James 4:15 – The Lord’s Plan

Instead you ought to be saying, "If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that."

Truth to Learn

It is God’s plan for us that is important, not our own plans.

Behind the Words

The expression “Instead you ought to be saying” should be more literally translated as “Instead of your saying.”

“Lord” is translated from kurios, meaning “the one in supreme authority” or “the one who is in control.” The use of this word is an indication of our subservience and of His supremacy.

The word translated “wills” is from the Greek word thelō, meaning “to will.” It is similar to the Greek word boulomai, also translated “to will,” though it carries a sense of volition and purpose. Hence, thelō is often spoken of as “determined will” whereas boulomai is spoken of as “desirous will.” So, James is saying, “If the Lord determines it to be, then we shall live …”

Meaning Explained

This verse is a direct response to verse thirteen, with verse fourteen having been interjected as a parenthetical expression. That is to say, verse fourteen was put in to explain why the saying of verse thirteen was wrong and this verse is an example of what should have been said instead.

In keeping with what James has been telling us about planning, we need to recognize that God is the one in control of our lives, not we ourselves. It is God who determines whether we live or die, and it is God who determines whether we have success or not. Therefore, as we make plans for the future, let us not only consider God’s place in our future, let us base our future plans on Him and Him alone.

Let us beware, however, that we don’t take this verse to be a formula for guaranteeing God’s blessing on our selfish endeavors. Just because we say, “If the Lord wills” in our prayers, doesn’t mean that the Lord wills it. James’ point is that we are God’s subjects, and things will occur according to His plan, not according to our plans. We need to daily humble ourselves before God and seek His direction so that we can be used by Him to fulfill His will.

We have a big, powerful God who has saved us by His grace, has raised us up, and has made us to sit at His right hand (in Christ). Without Him we are but dust (literally). Therefore, don’t be like people of this world system, developing an ever larger image of man and an ever smaller image of God. Instead, we need to continually develop a greater recognition of the power and authority of our God, as well as a growing awareness of our absolute dependence on Him and His grace. This kind of thinking will lead us to peace and contentment!


We all have plans for the future. Some of us make very formal plans that are written down and reviewed regularly. Others of us have very informal plans (we may think of them as hopes or dreams) that are not written down and tend to be more changeable. Whether your plans are written or not, take a few minutes to think about what your plans are. Then, get on your knees and give them over to God, committing to follow His plans, whether they meet your expectations or not. That’s faith!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

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