Romans 5:7 – Unreasonable Sacrifice

For hardly for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die.

Truth to Learn

It’s not reasonable that anyone would die for us.


Behind the Words

The word “hardly” is translated from the Greek word molis. It is derived from mōlos, which refers to “the pain produced by hard labor.” Hence, molis refers to something that is painful or difficult. As used in this verse it is often translated as “hardly, or scarcely.”

“Righteous man” is translated from dikios, meaning “one who always does what is right in God’s eyes.”

“Perhaps” is from the Greek word tacha, meaning “probably, possibly, or perhaps.”

The word translated “good man” is the Greek word agathos, meaning “someone possessing general goodness or benevolence.” This word refers to someone who has a reputation for doing good things to and for others.

“Dare” is from the Greek talma, meaning “courage, boldness, or confidence to do something.” It is often used in a negative sense such as, “they did not dare oppose him.”


Meaning Explained

In the previous verse we learned that it was while we were without the ability to do anything for our own justification that Christ died for us. I like the way Matthew Henry put it in his Commentary on the Whole Bible:

He died for the ungodly; not only helpless creatures, and therefore likely to perish, but guilty sinful creatures, and therefore deserving to perish

In this verse Paul is telling us why it is so amazing that Christ would die for us. The Jews made a three-fold division of mankind around the notions of goodness and righteousness:

  • A righteous person was one who adhered strictly to the Law of Moses and always did what was demanded of him or her; a person who was respected and looked up to.
  • A good person was someone who went beyond a strict adherence to the Law. In addition to being righteous, this person was liberal in giving to others, full of love and compassion. This type of person was not only respected but admired by all.
  • A sinner was one who was ungodly and wicked; one who had no regard for godliness or for others.

 Paul tells us that it is unlikely that anyone would be willing to give up his own life for someone else, even though that person might be outwardly religious. He goes on to say that it is possible that someone would be willing to give up his life for a good person; someone who in not only outwardly religious but kind, benevolent, and generous. The implication is that it is highly unlikely that anyone would be willing to die for sinful scumbags like you and me.



Christ died for us when we were condemned and powerless to do anything about it. We were, in fact, neither good nor righteous. Do you realize how worthless, helpless, and condemned we are without Christ? Let’s all take a moment to thank God for His great love with which He loves us!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

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