1 Peter 1:13 – Battle Preparations

Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, being sober, and rest your hope completely upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;

Truth to Learn

Prepare yourself, keep your mind clear, and trust in God.


Behind the Words

The opening phrase of this verse: “Therefore gird up the loins of your mind …” is awkward to today’s reader. In the day that this was written, however, is was common for men and women alike to wear long robes. In order to run, a person had to prepare by reaching down between his or her legs, grasping the hem of the back part of the robe, pulling it up through their legs, and tucking it into the belt or sash. This process was known as “girding up the loins” and became a vernacular expression for getting prepared. Hence, Peter’s expression can be accurately paraphrased as, “Therefore, prepare your minds for action …”

The words “being sober” are translated from the Greek verb nēphō, which literally means “to not be drunk.” It is a specific reference to avoiding intoxication from alcohol, but it is used metaphorically to mean “keep your mind clear.” In some English translations it appears to be a command (be sober), but in the Greek it is expressed as a participle. Hence, a better translation would be, “being sober minded, rest your hope …”

“Rest your hope” is from the word elpidzō, meaning “to hope for something with the full expectation of receiving that which is hoped for.” It is expressed here as a command, so it could be translated as, “place your hope …”


Meaning Explained

Because of the marvelous value of this great salvation that is promised to us, which prophets and angels alike desire to look into, we need to treat it in a manner worthy of the great prize that it is. Peter tells us to be prepared for action. Just because it is a great prize given us by the great King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and He has promised that He will preserve it until that day when he comes back to fulfill the promise, there is no reason to take it for granted. Neither should we simply view it as a free pass into heaven. In fact, because of this great gift that has been given to us and because we are now His, we will see hostile action. Christ himself told us:

 I have spoken these things to you so that you might have peace in Me. In the world you shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer. I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)

So Peter warns us to get ready, prepare our minds for action, stay sober minded and vigilant, don’t get distracted by all the flashing lights and enticements of this world. Above all, focus all our hope (that is, confirmed expectation) on the end of the battle, when Christ will complete His work in us.



Hang in there, especially when the going gets tough. God promised us that He will never leave us nor forsake us! Keep in mind what Paul told Timothy:

For this cause I also suffer these things; but I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed, and I am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto him until that day. (2 Timothy 1:12)

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

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