1 Thessalonians 4:3 – It’s Very Clear

For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you should abstain from sexual immorality;

Truth to Learn

Christians are to avoid all sexual impurity.

Behind the Words

Will” is translated from the Greek noun thelēma, which is one of two Greek words translated “will.” The other word is boulēma. Both words indicate a desire or intent to do something, but thelēma also implies combining the desire with action. Thus, we often refer to thelēma as God’s determined will and to boulēma as God’s desirous will.

The word translated “sanctification” is hagiasmos, which is based on the verb hagiadzō, meaning “to sanctify.” To sanctify something means to set it apart from common usage to usage devoted to God. Thus, sanctification carries the meaning of being set apart or separated. Sanctification and holiness are often used interchangeably, both indicating separation from sin and dedication to God.

The words “should abstain” are from the Greek verb apechomai, which is made up of apo, meaning “from” or “away from” and a form of echo, meaning “to have” or “to hold.” Thus, apechomai means “to hold off from” or “to hold oneself back from.”

Sexual immorality” is translated from porneia (from which we get our English word pornography). This word is based on the verb porneuō meaning “to commit any sexual sin” or “sexual immorality.”

Meaning Explained

“What is God’s will for my life?” This is a question that many Christians ask early in their walk with God. While attending a Christian college years ago, I encountered many students asking that same question. I remember one student, not knowing which direction to turn, stating that he was going to just sit and “wait on the Lord,” not making any decision until he knew for sure what God wanted him to do. Fortunately, a wise professor said to him, “It is much easier to turn a ship that is moving than one that is sitting still.” In other words, “Step out on faith and God will guide you by His spirit.”

Sometimes our Father-Guide makes His will very clear, while at other times we have to seek His face in prayer, not knowing if we are going the right direction, but trusting that He will tell us if we are going the wrong way. In today’s verse we are told that God’s determined will is that we be sanctified (set-apart). God has determined that we will be set apart from sin and from the world system. Ultimately He will accomplish that determination when we are glorified in His presence. Until then, however, we are told that there are certain things He desires us to do as we walk the pathway of Christian life. We have a responsibility to be obedient and take the right path.

One of those paths is made very clear in today’s verse. We are to hold ourselves back (separate ourselves) from sexual impurity. The Christian walk is composed of many choices. When we choose, we have to decide whether we will follow our own desires, or take the path He desires for us.


God is very clear on this one. If you are unmarried, stay away from all sexual activity. If you are married, enjoy it, but only with your husband or wife. No if’s, and’s, or but’s!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved

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