Romans 3:2 – The Entrusted Word

Much in every way! Primarily, because the oracles of God were entrusted to them.

Truth to Learn

God entrusts His message to those He loves.


Behind the Words

“Primarily” is translated from prōton, which means “first in time, place, order, or importance.” Since Paul does not enumerate further, this could be translated as “primarily” or “chiefly.”

The Greek word translated “oracles” is logian. The root of this word is logos, which refers to “a word” or “something said.” Hence, logian refers to “an utterance or something declared by God.”

The word “entrusted” is translated from the Greek word pisteuō, which means “to have faith” or “to believe.” The word is expressed here in the passive voice, however, indicating action done to them. Therefore, this word implies that God had faith in them, or “entrusted” them.


Meaning Explained

Paul now answers his own rhetorical question regarding whether there is any superiority in being a Jew or in being circumcised. He says, “Yes, there most certainly is!” Then he goes on to explain why he believes that. He says that the primary advantage of being a Jew is the fact that the Jews have been entrusted with the oracles of God.

In other words, the primary advantage of being a Jew is the fact that they have been given the very words of God for safe keeping. By this he is referring to the Hebrew Tanakh, that is, what we call the Old Testament.

Notice Paul does not say that the Jews were the only people that God talked to. After all, there are quite a number of non-Jews (like Job, for instance) to whom God communicated directly. But the only written utterances of God (at the time that Paul was writing this epistle) were contained in the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings, as we discussed yesterday. This made them (the Jews) the keepers of God’s revelation to mankind, an honor not to be taken too lightly.

One unmistakable advantage of this is something that we have alluded to in previous verses. Most of the converts to Christianity in the early church were Jews. Because they had the sacred writings, the Holy Scriptures, at their disposal, they knew more about God and His dealings with mankind. They also knew about the Messiah who was to come and save the Jews (and Gentiles). As a result, when Paul and others preached the gospel to them, it was easier for them to understand the significance of His death on the cross.

Today we Christians have been entrusted with the sacred writings of God more completely than the Jews of Paul’s day were. Let us not lose sight of the fact that these “oracles of God” have been entrusted to our care!



The next time you pick up your Bible, consider how precious a book it is. In it is the message of God’s love for you, a love so great that He sacrificed His Son so that we can know Him and have intimate fellowship with Him. Hallelujah!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

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