Galatians 5:17 – Flesh vs. Spirit

Ministry of Grace Church

Galatians 5:17

For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish.

Truth to Learn

The Holy Spirit wants to be in control of your life. Let Him!

Behind the Words

In the previous verse we were introduced to the word epithumia, meaning strong desires. Here it is used as a verb of two things in opposition. That is, the flesh strongly desires some things whereas the spirit strongly desires other things.

The word translated “are contrary” is a form of antikeimai, a compound word made up of anti, meaning “against” and keimai, meaning “to lie” or “to be placed.” Hence, this word literally means “to lie against.” It refers to two things which are opposed to each other or which are adversaries.

So that” is translated from the Greek word hina. This word has a number of uses in New Testament Greek, the most common of which are to express purpose (with the intent being) or result (with the result being). Though there is a difference of opinion among Greek scholars, it appears that its use here is one of purpose. In other words, Paul is saying that it is the intent of the desires of the flesh to keep us from doing the desires of the spirit and vice-versa.

Meaning Explained

As a result of the back biting and infighting that seem to have developed within the churches in Galatia, Paul admonished the Christians there to walk in the Spirit. That is, to go through this life in close intimate fellowship with God. His reasoning is, “so that you should not fulfill the strong desires of the flesh.”

Paul now adds some explanation as to why walking in close fellowship with God can produce that result. The strong desires of our flesh are in direct opposition to the desires of the Spirit of God. Our flesh (our sin nature) produces these strong desires which are against what the Holy Spirit wants us to do. And, these desires are primarily directed at satisfying self; that is, putting self on the throne of our life, being in control and getting what we want for ourselves. The strong desire of the Spirit of God, however, is that we should “love our neighbor as ourselves,” as Paul pointed out in verse fourteen; in other words, putting God on the throne of our lives, listening to what He tells us to do, and giving Him control of our lives.

Paul speaks from experience, for he said of himself:

For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am carnal, sold under sin. For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I desire to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do.  (Romans 7:14, 15)

The word here translated as “carnal” is a form of sarx. Hence, Paul is saying, “but I am fleshly,” and his flesh often wins.


If you are a born again Christian and you are determined to live as God wants you to live, then your flesh, your sin nature, will be constantly battling against the Spirit of God who lives within you. You want to be obedient and to please God, but you keep doing things which you know grieve Him. We all fight this battle. But when you fall, don’t give up! Confess your sin and get right back on your feet and continue down the path of life with God close by your side, listening for His direction. After all, He knows the way of peace and He is your Lord!

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2008 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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