Tag: oun

Romans 3:28 – Faith Alone

Therefore we conclude that a man to be justified by faith apart from works of law.

Truth to Learn

Righteousness comes by faith and faith alone, not by works.


Behind the Words

“Therefore” is from the Greek word oun, which marks a connection between the current phrase and that which proceeded.

The verb translated “we conclude” is logidzomai, which means “to put together with one’s mind, to count, or to make calculations or reckonings in the mind.” When used with oun, as it is here, it indicates “a proof” or “a conclusion.”

The words “apart from” are translated from chōris, which indicates separation of two things in space or time. Therefore, it could be translated here as “separate from” or “without.”

“Works,” as we have seen before, is from the Greek word ergon, meaning “a deed, a work, something involving labor.”

There is no definite article before the word “law” in the Greek text. The word “the” has been added by some translators.


Meaning Explained

Paul has just gone through a very complete rationalization of why the Jews were falsely confident in the Law, having stated that whether Jew or Gentile we all have sinned and have come short of God’s glory. He further went on to show that the blood of Christ is represented by the mercy seat in that it “covers” our sins, allowing God to pass them by. And, in doing so, He draws attention to His own righteousness as he credits righteousness to anyone who has faith in the covering blood.

He now states the conclusion of this part of his dissertation. That is, that we are justified by faith apart from works of law. In other words, the works have absolutely no bearing on our justification (our being declared righteous).

The Jewish Christians in Rome had always considered their righteousness to be the result of keeping the requirements of the Law. Because of the teachings of the Law and the Prophets, they waited for their Messiah to come. These converts from Judaism considered themselves Christians because they kept the Law AND believed in their Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth. Paul now tells them that keeping the Law has no effect on salvation, further demonstrating that there can be no boasting in salvation because we didn’t do anything to deserve it.

We can only be justified by the principle (law) of faith. In order to satisfy this principle of faith we must humble ourselves before the mighty hand of our sinless God, agree with Him that we are sinners who are undeserving of justification (salvation), and agree with God (confess) that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins.

Our justification does not come about because we perform some work or deed. We are justified in His sight because He reveals His son to us and He draws us to Himself so that we believe. It’s all His work and none of ours.



Paul makes it very clear that we can’t do anything to earn salvation; we can only receive it humbly, as a free gift. Are you still trying to earn “favor” with God? Why? It can’t be done!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 5:1 – Imitators, Not Actors

Then become imitators of God as beloved children.

Truth to Learn

We need to live the part that God has given us.


Behind the Words

“Then” is translated from oun, which indicates a connection of two thoughts, sometimes indicating an affect from the previous thought, but often just a link between the two. It is sometimes translated as “Therefore” and sometimes as “Then.” I believe the best translation in this case is “Then.”

“Become” is the command form of ginomai, which we saw in yesterday’s verse. It means “become.” The implication is that we are not simply to stay the same, we are to move forward and actively become more like our loving God.

The word translated “imitators” is mimētēs, from which we get our English word “mimic,” meaning “to imitate or copy in action and speech.”

 “Beloved” is translated from agapētos, which is based on the verb agapaō, meaning “to love with a perfect, self-sacrificing love.” Agapētos refers to someone who is loved with that kind of love. All Christians are loved by God with this perfect, self-sacrificing love.


Meaning Explained

Nearly everyone has someone to whom they look with respect and admiration, in many cases wishing they could be just like them. Some people go so far as to imitate the clothing style of the one they admire, combing their hair the same way, and even talking like their idol. In fact, there are those who go to the extreme, having plastic surgery so that they even physically resemble the one whom they revere so much. Sort of crazy, huh? The Apostle Paul tells us that being imitators is a good thing, as long as the one we’re imitating is God.

In chapter four of this letter to the Christians in the church of Ephesus, Paul instructed them (and us) to take off the old man and put on the new man. In effect, he told us to quit behaving like our sin nature and begin behaving like our new nature. He even went so far as to instruct us in some of the characteristics of the old man (things we are to avoid) and some of the characteristics of the new man (things we are to do). Now, he gives us some practical insight into how we can put on the new man.

We’ve all seen an actor who, even though we know his or her real identity, portrays a character so completely that we perceive the character they’re playing rather than the actor. And, when we think of that actor, we often think of him or her as one of the characters they have portrayed. In reality, however, we all know that they are just acting like someone else; they’re not really the character they imitate. The Greek word for a professional actor is hupokritēs (hypocrite), indicating someone who is acting in a role that is not who he or she really is.

Unlike professional actors, we need to become more than just pretenders. God doesn’t want us to be hypocrites and just pretend that we’re His children. We are His children! And He wants us to live like His children are supposed to live. While professional actors portray the character on the outside, we need to become the character on the inside.



“I don’t want to be a phony, acting like someone I’m not,” you may say. Well, you don’t have to. If you are a born-again Christian, then you are a child of God. By learning how to think and behave like a child of God you become the new character that God has made you to be. If you learn the part well enough, others will see God in you. Now, that’s something to think about!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 2:19 – Household Members

So, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God,

Truth to Learn

Christians are part of God’s household and will live with Him for eternity.


