2 Peter 1:15 – Eternal Retirement Plan

And I will be diligent to cause you to always have remembrance of these things after my departure.

Truth to Learn

God has a job for us to be doing until we take our last breath.


Behind the Words

The expression “will be diligent” is translated from the word spoudadzō, which is from the same root as the word translated “diligent” back in verse 5 and again in verse 10. This word refers to speed, earnestness, diligence, or zeal. It is used in today’s verse in the future, active, indicative tense, indicating continual earnestness in the future.

The word, “departure” is translated from the Greek word exodon, from which we get our English word exodus, meaning “to exit” or “to leave.” Peter is once again making a reference to his departure from this life to his eternal life with our Lord. This same word was used by Luke in his description of events on the mount of transfiguration where Moses and Elijah appeared and talked with Jesus about his coming death:

who appeared in glory and spoke of His decease which He was about to accomplish at Jerusalem. (Luke 9:31)


Meaning Explained

There is something remarkable in the simplicity of this verse. Peter has already made a couple of references to the fact that he is going to die soon (physically), and he makes reference to it again in this verse. Yet he is neither without hope nor purpose. The race is nearly done for him and he is not easing up at all. Instead, he is ever mindful that he still has work to do and he has found a way to continue that work even after his departure.

Here is a demonstration of true love. In his final days in this life, Peter is more concerned about what he can still do to help other Christians than he is about himself. He even wants to leave something behind which will continue to edify Christians after he is gone.

He has spent the better part of this chapter urging us all to continue to work hard at developing Christian character. Peter knows the importance of not slacking in this endeavor, and he is leading by example. This is not some kind of theological positioning by Peter, nor is he simply pontificating. This is the real deal to him. He is so convinced of his position in Christ, he is so aware of what his God has done for him, that he will not ease up until the race is finished.

Peter says that he, himself, “will be diligent” to do these things. Peter’s mind was fixed on the work that God had called him to do. He is not looking to retire until he dies, and he is not looking to ease up until his departure. He even wants his work to continue on after his departure.



Are you busy right now working for our Lord, or are you working for yourself? Do you even know what God wants you to be doing? If not, then get on your knees and ask Him.

Then, let us all be like Peter, continually working our hardest for God and His glory, right up until we take our last breath! Then, we shall be ushered into the presence of the King, arrayed in our finest, prepared to cast our crowns at His feet because He is worthy!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

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