Tag: diligent

2 Peter 1:15 – Eternal Retirement Plan

And I will be diligent to cause you to always have remembrance of these things after my departure.

Truth to Learn

God has a job for us to be doing until we take our last breath.


Behind the Words

The expression “will be diligent” is translated from the word spoudadzō, which is from the same root as the word translated “diligent” back in verse 5 and again in verse 10. This word refers to speed, earnestness, diligence, or zeal. It is used in today’s verse in the future, active, indicative tense, indicating continual earnestness in the future.

The word, “departure” is translated from the Greek word exodon, from which we get our English word exodus, meaning “to exit” or “to leave.” Peter is once again making a reference to his departure from this life to his eternal life with our Lord. This same word was used by Luke in his description of events on the mount of transfiguration where Moses and Elijah appeared and talked with Jesus about his coming death:

who appeared in glory and spoke of His decease which He was about to accomplish at Jerusalem. (Luke 9:31)


Meaning Explained

There is something remarkable in the simplicity of this verse. Peter has already made a couple of references to the fact that he is going to die soon (physically), and he makes reference to it again in this verse. Yet he is neither without hope nor purpose. The race is nearly done for him and he is not easing up at all. Instead, he is ever mindful that he still has work to do and he has found a way to continue that work even after his departure.

Here is a demonstration of true love. In his final days in this life, Peter is more concerned about what he can still do to help other Christians than he is about himself. He even wants to leave something behind which will continue to edify Christians after he is gone.

He has spent the better part of this chapter urging us all to continue to work hard at developing Christian character. Peter knows the importance of not slacking in this endeavor, and he is leading by example. This is not some kind of theological positioning by Peter, nor is he simply pontificating. This is the real deal to him. He is so convinced of his position in Christ, he is so aware of what his God has done for him, that he will not ease up until the race is finished.

Peter says that he, himself, “will be diligent” to do these things. Peter’s mind was fixed on the work that God had called him to do. He is not looking to retire until he dies, and he is not looking to ease up until his departure. He even wants his work to continue on after his departure.



Are you busy right now working for our Lord, or are you working for yourself? Do you even know what God wants you to be doing? If not, then get on your knees and ask Him.

Then, let us all be like Peter, continually working our hardest for God and His glory, right up until we take our last breath! Then, we shall be ushered into the presence of the King, arrayed in our finest, prepared to cast our crowns at His feet because He is worthy!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Peter 1:10 – Secure Salvation

Therefore, my brothers, instead be all the more diligent to make your calling and election firm. For if you do these things, you will never stumble,

Truth to Learn

If you are truly saved, then you are completely saved, forever!


Behind the Words

“Therefore” is translated from dio, which means “for which, wherefore, or therefore.”

The word “diligent” is translated from the Greek verb spoudadzō, which comes from the same root as one of the words we looked at in verse five, spoude. It refers to “speed, earnestness, diligence, or zeal.” It is used here in the imperative mood, indicating a command. In the context of the past few verses, this could possibly be translated as “zealous.”

“Calling” is from the Greek klēsis, which refers to “an invitation.” And the word “election” is from the Greek  eklogē, which comes from eklegō (to choose), referring to something that was “chosen” or “selected.”

The word “firm” is from “bebaios,” meaning “fixed” or “firm.” Figuratively, this word refers to the foundation upon which something is built. Literally, we could translate this word as “foundational,” meaning that which is sure, firm, secure, and upon which other things can be built.

The expression “you will never stumble” is translated from ou me ptaisēte pote, which literally means, “no not stumble ever.” The double negative, although improper in English, is a way of emphasizing the point in Greek. We could translate this as “you will in no way stumble, ever!”


Meaning Explained

Peter has been talking about the character qualities that all Christians need to develop in order to be mature, and he spoke in verse nine about the consequences of not diligently pursuing these qualities. Those who don’t work hard at developing these qualities actually become less Christ-like and become blinded, unable to see the truth, and they become forgetful of the work done to wipe out the consequences of their sins. Therefore, says Peter, work even harder at developing these Christian characteristics.

When Peter says to “make your calling and election firm” he is not saying “to eliminate doubt” about them. He is not questioning the doctrine of election; rather he is affirming it by saying that we are to be diligent in demonstrating the firmness of our calling and election. The word “if” is not in the original Greek. Literally he says, “for doing these things there is no way you would stumble, ever!”

There has been much debate about what he means that there is no way we would ever stumble. But if we look at the next verse we see that he is talking about our entrance into the everlasting kingdom. In other words, Peter is telling us that as we build on the sure foundation of our salvation, which was made sure by our calling and election, then we will absolutely never lose our salvation, ever!



Perhaps you have been taught that if you commit certain kinds of sins you will lose your salvation. According to Peter, however, if you are demonstrating your salvation by developing these character qualities, it is proof that you are saved, and you will never ever lose your salvation.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 4:3 – Peaceful Unity

being diligent to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

Truth to Learn

Our service within the church should promote unity and peace.


