1 Thessalonians 2:19 – Present Suffering or Future Glory?

For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Is it not even you in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming?

Truth to Learn

Keep your focus on eternity when you suffer as a Christian.

Behind the Words

Elpis is the Greek word translated “hope.” This word signifies more than just a wish that something good will happen. It also implies a full expectation of obtaining that good thing. It could be paraphrased as “hopeful expectation.”

The word “crown” is translated from stephanos, which refers to the crown or wreath awarded to the winner of an athletic event. It is distinctly different than a diadēma, which refers to a crown of royal dignity.

Rejoicing” is from kauchēsis, meaning “to boast” or “to brag.” Kauchēsis refers to “boasting” or “glorying” in some achievement, either of self or of others.

The words “in the presence” are translated from emprosthen, which is made up of en, meaning “in,” pros, meaning “to” or “toward,” and then, denoting a direction or a place. Thus, emprosthen indicates “the place directly in front of someone.”

The word “coming” is from parousia. This word is derived from pareimi, meaning “to be present.” Parousia can refer either to the presence of something or it can refer to the coming of someone into our presence.

Meaning Explained

Apparently, the Apostle Paul had been accused of having deserted the Christians in Thessalonica and not trying to return there. In the previous couple of verses he expressed his heart wrenching separation from as having been orphaned. He also expressed the fact that he had repeatedly planned on returning there but was hindered from doing so by our adversary.

During times of persecution it is important to keep the future in view. Instead of continuing to focus on the current persecution that he and the Thessalonians were facing, Paul reminds them of the coming rewards for their persistence. He reminds them (and us) of our future hope we have in the coming of our Lord. He reminds them (and us) of the boasting, or glorying, that we will have at His coming. And, he reminds them (and us) of the eternal rewards we will receive when He comes back for us.

When Christ returns, all Christians will stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ. This is a time when our works will be judged for the purpose of finding good (1 Corinthians 3:10-15), and rewards in the form of crowns will be awarded. These rewards, and this rejoicing, will not be temporal like things in this life; these things will be eternal. Also, in recognition of the real source of all our accomplishments, we will be able to cast our crowns at His feet, proclaiming that He is the one worthy of all glory and honor (Revelation 4:10).


Don’t be discouraged, my dear Christian friends, when you suffer from opposition and persecution for your Christian witness. One day we will receive rewards for our good works done in faith. And, we will be able to give recognition and glory to our Lord for His faithfulness and empowering Spirit.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved

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