Tag: akoe

Romans 10:17 – Hear to Eternity

Then faith is from hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Truth to Learn

Faith comes as a result of hearing the Gospel message which originated from the utterance of God.


Behind the Words

The word translated “Then” is the Greek word ara, which is used here as an inferential particle meaning “therefore” or “consequently.” It directly ties this verse to what immediately preceded it.

“Hearing” is translated from the Greek word akoē, which we looked at in the previous verse and we noted that Paul is making a kind of play on this word. This is a noun form of the verb akouō, meaning “to hear” and from which we get our English word “acoustics.” The noun form of this word can have several nuances of meaning. It can refer to the sense of hearing, the instrument of hearing (the ear), or that which is or may be heard (the message or report). If we assume that Paul is referring to the report, or message, in both of these verses, we see that they could be translated as:

For Isaiah says, “LORD, who has believed our message?” Therefore, faith comes from the message and the message through the word of God.

The other word we want to look at is the Greek word rhēma, which is translated “Word” in this verse. It means, “that which is spoken, particularly that which is uttered by a living voice.”


Meaning Explained

On the surface this verse seems disjointed from the previous one, but that is not the case at all. Though the word ara technically ties these two verses together, it still doesn’t feel like they are very well connected does it? That is, until you recognize how skillfully Paul has used various forms of the word akouō. Though many people throughout history have not listened attentively to the message of salvation, it is from this message that faith is acquired, the message that originated from Almighty God. We have been given this precious, powerful message to carry throughout the world. Also remember, that when we carry and proclaim this message, God sees us as particularly beautiful, like a flower in full bloom.

Faith cannot exist unless there is a message, or report, to be heard and believed. It cannot come any other way than by such a proclamation. This demonstrates the importance of the message, and the fact that people are converted by listening to and believing the truth of this gospel message. And ultimately, the source of this message is the very utterance of God Himself.



The next time you are witnessing to someone and declaring the message of salvation through faith in the blood of Christ, remember that you are sharing gloriously good news that originated from God Himself. You may feel awkward and others may call you a fool, but you are particularly beautiful in God’s sight when you proclaim it, whether you are proclaiming it to a prospective child of God or to a fool.

So, how awesome is that? Be a blooming flower and spread the Word!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 10:16 – Who’s the Fool?

But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah says, "LORD, who has believed our report?"

Truth to Learn

Many people will not listen to or believe the Gospel message.


Behind the Words

“Obeyed” is from the Greek word hupakouō, which is make up of hupo, meaning “under” or “beneath” and akouō, meaning “to hear.” This word has two basic meanings, “to listen attentively” or “to yield to a superior command or force” that is, to obey (whether voluntarily or not).

The word “report” is translated from akoē (from akouō, “to hear”) which refers to “something which is, or may be, heard.” Notice Paul’s play on words between “obeyed” and “report.” He will continue to emphasize forms of the Greek word akouō in the next couple of verses.


Meaning Explained

Paul has just been talking about how simple it is to be saved (Romans 10:9 – that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.). He has also just said that anyone, Jew or Gentile, can get saved (Romans 10:13 – For "Everyone who calls upon the name of the LORD will be saved.")

The current verse is in response to an anticipated objection by the Jewish Christians in Rome which might sound something like this, “If all that you say is true, then how come there are so many who don’t believe?” Or, as Paul has stated it in the first part of this verse, “But they have not all obeyed the gospel.”

In response to this objection, Paul now quotes from Isaiah at the very beginning of chapter 53,

Isaiah 53:1 – Who has believed our message? And to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?

The first part of this verse is a Hebraism (a Hebrew expression) which means, “But nobody has believed our message.” This is an interesting statement by Isaiah because it applies both to the response of the people of Isaiah’s day who wouldn’t listen to his messages, as well as to people in the days of the coming of the Messiah. If you read through the entire 53rd chapter of Isaiah (it’s a fairly short chapter), you will see that it is a clear depiction of the final days of Christ’s earthly ministry, that is, His sacrificial death on the cross. It speaks of the Messiah as one who is rejected even as He is offering Himself up for the sins of those who reject Him.

Paul’s point is that Isaiah predicted many years ago that most of the Jews (as well as the Gentiles) would reject the message about the Messiah even in the face of overwhelming evidence. And this is still true today. In spite of the evidence of prophecy and historical verification of the death of Jesus Christ, many today would rather believe that we have evolved from single cell amoeba than to believe that God created us. God wants to have a personal relationship with us, and sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross to pay for our sins so that He can have that personal relationship with us.



When you witness to the unsaved, don’t be surprised if they reject your message and think of you as a fool. Keep in mind, the real fool is the one who rejects God’s free gift of salvation!

