1 Thessalonians 5:21 – Find Good and Hold On

Test all things; hold fast what is good.

Truth to Learn

We are to look for good and hold on to it when we find it.

Behind the Words

Dokimadzō is the Greek verb translated “test” in today’s verse. This Greek word means “to test something to determine its worth.” It is the word used of testing gold or other precious metals to determine its value. There is another Greek word often translated “test.” It is peiradzō, which is often translated “tempt.” It is distinguished from dokimadzō in that it is a test or a temptation to produce sinfulness.

The word translated “hold fast” is katechō, which is made up of kata, used as an intensifier and echō, meaning “to have” or “to hold.” Katechō means “to hold firmly” or “keep hold of.”

Good” is from the Greek noun kalos, which refers to that which is good in quality or character. In other words it refers to “something that is beautiful or that is morally or constitutionally good.” A different Greek noun, agathos refers to “some deed that is useful or beneficial to others.”

Meaning Explained

Paul is in the middle of a series of short statements about a fruitful Christian walk. He started off with three attitudes: rejoicing, praying, and giving thanks. He follows these up with five actions that demonstrate a life submitted to God.

In both of the previous two verses Paul used a grammatical form that indicates that we are to stop doing certain things. It is common in Paul’s teaching to follow up negative commands (things we are not to do, or that we are to stop doing) with a positive replacement (what we are to do instead). In today’s verse he commands us to do two things to replace the actions we are to stop doing. The first thing is to test all things with the purpose of finding good. Instead of suppressing the working of the Holy Spirit and treating prophecies with scorn, we are to test all things. Since verses nineteen and twenty were focused on workings of the Spirit through spiritually gifted men, it is reasonable to assume that he is still talking about the use of spiritual gifts. Instead of taking a negative position against workings of the Spirit, we should test them to see if they are truly of the Spirit of God or simply manifestations of the will of man.

In 1 Corinthians 12:10 Paul talks about the use of the gifts in the church, and immediately after the gift of prophecy, he mentions the discerning of spirits, that is, a spiritual gift of determining whether the prophecy is truly from the Spirit of God. Also, immediately after mentioning the gift of tongues, he cites the interpretation of tongues. These are both gifts that test the use of spiritual gifts.

Finally, in today’s verse Paul commands us to cling to whatever is inherently good. In order to do that, we have to be constantly on the look-out for good things. When we see good things or encounter good people, we are to emulate them and make such things part of our own Christian walk.


Instead of being negative about everything that takes place in our churches, we need to look for the good things and good people who demonstrate actions born out of love for our Savior and other people.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved


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