Behind the Words

“Being diligent” is translated from spoudadzō. This word is derived from the noun spoudē, meaning “speed.” However, by implication and common usage, spoudē refers to eagerness or diligence. Thus, spoudadzō (expressed here as a participle) means “being eager,” “making haste,” or “being diligent.”

The verb “keep” is from tereō, which means “to watch” or “to guard from loss or injury.” It is the word used of a soldier keeping guard over a prisoner.

“Unity” is translated from henotēs, which is derived from heis, referring to the number “one.” Therefore, we can see that henotēs literally refers to “oneness” or “unity.”

“Bond” is from the Greek word sundesmos. This is a compound word made up of sun, meaning “together” and a form of desmon, (this word literally refers to a ligament, which binds muscle to bone) meaning “a binding.” Thus, sundesmos refers to that which binds things together.


Meaning Explained

Paul is in the midst of teaching us how to behave as we perform the function to which we have been called within the church. Throughout his writings, the Apostle repeatedly uses two analogies when referring to the church. One is “the body of Christ” and the other is “the temple of God.” At the end of chapter two of this letter, he referred to us (both Jews and Gentiles) as being building materials in the temple, the dwelling place of God. Later in this chapter he will refer to us as part of the body in which “every part does its share.”

In yesterday’s verse we were instructed about our attitudes while fulfilling our calling: we are to have an attitude of humbleness about ourselves, and we are to have an attitude of gentleness and long-suffering toward others as we work to build up other members of the body. Now Paul tells us why those attitudes are of such importance. As the body of Christ, we are one body. We are no longer separated from the Jews and from God’s covenants. And, even though there are numerous denominations and designations by which we refer to ourselves, we are one body, the body of Christ.

Therefore, through our attitudes of humility, gentleness, and longsuffering, we are to be eagerly diligent in maintaining the unity of the body of Christ. But this is not to be done through human effort and strength; it is to be done through the power of the Holy Spirit. When this unity is accomplished by the Holy Spirit within us, peace will be the bond that holds us all together.

Before we leave this subject, let me present this word of caution. Keeping peace within the church does not mean allowing each of us to believe whatever we want. Remember, Paul taught us doctrine before he taught us duty. What we believe is just as important as how we behave. Although God hates division within the body, He hates heresy even more.



As you perform your calling within the body of Christ, your goals should be to serve God with humility, to build up others with gentleness, and to build a bond of peace with others.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Peter 1:5 – Diligent Growth

2 Peter 1:5

For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge;

Truth to Learn

No matter where we are in our Christian experience today, we need to be growing and maturing in our relationship to God.

Behind the Words

Every” is translated from pas which means “all” or “every,” but it includes the idea of oneness, a totality or the whole. Hence Peter is telling us to use all of our effort. Today we might say “every ounce of effort.”

The word “effort” is from the Greek word spoudē, which refers to “speed, earnestness, diligence, or zeal.”

The word translated “add” is from the Greek word epichorēgeō, which means “to abundantly furnish.” It is not a mere adding a little more of what you already have, rather it is an intensive and abundant addition. It is expressed in the imperative mood, indicating a command, not a suggestion.

Goodness” is a translation of the word aretē, which means “manliness” or “valor.” It denotes that which is good or worthy in a moral sense.

Meaning Explained

For this very reason” is a connective phrase so we need to see what it is referring to. In this case, the reference is to the preceding two verses. Because He has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness, because of His exceedingly great and precious promises, because one day we will be partakers of His divine nature … we need to do the following:

We need to be using all of our effort to grow in goodness and knowledge. In other words, don’t take these promises and the saving faith that you have for granted, and don’t just meander through life knowing you now have your “ticket” into heaven. Rather, apply yourself with earnestness and diligence to add some things to your faith.

Peter uses words of force here to communicate to the Christians of his day, and to us today, the need to work long and hard at growing as a Christian. Simply being a committed Christian by itself is a difficult assignment for anyone, but Peter is saying that we need to work hard at developing our Christianity. We need to be growing!

He says that there are several areas where we need to apply that effort. The first is improving our faith and developing goodness. In other words, Peter is telling us in addition to growing our faith, we need to grow in our morality (something that is rapidly slipping away in the world today). And along with this, Peter tells us that we need to be diligent in growing our knowledge of God and His promises. That doesn’t simply mean listening to a sermon once a week. We need to be doing a lot more! We need to be reading the Bible regularly, attending Bible studies or studying on our own, and applying the things we learn to our relationship with God.


I heard a preacher once say that in out Christian life we are never standing still, we’re either charging ahead or we’re sliding back. Which direction is your Christian life going today?

In God’s service, for His glory,


Copyright © 2009 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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