The fool has said in his heart,"There is no God!" (Psalms 14:1a and Psalms 53:1a)

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2018 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Romans 10:17 – Hear to Eternity

Romans 10:17 – Hear to Eternity

So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Truth to Learn

Faith comes as a result of hearing the Gospel message which originated from the utterance of God.

Behind the Words

The word translated “so” is the Greek word ara, which is used here as an inferential particle meaning “therefore” or “consequently.” It directly ties this verse to what immediately preceded it.

Hearing” is translated from the Greek word akoē, which we looked at in the previous verse and we noted that Paul is making a kind of play on this word. This is a noun form of the verb akouō, meaning “to hear” and from which we get our English word “acoustics.” The noun form of this word can have several nuances of meaning. It can refer to the sense of hearing, the instrument of hearing (the ear), or that which is or may be heard (the message or report). If we assume that Paul is referring to the report, or message, in both of these verses, we see that they could be translated as:

For Isaiah says, “LORD, who has believed our message?” Therefore, faith comes from the message and the message through the word of God.

The other word we want to look at is the Greek word rhēma, which is translated “Word” in this verse. It means, “that which is spoken, particularly that which is uttered by a living voice.”

Meaning Explained

On the surface this verse seems disjointed from the previous one, but that is not the case at all. Though the word ara technically ties these two verses together, it still doesn’t feel like they are very well connected does it? That is, until you recognize how skillfully Paul has used various forms of the word akouō. Though many people throughout history have not listened attentively to the message of salvation, it is from this message that faith is acquired, the message that originated from Almighty God. We have been given this precious, powerful message to carry throughout the world. Also remember, that when we carry and proclaim this message, God sees us as particularly beautiful, like a flower in full bloom.

Faith cannot exist unless there is a message, or report, to be heard or believed. It cannot come any other way than by such a proclamation. This demonstrates the importance of the message, and the fact that people are converted by listening to and believing the truth of this gospel message. And ultimately, the source of this message is the very utterance of God Himself.


The next time you are witnessing to someone and declaring the message of salvation through faith in the blood of Christ, remember that you are sharing gloriously good news that originated from God Himself. You may feel awkward and others may call you a fool, but you are particularly beautiful in God’s sight when you proclaim it, whether you are proclaiming it to a prospective child of God or to a fool.

So, how awesome is that? Be a blooming flower and spread the Word!

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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Romans 10:16 – Who’s the Fool?

Romans 10:16 – Who’s the Fool?

But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah says, “LORD, who has believed our report?”

Truth to Learn

Many people will not listen to or believe the Gospel message.

Behind the Words

Obeyed” is from the Greek word hupakouō, which is make up of hupo, meaning “under” or “beneath” and akouō, meaning “to hear.” This word has two basic meanings, “to listen attentively” or “to yield to a superior command or force” that is, to obey (whether voluntarily or not).

The word “report” is translated from akoē (from akouō, “to hear”) which refers to “something which is, or may be, heard.” Notice Paul’s play on words between “obeyed” and “report.” He will continue to emphasize forms of the Greek word akouō in the next couple of verses.

Meaning Explained

Paul has just been talking about how simple it is to be saved (Romans 10:9that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.). He has also just said that anyone, Jew or Gentile, can get saved (Romans 10:13 For “Whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.”)

The current verse is in response to an anticipated objection by the Jewish Christians in Rome which might sound something like this, “If all that you say is true, then how come there are so many who don’t believe?” Or, as Paul has stated it in the first part of this verse, “But they have not all obeyed the gospel.

In response to this objection, Paul now quotes from Isaiah at the very beginning of chapter 53,

Isaiah 53:1Who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?

The first part of this verse is a Hebraism (a Hebrew expression) that means, “But nobody has believed our message.” This is an interesting statement by Isaiah because it applies both to the response of the people of his own day who wouldn’t listen to his messages, as well as to people in the days of the coming of the Messiah. If you read through the entire 53rd chapter of Isaiah (it’s a fairly short chapter), you will see that it is a clear depiction of the final days of Christ’s earthly ministry, that is, His sacrificial death on the cross. It speaks of the Messiah as one who is rejected even as He is offering Himself up for the sins of those who reject Him.

Paul’s point is that Isaiah predicted many years ago that most of the Jews (as well as the Gentiles) would reject the message about the Messiah even in the face of overwhelming evidence. And this is still true today. In spite of the evidence of prophecy and historical verification of the death of Jesus Christ, many today would rather believe that we have evolved from single cell amoeba than to believe that God created us, wants us to have a personal relationship with Him, and sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross to pay for our sins so that we can have that personal relationship with Him.


When you witness to the unsaved, don’t be surprised if they reject your message and think of you as a fool. Keep in mind, the real fool is the one who rejects God’s free gift of salvation!

The fool has said in his heart,”There is no God.” (Psalms 14:1a and Psalms 53:1a)

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2010 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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