2 Thessalonians 3:15 – Loving Restoration, Not Punishment

Yet do not regard him as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.

Truth to Learn

Church discipline should be done as an act of love, with the objective being restoration and growth, not punishment.


Behind the Words

The word “count” is translated from the Greek verb hēgeomai, which is based on the verb agō, meaning “to lead” or “to go before.” Metaphorically, this word means “to lead out before the mind,” that is, “to regard, esteem, count, or reckon.” Today, we might say “… don’t think of him as …” It is expressed here in the imperative mood, indicating a command.

“Enemy” is from echthros, which refers to “someone who is an enemy” or “someone who is hated.”

The word translated “admonish” is translated from noutheteō. It is made up of nous, meaning “the mind” and tithēmi, meaning “to put” or “to place.” Thus, noutheteō means “to place in the mind” or “to warn, admonish, or exhort.” This verb is also expressed here in the imperative mood.

“Brother” is from the Greek word adelphos, which we saw a couple of verses back. As used here, it means “a brother or sister in the Lord,” that is, another Christian.


Meaning Explained

The concept Paul is talking about in yesterday’s verse and this one is often referred to as “church discipline.” It is necessary in any organization to have some form of action against those who cause problems. Within the church, it is just as important for such discipline to be done with love and with the end objective being to restore the person to full fellowship with the Lord and with the church. Notice that what Paul is talking about here is not a punishment; it is not to be used as retaliation for their actions, but as discipline with a loving attitude. This is to be done like a parent disciplining a child in order to make him or her a better person.

There are several kinds of behavior that require discipline within the church and each has its own proper response. If a brother or sister sins against you, you are to confront him or her in person, then confront him or her in the presence of two or three witnesses if he or she will not listen to you. Then you are to reveal it to the church if he or she still won’t listen. And, if all these fail, reject that person from the church (Matthew 18:15-17). If someone in the church is teaching doctrinal error, that person should be patiently taught the truth (2 Timothy 2:23-26) and if he or she persists, then the church leadership should rebuke that person (Titus 1:10-14). If a brother or sister is overtaken in sin, then one who is spiritually mature should restore him or her in love (Galatians 6:1-3). If a brother or sister is causing division within the church, he or she should be warned twice and then rejected (Titus 3:10). If someone in the church is living in open immorality, you are not to keep company with him or her (1 Corinthians 5:9).

What Paul is specifically addressing in this letter is the brother or sister who is a busybody and refuses to work. He says that if such a person does not respond to the teaching in this letter, we are not to have fellowship with that person, and we are to warn that person but not treat him or her as an enemy.



Whenever discipline is necessary, it must be done with love and humility in order to cause restoration, not as vengeance or retribution.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

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