Galatians 5:16 – Intimate Fellowship

Ministry of Grace Church

Galatians 5:16

I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.

Truth to Learn

When we’re submitted to the Lordship of our Heavenly Father, we will behave in a manner that glorifies Him.

Behind the Words

The word translated “walk” is peripateō, made up of peri, which means “around” and pateō, meaning “to walk.” So, literally this means “to walk around.” This word is often used as a metaphor for traversing through life.

Spirit” is translated from pneuma, which literally refers to “a breath of air.” It is the vital breath or spirit of life which God breathed into Adam. Also, it is that part of man which exists independently of the body.

The word translated “fulfill” is teleō, which is the verb form of the noun telos, meaning “the end.” Hence this verb means “to end, to complete, or to fulfill.”

 Lust” is translated from epithumia, a compound word made up of epi, meaning “upon, above, or over” and a form of thumos, meaning “a strong passion of the mind.” Hence, epithumia refers to “overly strong desires.” It is used here in the singular because Paul is not referring to specific lusts but to the general tendency in us to have overly strong desires.

Finally, “flesh” is the Greek word sarx which refers to “the meat of an animal.” It is used metaphorically to refer to our human nature, sometimes referred to as our sin nature.

Meaning Explained

As we travel through this life, our senses are repeatedly stimulated by outside influences. Whatever the source, our fleshly reaction is to become mentally or emotionally aroused. If this reaction is not kept under control, it results in behavior which causes us to do things we shouldn’t do. In the extreme form, our fleshly reaction may cause us to strike out at others or commit personal acts of sin that we later regret.

This, apparently, is precisely the type of behavior that was occurring in the Galatian churches, causing the biting and devouring which Paul talked about in the previous verse. He now gives the antidote to these inappropriate thoughts and actions. He says, “Walk in the Spirit.” But what exactly does that mean? It means that we are to be living in constant fellowship with God through His Holy Spirit. In the Book of Proverbs it is expressed this way:

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.  (Proverbs 3:5, 6)

The Hebrew word translated “acknowledge” means to become intimately familiar. If we walk in constant intimate fellowship with God the Father, we will not allow the lustful tendencies of our flesh to have control. Instead, we yield control of all our thoughts and actions to Him who has the power to control them.


The only way we can walk in the Spirit is to continually be in intimate fellowship with God. This requires us to daily, moment by moment, confess our sins, submit our will to His, and seek His glory rather than our own.

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2008 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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