Galatians 5:15 – Internal Combustion

Ministry of Grace Church

Galatians 5:15

But if you bite and devour one another, beware lest you be consumed by one another!

Truth to Learn

Fighting brings destruction. Submission and love bring peace.

Behind the Words

The word translated “bite” is daknō, meaning “to bite” or “to sting.” Metaphorically, it means “to bother or irritate someone.” The form of this verb implies current, continuous action.

The word “devour” is translated from katesthiō, a compound word made up of kata, used as an intensifier, and esthiō, meaning “to eat.” Hence, it means “to eat completely” or “to completely destroy.” This verb is also in a form that implies current, continuous action.

The expression “bite and devour” is one that was commonly used of dogs or wild animals attacking and fighting each other, often until both are severely wounded or dead.

Consumed” is translated from analiskō, which is made up of ana, meaning “up” and haliskō, meaning “to take.” This word means to continually take parts of something until it is gone.

Meaning Explained

It appears that there was significant contention in the churches in Galatia between those who insisted on keeping the requirements of the law and those who refused to do so. Their feelings were so strong that it apparently produced divisive fighting between the two sides.

Paul has to be very careful how he addresses this issue because if there was already severe fighting within the churches there, his outspoken condemnation of legalism could be used by those who agree with him as ammunition against the legalizers. But Paul doesn’t want to fan the flames, he wants to put the fire out once and for all.

In the previous two verses he stressed that the position of salvation by faith apart from works should produce humility, a servant’s heart, and love. If, in fact, these are the characteristics demonstrated by those who oppose salvation by the law, then his teaching can have an impact on the teachers of false doctrine. But if those who hold to good doctrine continue to act like wild animals, then they demonstrate by their actions that their doctrine is no better than that of the false teachers.

Strife and contention inevitably occur any time two or more people gather together in any type of work. One mark of a true believer, however, is grace in action. That is, having a humble servant’s heart and showing genuine love for others. These are like salve on an open wound. Unfortunately, selfish sinfulness often rears its ugly head, and the result is biting and devouring.

There are some things which can’t be tolerated in the body of Christ, like the teaching of false doctrine. Most disagreements, however, can be dealt with by submissive love and grace.


Are you involved in a contentious struggle today? If so, get on your knees before God with true humility and seek God’s guidance on how you can resolve the conflict with love.


In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2008 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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