Romans 14:17 – Calm Delight

for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Truth to Learn

Building up the body of Christ creates a sense of calm delight.


Behind the Words

“Eating” is from the Greek noun brōsis, which is derived from the same root as brōma (food) which we saw in verse fifteen. Brōsis refers to the act of eating and by extension it refers to the food being eaten.

“Drinking” is from posis, which refers to the act of drinking and by extension to the drink itself.

The word translated “righteousness” is dikaiosunē, which refers to the character or quality of being righteous (always doing what is right) or just (guided by truth and fairness). It is a state of being in which God charges no blame because either there is no wrong to be blamed or the wrong has already been paid for and done away with.

“Peace” is translated from eirēnē, which can mean “a state of tranquility” or “the absence of war or the threat of war.”

The word translated “joy” is charis. This word does not refer to “excitement and jubilation.” It refers to “gladness and calm delight.”


Meaning Explained

There are several uses of the term “the kingdom of God” in the New Testament. In some places it refers to the heavenly kingdom that will exist in the new heavens and the new earth after the current heavens and earth have been destroyed. In other places it refers to the earthly kingdom that will be in place during the Millennium, with Christ on the throne in Jerusalem. And in still others it refers to the spiritual kingdom that exists here and now, where Christ is reigning in the hearts of Christians. Although Paul’s use of the term here could refer to any or all of these meanings, it appears that Paul is talking about the spiritual kingdom that exists today of which all Christians are members.

Even though eating and drinking are necessary for our earthly existence, these are not the things that are really important in our spiritual existence. In Matthew 4:4 Christ, Himself, when tempted to create bread from the rocks after having not eaten for 40 days in the wilderness, told Satan,

It is written, “Man will not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God."

The kingdom of God to which we belong today is not centered in the physical world, but in the spiritual world. Our relationship with our Heavenly Father and our daily walk with Him are neither enhanced nor depreciated by what we do or don’t eat or by whether we treat one day as sacred above the others or not. Instead, our focus should be on the spiritual body of Christ by treating each other with righteousness (doing what is right), being at peace with other Christians, and creating conditions that make for joy among all Christians.



Instead of arguing about what foods we can and can’t eat or getting hung-up on how others treat “the Lord’s day,” let’s do what we can to help nurture and grow the body of Christ, the church. By doing so, instead of strife and contention we can all experience a sense of peace and calm delight even in the midst of a world that is filled with evil.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

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