Tag: kalos

Romans 14:21 – Good For Whom?

It is good neither to eat meat nor drink wine nor do anything by which your brother stumbles or is offended or is made weak.

Truth to Learn

Consider the good of others more important than your own.


Behind the Words

The word translated “good” is a form of kalos, which means “good as to quality or character.”

“Stumbles” is translated from the Greek verb proskoptō, which we have seen a couple of times recently. It means to “to stub on” or “to trip up.”

The word “offended” is translated from the verb scandalidzō, the noun form of which we have also talked about recently. This word means, “to entrap” or “to entice to sin.”

“Is made weak” is from the Greek verb astheneo, which means “to be weak or sickly.”


Meaning Explained

Now Paul summarizes what he has been saying in the past few verses. Since it is a summary of his instruction, let’s look carefully at what he does and what he doesn’t say. First of all Paul says that “It is good neither to eat meat nor drink wine nor do anything …” So what he is saying is that these things are not good for us to do.

Now, notice that there are qualifications to those things which are not good for us to do. The first qualification is, “by which your brother stumbles.” If your drinking wine or eating a certain kind of food causes your brother to stumble in his walk with God, then it is not a good thing for you to do.

The second qualification is, “or is offended.” We should not do anything that will lead a brother or sister to act contrary to his or her own convictions. If we know that other Christians are convicted that eating certain foods is wrong, we should not eat those types of food in their presence or try to convince them that it is OK for them. To them it is a spiritual conviction and it is up to God to convince them otherwise (if their conviction is wrong). Because of the translation of scandalidzō as “offended,” we may be inclined to read this verse as if it said, “it is good not to eat meat, nor to drink wine, nor anything that your brother takes offense at, or disagrees with.” Just because a brother or sister considers wrong something which our own conscience allows doesn’t mean we stop doing it. But by the same token we don’t argue with them about it, we don’t force them to do it, and we don’t flaunt it in front of them.

The third qualification is, “or is made weak.” Again, we see that our actions could cause the faith of a brother or sister to be negatively affected because of his or her convictions. So, how do we know what we should do and what we shouldn’t do when it comes to spiritual convictions that we hold different from our brother or sister in Christ? Paul will answer that question in the following two verses.



There is a fine line between what Paul is teaching here and situational ethics. Situational ethics says that something may be wrong to do in one situation but not wrong in another. What Paul is teaching is that it is always wrong to consider your own needs more important than a fellow Christian. The bottom line is that we should do those things that build-up other Christians and we should avoid those things which will cause other Christians harm. If we always consider the good of others more important than our own, God will be pleased with our actions.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 12:21 – Good Versus Evil

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Truth to Learn

The proper way for a Christian to combat evil is with good.


Behind the Words

The word translated “overcome” is nikaō, a verb form of the noun nikē, which refers to “a conquest or victory.” Hence, nikaō means “to subdue, conquer, or overcome.” In both instances in this verse it is expressed in the imperative mood indicating something all Christians are to do.

“Evil” is from the Greek word kakos, which refers to that which is worthless in and of itself. Thus, it is often translated as depraved, wicked, or evil. It is expressed here with the definite article, so it literally refers to “the evil thing” or “the evil one.”

The word “good” is translated from agathos, meaning “profitable or beneficial.” It refers to general goodness whereas the Greek word kalos, which we looked at in verse seventeen, refers to something that is inherently good but not necessarily benefitting others.


Meaning Explained

Paul started off this chapter by stating:

I urge you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. (Romans 12:1)

Throughout the remainder of this chapter, he has been showing us what it looks like when a person is a living sacrifice, totally submitted to God; for instance, someone who has presented his or her body as a living sacrifice to God will not repay evil for evil and will not avenge himself or herself.

In the past few verses Paul has not been giving us commandments so much as he has been showing us what the evidence of our submission as a living sacrifice looks like. And so, he wraps up this chapter with a final piece of evidence of a person who is totally submitted and committed to God. This person does not allow himself to be overcome with evil; instead, he overcomes evil with good. A literal translation of this verse could be:

Do not be conquered under the evil one, but conquer the evil one with goodness.