Behind the Words

The word translated “So” is ara, which is an inferential particle. That is, it indicates that an inference, or conclusion is being made. It is somewhat difficult to translate directly into English, but is often translated as “now,” “then,” “so,” “in conclusion,” or “truly.”

“Therefore” is from another Greek inferential particle, oun. This word is most often translated “therefore” or “certainly.”

The words “no longer” are translated from a single Greek word, ouketi. This is made up of ouk, meaning “not” and eti which refers to a duration of time. It is most often translated as “yet” or “still.” When these two words are combined they mean “not still” or “no longer.”

“Strangers” is the Greek word xenos, which we saw back in verse twelve. It refers to someone who is “a stranger” or “an alien.”

Paroikos is the Greek word translated “foreigners.” It is made up of para, meaning “by, beside, or near” and oikos, which refers to “a dwelling place” or “a house.” Thus, paroikos refers to “someone who lives nearby,” that is, “someone who lives in a nearby foreign country.” The strong implication here is that the foreigner is not of the household (see below).

“Fellow citizens” is translated from the Greek word sumpolitēs. This word is made up of sun, meaning “together’ or “together with” and politēs (from which we get our English word “politics”), meaning “citizen.”

Hagios is the word translated “saints.” The fundamental idea behind this word is “separation from one thing and consecration to another.” Throughout the New Testament, this word is used to refer to those who have been separated from the world (world system) and consecrated to God.

The word “household” is from oikeios, which is derived from oikos, meaning “a house” or “a household.” Thus, oikeios means “a member of a household.”


Meaning Explained

As we saw above, the opening words of this verse indicate a conclusion is being drawn. In this case, the two words ara oun, are best translated as “So then” or “so therefore” as we have in our translation here. Some translations have this as “Now, therefore” which can be a little confusing. Paul is not saying “Now” as opposed to “previously.” He is simply summarizing what he has been teaching. This summary takes us back to verse twelve, where Paul said that we were “aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise.”

Paul has been teaching us about how the blood of Jesus Christ and faith in His death on the cross as payment for our sins has broken down the dividing wall between the Gentiles and Jews. By breaking down this wall, we are at peace with the Jews and with God, and we have access to God the Father through the Holy Spirit. So, therefore …

We are no longer strangers from the covenants of promise and we are no longer foreigners from the commonwealth of Israel. Instead, we are fellow citizens of a holy nation with all the saints. “Saints” is a reference to all those whom God has declared righteous through faith, from the time of Adam to the present day. And, not only are we fellow citizens of that holy nation, we are now members of God’s household. That means that when we leave this life and “go home” it will be to God’s home.



As Christians, we have so many precious promises that will help us endure this life of service to God. One of the greatest promises, however, is that when this life is over, we will live with Him in His home forever. What a blessing!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 5:1 – Imitators, Not Actors

Therefore be imitators of God as dear children.

Truth to Learn

We need to live the part that God has given us.

Behind the Words

Therefore” is translated from oun, which indicates a connection of two thoughts, sometimes indicating an affect from the previous thought, but often just a link between the two. I believe the best translation in this case is “Then.”

Be” is the command form of ginomai, which we saw in yesterday’s verse. It means “become.”

The word translated “imitators” is mimētēs, from which we get our English word “mimic,” meaning “to imitate or copy in action and speech.”

 “Dear” is translated from agapētos, which is based on the verb agapaō, meaning “to love with a perfect, self-sacrificing love.” Agapētos refers to someone who is loved with that kind of love.

A more literal translation of this verse would be, “Then become imitators of God as beloved children.

Meaning Explained

Nearly everyone has someone whom they look-up to with respect and admiration, in many cases wishing they could be just like them. Some people go so far as to imitate the clothing style of the one they admire, combing their hair the same way, and even talking like their idol. In fact, there are those who go to the extreme, having plastic surgery so that they even physically resemble the one whom they revere so much. Sort of crazy, huh? Perhaps in the extreme case; however, the Apostle Paul tells us that being imitators is a good thing, as long as the one we’re imitating is God.

In chapter four of this letter to the Christians in the church of Ephesus, Paul instructed them (and us) to take off the old man and put on the new man. In effect, he told us to quit behaving like our sin nature and begin behaving like our new nature. He even went so far as to instruct us in some of the characteristics of the old man (things we are to avoid) and some of the characteristics of the new man. Now, he gives us some practical insight into how we can put on the new man.

We’ve all seen actors who, even though we know their real identity, portray a character so completely that we perceive the character they’re playing rather than the actor. And, when we think of that actor, we often think of him or her as one of the characters they have portrayed. In reality, however, we all know that they are just acting like someone else; they’re not really the character they imitate.

Unlike professional actors, we need to become more than just pretenders. God doesn’t want us to pretend that we’re His children. We are His children! And He wants us to live like His children are supposed to live. While professional actors portray the character on the outside, we need to become the character on the inside.


