This is the Gospel message of peace.

Now, therefore, through Jesus Christ, both Jews and Gentiles have access to God the Father by the indwelling work of the Holy Spirit.


As you can see, all three persons of the Godhead have a part in our salvation. The Father called us, The Son shed His blood for us, and the indwelling Holy Spirit gives us access. Thank you, God, for a perfect plan of salvation.

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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