Some would say that “the evil one” refers to Satan, for he is sometimes referred to in that manner. In this case, however, I believe Paul is referring to anyone who does evil to you. If the result of an evil act on you causes you to do evil in return, then you have succumbed to the temptation of retaliation and you have demonstrated that you are not fully submitted to God. But, if evil is done to you and there is within you the ability to plan and carry out goodness toward the one doing evil, then you are showing that you are still lying on the alter, a living sacrifice to God, and He will use you when you live that way.



It’s not easy to remain on the altar because we each have a sin nature that wants us to be in control and wants to get even with those who hurt us. However, by the power of the Holy Spirit we can remain submitted to our Lord and we can respond to the evil done to us with goodness. That’s sacrificial living. It’s pleasing to God because it allows Him to receive all the glory and all the praise.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 12:17 – Reactive or Proactive?

Repay no one evil for evil, giving thought to do what is good in the sight of all men.

Truth to Learn

We should be benevolently proactive, not selfishly reactive.


Behind the Words

The word translated “repay” is apodidomi, which is a compound word made up of apo, meaning “from” or “away from” and didōmi, meaning “to give.” Hence apodidōmi means “to give away” of “to deliver up.” In the current context it can certainly be interpreted as “repay,” although it does not imply repayment of something owed.

“Evil” is from the Greek word kakos, referring to “that which is worthless in and of itself.” It does not refer to a bad effect (that would be the word ponēros) but to an intrinsic worthlessness. Thus, kakos usually refers to an evil thing or an evil action.

The words “giving thought” are translated from pronoeō. This is made up of pro, meaning “before, in place or time” and noeō, which refers to “action of the mind (to think, perceive, or consider).” Thus, we see that pronoeō means “to consider in advance, to plan ahead, or to premeditate.”

“Good” is from kalos, which refers to “that which is good in quality or character.” It is often translated as “beautiful.”


Meaning Explained

In this verse Paul contrasts two thoughts. Do you see what they are? He says,

Don’t be reactive and respond with evil acts when evil acts are done to you. Instead, be proactive and consider ahead of time what good things you are going to do for others.

When someone does something to us that is unkind, offensive, hurtful, or just downright mean, our first reaction is to respond in kind and “get even.” I’m sure we’ve all heard the expression, “I don’t get mad – I get even.” That’s precisely what Paul is telling us not to do. Don’t allow your sin nature to control your actions. That’s the result of our “flesh” which Paul was talking about back in chapter 8 when he said:

For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity toward God; for it is not submitted to the law of God, indeed it can’t be. But those who are in the flesh are not able to please God. (Romans 8:5-8)

We should not behave like the unsaved do. They are slaves to their flesh and have no choice but to obey it because they are spiritually dead. But we have been set free from the bondage of our flesh and are now spiritually alive. We have a choice and that choice should always be to do good, not evil.



Do you want to please God? If so, then you need to let His Spirit control your thoughts and actions, not your own flesh. Your choices are to please yourself or to please God. Which will it be?

“Ouch! That makes my own toes hurt!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 11:20 – Faith and Fear

Well said. In unbelief they were broken off, and you stand by faith. Do not be high-minded, but fear.

Truth to Learn

Salvation should not produce pride, but reverential fear.


Behind the Words

“Well said” is translated from the Greek word kalōs, meaning “well, justly, or aptly.” It is as if Paul is agreeing with this objection. We could paraphrase this as “Very well then.”

The words translated “unbelief” and “faith” in this verse are closely related. The word translated “unbelief” is apistia, which is a compound word made up of a, meaning “not or without” and a form of pistis, meaning “faith or belief.” It is based on the verb peithō, meaning “to persuade or to win over.” Hence, pistis is the condition of having been convinced of a truth so that the person now believes the truth. The word translated “faith” is pistis. So you see Paul is making a contrast between the apistia (lack of faith) and pistis (having faith).

“Stand” is from histēmi, meaning “to stand upright, to stand in place, or to stand firm.” It is expressed here in the perfect tense, which indicates a past completed action with an ongoing effect, but the emphasis is on the ongoing effect. In other words, in the past we stood because of faith and, as a result, we are in an ongoing condition of standing because of faith.