“I don’t want to be a phony, acting like someone I’m not,” you may say. Well, you don’t have to. If you are a born-again Christian, then you are a child of God. By learning how to think and behave like a child of God you become the new character that God has made you to be. If you learn the part well enough, others will see God in you. Think about that!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

Ephesians 2:19 – Household Members

Ephesians 2:19  – Household Members

Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God,

Truth to Learn

Christians are part of God’s household and will live with Him for eternity.

Behind the Words

The word translated “Now” is ara, which is an inferential particle. That is, it indicates that an inference, or conclusion is being made. It is somewhat difficult to translate directly into English, but is often translated as “now,” “then,” “so be,” “in conclusion,” or “truly.”

Therefore” is from another Greek inferential particle, oun. This word is most often translated “therefore” or “certainly.”

The words “no longer” are translated from a single Greek word, ouketi. This is made up of ouk, meaning “not” and eti which refers to a duration of time. It is most often translated as “yet” or “still.” When these two words are combined they mean “not still” or “no longer.”

Strangers” is the Greek word xenos, which we saw back in verse twelve. It refers to someone who is “a stranger” or “an alien.”

Paroikos is the Greek word translated “foreigners.” It is made up of para, meaning “by, beside, or near” and oikos, which refers to “a dwelling place” or “a house.” Thus, paroikos refers to “someone who lives nearby,” that is, “someone who lives in a nearby foreign country.”

Meaning Explained

As we saw above, the opening words of this verse indicate a conclusion is being drawn. In this case, the two words ara oun, are best translated as “So then,” That’s the basic meaning of “Now, therefore” as we have in our translation here (New King James Version). Paul is not saying “Now” as opposed to “previously.” He is simply summarizing what he has been teaching. This summary takes us back to verse twelve, where Paul said that we were “aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise.

Paul has been teaching us about how the blood of Jesus Christ and faith in His death on the cross as payment for our sins has broken down the dividing wall between the Gentiles and Jews. By breaking down this wall, we are at peace with the Jews and with God and we have access to God the Father through the Holy Spirit. So then …

We are no longer strangers from the covenants of promise and we are no longer foreigners from the commonwealth of Israel. Instead, we are fellow citizens of a holy nation with all the saints. “Saints” is a reference to all those whom God has declared righteous through faith, from the time of Adam to the present day. And, not only are we fellow citizens of that holy nation, we are now members of God’s household. That means that when we leave this life and “go home” it will be to God’s home.


As Christians, we have so many precious promises that will help us endure this life of service to God. One of the greatest promises, however, is that when this life is over, we will live with Him in His home forever. What a blessing!

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 6:15 – Grateful Willing Restraint

Romans 6:15

What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? Certainly not!

Truth to Learn

Just because our sins are all forgiven doesn’t mean we should let our sin nature run wild.

Behind the Words

The expression “What then?” is from two Greek words, ti oun. The first word, ti (a form of tis), in an interrogative pronoun means “who?” or “what?” or “which?” Oun is used between two clauses or sentences to show a connection between them or a cause and effect relationship. Paul is using it here to express a question that shows the relationship between what he has just said and the rhetorical question to follow.

Under” is translated from the pronoun hupo (or hypo), which can mean physically “under” or “under the influence or dominion of” as it is used here.

Meaning Explained

Paul now asks another one of his rhetorical questions. His purpose for asking the question is to answer an objection that might be raised. He has just declared that we are not under the dominion and power of sin any longer because we are no longer under the Law but under grace. Remember, the people to whom he wrote this letter were predominantly converted Jews living in Rome. They had been brought up believing that the way to righteousness was by obeying the Law. When they were saved, they continued to believe that it was necessary to obey the Law.

But Paul has skillfully demonstrated, not only are we no longer bound to the Law, but we are no longer under the lordship of our sin nature. We are freed from the bondage of the Law, and we are freed from the dominion of sin. To a Jewish Christian who has felt the weight of the Law and sin his or her entire life, this would sound like a freedom cry and permission to sin without repercussion.

So Paul asks his rhetorical question: Shall we sin because we are not under Law, but under grace?

In his typical style, Paul immediately answers the question with the Greek phrase, “me genoito” which, as we have seen before, means “May it not be!” or “No way!”

We Christians are funny people sometimes. We labor for years under the false impression that we will be punished for our sins. We are very careful to be as obedient and faithful as we possibly can for fear of reprisal from God, as if He were a giant ogre just waiting for us to slip up so He can pounce on us and make us pay. But as soon as we learn that all of our sins are paid for (past, present, and future) and that we are no longer under condemnation, but are declared to be righteous, we immediately want to throw off the mantle of self restraint and let our sin nature run wild.

Instead, we should endeavor to be as obedient and faithful as possible, not because we will be punished for sinning, but because we have been set free and we owe it to our Master and Lord to act the way He wants us to act.


We should be so grateful for having all of our sins forgiven that we willingly restrain our sin nature and live for Him the way He wants us to! But that’s not the way we think, is it?

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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