1 Peter 4:19 – Committed Suffering

Therefore, let those suffering according to the will of God, as to a faithful Creator let them commit their souls to Him by doing good.

Truth to Learn

If you suffer for the cause of Christ, place yourself in His hands and serve Him faithfully.


Behind the Words

In the past we have noted that there are two different words for “will” in the New Testament, one meaning “desirous will” and the other meaning “determined will.” The “will” in today’s verse is “determined will.” So this verse is saying “… those who suffer as God has determined …”

The words “let … commit” are translated from the Greek word paratithēmi, which is made up of para, meaning “beside” or “alongside” and tithēmi, meaning “to put or place.” Hence, this word literally means “to place alongside.” It is a banking term that means “to deposit.” The implication is “to place something into someone else’s care.” It is expressed here in the imperative mood, indicating a command.

“Doing good” is from agathopoiia, made up of a form of agathos, meaning “that which is generally good” and a form of poieō, meaning “to make or to do.” Hence, this word refers to doing good things.


Meaning Explained

Whenever we see a “therefore” or a “wherefore,” we need to look closely at what it is “there for.” What has Peter been talking about? He has been talking about the fact that those who live out their faith with a positive witness as a born again Christian will very likely suffer for it. We, who are doing all we can to please God and to glorify Him may suffer, while the wicked ones and the irreverent ones may appear to prosper. But we who are saved only by the grace of God Himself have a future hope that the unsaved don’t have. Therefore, …

let those who suffer according to what God has determined as to a faithful Creator let them commit their souls to Him by doing good.

What is Peter telling us we should do if we are suffering according to God’s determined plan? He says we should commit our souls to him in doing good things. The word translated “in” could also be interpreted as “by.” So the way we commit our souls to His care is by doing good works. And why should we do this? We should do good works because He is the Creator, the Mighty God, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. And because He is faithful, He will not let us down. We are to place our souls into His care believing:

The One having begun a good work in you will finish it until the day of Jesus Christ; (Philippians 1:6b)

So … if you should suffer because of your faith, don’t despair, don’t panic, and don’t worry. Simply commit your soul into His care by continuing to do good things as He has instructed you and He will take care of you.



Are you completely sold-out to God? Are you willing to do anything He asks you to do? Are you willing to suffer unjustly simply because you claim the name of Christ? Not all of us will have to suffer for Him, but if you do, commit your entire being – body, soul, and spirit – into His care and praise His name!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

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