The word translated “high-minded” is the Greek word, hupsēlophronō, which is a compound word made up of hupselos, meaning “high, in place or character” and a form of phroneō, meaning “to think” or “to be of a certain mind.” In today’s English it means “haughty, arrogant, or puffed up.”


Meaning Explained

Paul starts off this verse with “Well said.” It is as if Paul is agreeing with the objection expressed in the previous verse. He goes on to state the part that he does agree with, and then he will give a word of caution about this type of thinking.

Paul agrees that the Jews were rejected for not believing and that we stand because we believe. But he then gives this warning, “Do not be high-minded, but fear.” His warning is that we should not become arrogant, thinking that we are something special because God chose to graft us into the olive tree; instead, we should be filled with reverential fear. Paul will explain why in the next verse.

Because we believe that we are sinners and that Jesus Christ gave his perfect, sinless life on our behalf, God has declared us to be as righteous as Christ. Through this righteousness we are seen by God as sinless, He has adopted us as His sons and daughters, and we are guaranteed eternal life instead of eternal damnation in hell, which is what we deserve because of our sinfulness. We would not have believed these truths and we would not be partakers of His holiness had the Jews accepted Jesus as the Messiah when He offered Himself to them.

Because of our sin nature, we are prone to believe ourselves something special because of God’s free gift of salvation. And, because others rejected God’s truth, we are prone to believe that they are less than we are.



Let us once again take stock of our own unworthiness and the blessing of God’s grace. Let our gratefulness be shown in giving all we have to and for Him. Let us humble ourselves before our Lord and Master, for He is worthy!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Peter 2:12 – For His Glory

having your behavior good among the Gentiles, that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may, by your good works which they observe, glorify God in the day of inspection.

Truth to Learn

Our good behavior will bring glory to God.


Behind the Words

“Behavior” is translated from anastrophē, which literally means “to turn again.” By implication it means “to move around.” It’s a reference to the way we behave as we move back and forth through this life on earth.

The word translated “good” is kalos, which literally means “beautiful” but by figure, as used here, it means “good in quality or character.”

The word translated “inspection” is episkopē, which is made up of epi, meaning “on” or “over” and a form of skopeō, meaning “to give attention to.” Hence, it primarily refers to an inspection. Some scholars believe this refers to the day that God visits a person to open his or her eyes to the truth of the gospel. That is, the day they are “saved.” Others, however, believe that this refers to the day when God will judge the unbelievers. Since the term primarily refers to an inspection, it is more likely that Peter is referring to the Day of Judgment.


Meaning Explained

In the previous verse we learned that Peter is telling us we need to exert our will to keep ourselves away from (or abstain from) fleshly lusts. Now he tells us that we should exhibit “good” behavior. Not only do we need to avoid letting our lusts control us, we need to behave in a manner that is generally regarded as good. And in whose presence are we to behave this way? The Gentiles.

“Wait a minute,” you say, “I thought Gentiles were non-Jews?” The word translated Gentiles in this verse is ethnos. Back in verse 9 we talked about the fact that God has made us a “holy nation” The word translated “nation” in that verse is this same Greek word, ethnos. It means “a race of people” or “a nation of people,” and Peter is using it here in the vernacular sense of those who are not of us or, more specifically, those who are not Christians. We are to live an exemplary life, a life without reproach, in front of the unsaved.

The reason, according to Peter, is that in living this way we may, by our good works, cause the unbelievers to glorify God in the day of inspection. These same people who deride us and treat us with disregard or contempt will give God glory one day.

Perhaps our current good behavior will be used as evidence against those who speak evil against us, showing that their attitude toward God was wrong. It does not appear that we will derive any personal satisfaction out of such judgment, and we are not to live godly lives for our own benefit. We are to live this way so that God will receive praise and glory.



We are not here on this earth to do great things for ourselves; we are here to serve Him. Let us strive to live humble, godly lives and do good works, not for ourselves, but so that God will be glorified! After all, He is worthy!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 5:21 – Find Good and Hold On

Test all things; hold fast what is good.

Truth to Learn

We are to look for good and hold on to it when we find it.


Behind the Words

Dokimadzō is the Greek verb translated “test” in today’s verse. This Greek word means “to test something to determine its worth.” It is the word used of testing gold or other precious metals to determine its value. There is another Greek word often translated “test.” It is peiradzō, which is often translated “tempt.” It is distinguished from dokimadzō in that it is a test or a temptation to try to induce sinfulness.

The word translated “hold fast” is katechō, which is made up of kata, used as an intensifier and echō, meaning “to have” or “to hold.” Katechō means “to hold firmly” or “keep hold of.”

“Good” is from the Greek noun kalos, which refers to that which is good in quality or character. In other words, it refers to “something that is beautiful or that is morally or constitutionally good.” A different Greek noun, agathos refers to “some deed that is useful or beneficial to others.”


Meaning Explained

Paul is in the middle of a series of short statements about a fruitful Christian walk. He started off with three attitudes: rejoicing, praying, and giving thanks. He follows these up with five actions that demonstrate a life submitted to God.

In both of the previous two verses Paul used a grammatical form that indicates that we are to stop doing certain things. It is common in Paul’s teaching to follow up negative commands (things we are not to do, or that we are to stop doing) with a positive replacement (what we are to do instead). In today’s verse he commands us to do two things to replace the actions we are to stop doing. The first thing is to test all things with the purpose of finding good. Instead of suppressing the working of the Holy Spirit and treating prophecies with scorn, we are to test all things. Since verses nineteen and twenty were focused on workings of the Spirit through spiritually gifted men, it is reasonable to assume that he is still talking about the use of spiritual gifts. Instead of taking a negative position against workings of the Spirit, we should test them to see if they are truly of the Spirit of God or simply manifestations of the will of man.

In 1 Corinthians 12:10 Paul talks about the use of the gifts in the church, and immediately after the gift of prophecy, he mentions the discerning of spirits, that is, a spiritual gift of determining whether the prophecy is truly from the Spirit of God. Also, immediately after mentioning the gift of tongues, he cites the interpretation of tongues. Discerning of spirits and interpreting tongues are both gifts that test the use of spiritual gifts.

Finally, in today’s verse Paul commands us to cling to whatever is inherently good. In order to do that, we have to be constantly on the look-out for good things. When we see good things or encounter good people, we are to emulate them and make such things part of our own Christian walk.



Instead of being negative about everything that takes place in our churches, we need to be positive and look for the good things and good people who demonstrate actions born out of love for our Savior and other people.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

James 2:19 – One God Faith

You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble!

Truth to Learn

Faith is necessary for salvation, but what you have faith in is crucial, and the proof of that faith will be your good works.

Behind the Words

The word here translated as “believe” is the Greek word pisteuō. The word translated faith in the previous verse is pistis. They both come from the same root word peithō, which means “to persuade or convince.” Hence, this literally means “you are convinced that …”

The expression “there is one God” in the Greek literally reads “God is one.” This is a fundamental truth of Judaism, Christianity, and the Muslim religion. The fact that there is a single, all-powerful God is foundational to the faith that many people hold, but you must believe more that this to be truly saved from your sins.

“Well” is translated from the Greek adverb kalōs, which refers to “a specific quality of goodness.” There is a different Greek word meaning general goodness, the word agathos. James is saying that specifically believing in one God is a good thing for someone to do.

The Greek word translated “tremble” is phrissō. This word literally means “to bristle,” as when one feels the hairs stand-up on the back of their neck. Hence, it refers to a physical response to a fearful situation and is thus interpreted as “to shudder or shake in fear.”

Meaning Explained

James has been talking about works being the evidence of saving faith. He also wants to show that simply having faith in something (believing in something), even something as noble as the idea of a single, all powerful God, is not enough. There are many Jews and Muslims who believe in a single, all-powerful God. There are even many church goers around the world who believe that God exists. But they do not believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that, as a man, He died on the cross to pay for their sins.

James is saying that even demons have faith. They believe that there is one supreme God and they tremble in fear because they know that he is a vengeful God, in addition to being a loving God. But, even though these demons believe in the one all-powerful God, they are not saved. They are destined for Hell. Having faith in God is important, even necessary for salvation, but it is not sufficient for one to be saved. One has to also believe that he or she, as a sinner, has been saved by the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ on the cross.

James’ thesis in this section of his letter is that faith is good but what you believe in is supremely important. He is also saying that genuine saving faith will always be evidenced by works of love (good works).


Do you have faith? Do you believe there is one supreme God? If so, that is good. Do you believe that you are a sinner and that you deserve eternity in hell? Do you believe that Jesus died on the cross to pay for your sin? I pray that you do!

Now, do your actions demonstrate your faith? James says these good works are the proof of your salvation. Do your words, your attitudes and your actions demonstrate what you believe? Do they demonstrate that you are a Christian, saved by faith?

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

James 2:7 – Blasphemous Wealth

Don’t they blaspheme that beautiful name by which you are called?

Truth to Learn

The conversation of the rich and famous is more an indication of their devotion to God (or lack thereof) than their wealth.

Behind the Words

The word “blaspheme” is not a translation but a transliteration. That is, the translators took the Greek word and brought it directly into English. The Greek word is blasphemeō. The meaning of the word is “to vilify, speak evil of, or slander.”

“Beautiful” is translated from the Greek word kalos, which means “good” or “beautiful.” This serves to further emphasize the vileness of the blasphemy by these rich people.

The words “name by which you are called” could be more accurately translated, “the name having been called upon you.” The verb “you are called” is a form of epikaleō. This is made up of epi, meaning “on, over, or upon” and kaleō, meaning to call. It is expressed here in the passive voice, indicating something done to the subject. When we are called Christians, we are identified with the Lord Himself. But it is also the name given to us by God when He called us. God chose us and He called us to be His, as Paul says in the book of Romans:

And whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also declared righteous; and whom He declared righteous, these He also glorified. (Romans 8:30)

Meaning Explained

James has been speaking about how we hold rich people in higher esteem than poor people. We offer the choice seats in church to these rich people and we treat the poor as if they were trash. We do such things for strictly selfish reasons. We think we can benefit from the wealth of the rich people and we’re afraid of what others will think of us if we are friendly to poor people. That’s nothing more than selfishness, and it is sin! There are some rich people who love Jesus Christ and are submitted to his leading in their lives, but these are the exception rather than the rule. The value we place upon people should be based on their submission to God, not their wealth.

Three of the Gospel writers recounted the story about the devout, rich man who asked Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life. After the man refused to give up his riches to follow Jesus, Jesus turned to his disciples and said:

“Children, how hard it is for those trusting on riches to enter the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” (Mar 10:24b, 25)

To such people as this, the name of Christ is no more than a swear word.


Do you judge people based on the type of job they have, the type of car they drive, or the house they live in? These may be signs of monetary wealth, but they give you no clue as to a person’s spiritual wealth. You can only tell that by observing how they respond to God’s Word, how they treat others, and especially how they talk.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 5:21 – Find Good and Hold On

Test all things; hold fast what is good.

Truth to Learn

We are to look for good and hold on to it when we find it.

Behind the Words

Dokimadzō is the Greek verb translated “test” in today’s verse. This Greek word means “to test something to determine its worth.” It is the word used of testing gold or other precious metals to determine its value. There is another Greek word often translated “test.” It is peiradzō, which is often translated “tempt.” It is distinguished from dokimadzō in that it is a test or a temptation to produce sinfulness.

The word translated “hold fast” is katechō, which is made up of kata, used as an intensifier and echō, meaning “to have” or “to hold.” Katechō means “to hold firmly” or “keep hold of.”

Good” is from the Greek noun kalos, which refers to that which is good in quality or character. In other words it refers to “something that is beautiful or that is morally or constitutionally good.” A different Greek noun, agathos refers to “some deed that is useful or beneficial to others.”

Meaning Explained

Paul is in the middle of a series of short statements about a fruitful Christian walk. He started off with three attitudes: rejoicing, praying, and giving thanks. He follows these up with five actions that demonstrate a life submitted to God.

In both of the previous two verses Paul used a grammatical form that indicates that we are to stop doing certain things. It is common in Paul’s teaching to follow up negative commands (things we are not to do, or that we are to stop doing) with a positive replacement (what we are to do instead). In today’s verse he commands us to do two things to replace the actions we are to stop doing. The first thing is to test all things with the purpose of finding good. Instead of suppressing the working of the Holy Spirit and treating prophecies with scorn, we are to test all things. Since verses nineteen and twenty were focused on workings of the Spirit through spiritually gifted men, it is reasonable to assume that he is still talking about the use of spiritual gifts. Instead of taking a negative position against workings of the Spirit, we should test them to see if they are truly of the Spirit of God or simply manifestations of the will of man.

In 1 Corinthians 12:10 Paul talks about the use of the gifts in the church, and immediately after the gift of prophecy, he mentions the discerning of spirits, that is, a spiritual gift of determining whether the prophecy is truly from the Spirit of God. Also, immediately after mentioning the gift of tongues, he cites the interpretation of tongues. These are both gifts that test the use of spiritual gifts.

Finally, in today’s verse Paul commands us to cling to whatever is inherently good. In order to do that, we have to be constantly on the look-out for good things. When we see good things or encounter good people, we are to emulate them and make such things part of our own Christian walk.


Instead of being negative about everything that takes place in our churches, we need to look for the good things and good people who demonstrate actions born out of love for our Savior and other people.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved


Romans 14:21 – Good For Whom?

Romans 14:21 – Good For Whom?

It is good neither to eat meat nor drink wine nor do anything by which your brother stumbles or is offended or is made weak.

Truth to Learn

Consider the good of others more important than your own.

Behind the Words

The word translated “good” is a form of kalos, which means “good as to quality or character.”

Stumbles” is translated from the Greek verb proskoptō, which we have seen a couple of times recently. It means to “to stub on” or “to trip up.”

The word “offended” is translated from the verb scandalidzō, the noun form of which we have also talked about recently. This word means, “to entrap” or “to entice to sin.”

Is made weak” is from the Greek verb astheneo, which means “to be weak or sickly.”

Meaning Explained

Now Paul summarizes what he has been saying in the past few verses. Since it is a summary of his instruction, let’s look carefully at what he does and what he doesn’t say. First of all Paul says that “It is good neither to eat meat nor drink wine nor do anything …” So what he is saying is that these things are not good for us to do.

Now, notice that there are qualifications to those things which are not good for us to do. The first qualification is, “by which your brother stumbles.” If your drinking wine or eating a certain kind of food causes your brother to stumble in his walk with God, then it is not a good thing for you to do.

The second qualification is, “or is offended.” We should not do anything that will lead a brother or sister to act contrary to his or her own convictions. If we know that other Christians are convicted that eating certain foods is wrong, we should not eat those types of food in their presence or try to convince them that it is OK for them. To them it is a spiritual conviction and it is up to God to convince them otherwise (if their conviction is wrong). Because of the unfortunate translation of scandalidzō as “offended,” we may be inclined to read this verse as if it said, “it is good not to eat meat, nor to drink wine, nor anything that your brother takes offense at, or disagrees with.” Just because a brother or sister considers wrong something which our own conscience allows doesn’t mean we stop doing it. But by the same token we don’t argue with them about it, we don’t force them to do it, and we don’t flaunt it in front of them.

The third qualification is, “or is made weak.” Again, we see that our actions could cause the faith of a brother or sister to be negatively affected because of his or her convictions. So, how do we know what we should do and what we shouldn’t do when it comes to spiritual convictions that we hold different from our brother or sister in Christ? Paul will answer that question in the following two verses.


There is a fine line between what Paul is teaching here and situational ethics. Situational ethics says that something may be wrong to do in one situation but not wrong in another. What Paul is teaching is that it is always wrong to consider your own needs more important than a fellow Christian. The bottom line is that we should do those things that build-up other Christians and we should avoid those things which will cause other Christians harm. If we always consider the good of others more important than our own, God will be pleased with our actions.

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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