Tag: akribos

1 Thessalonians 5:2 – Noisily Versus Quietly

For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord comes like a thief in the night.

Truth to Learn

The Day of the Lord will come quietly, the rapture noisily.


Behind the Words

“Know” is translated from the verb eidō, which refers to “seeing with perception and comprehension.” Thus, it takes on the meaning of “knowing” or “understanding.” In English someone might explain something and then say, “Do you see what I’m saying?” In such a case, they are not asking about vision but about understanding. This is the sense that eidō has in today’s verse.

The word translated “perfectly” is akribōs, which means “accurately” or “exactly.” It is not an expression about perfection, but of accuracy.

Hēmera is the word translated “day.” It can refer to a complete twenty-four hour period or, as in today’s verse, it can refer to the timeframe of a specific event.

The word “like” is from the Greek word houtō, meaning “in this way” or “in this manner.”

The word “thief” is from kleptēs. This is derived from the verb kleptō (from which we get our English word kleptomaniac, meaning someone who has an obsession with stealing things). Kleptē refers to someone who steals things, that is, “a thief.”

“Night” is translated from nux, which refers to the time period from sundown to sunrise.


Meaning Explained

In today’s verse we see a couple more reasons why the rapture (the Day of Jesus Christ) and the Day of the Lord are two distinctly different events. When Paul introduced the topic of the rapture back in 1 Thessalonians 4:13, he said “I do not want you to be ignorant, brothers,” meaning that they were ignorant of the facts surrounding the rapture. In yesterday’s verse he said, “you have no need that I should write to you,” and in today’s verse he completes that thought. The reason that they didn’t need additional information is because, “For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord comes like a thief in the night.”

Apparently, Paul had previously taught the Christians in Thessalonica the facts about the Day of the Lord. Since they had accurate knowledge about the Day of the Lord and were ignorant concerning the rapture, they must be two different things. One of the possible reasons for this is that the Old Testament has numerous references to the Day of the Lord, but there are no references to the rapture. Since the Old Testament is the only Scripture the Thessalonians had, they could only have learned about the Day of the Lord from it.

The other thing to note is how these two events occur. The rapture occurs with a loud proclamation and a trumpet blast. The Day of the Lord, on the other hand, comes like a thief in the night. A thief doesn’t announce himself and he doesn’t make a lot of noise; he comes quietly and secretly. In other words, the rapture will come with lots of noise, but the Day of the Lord will come quietly, like a thief.



Christians, keep your ears open, listening for the shout and the trumpet blast. You’ll be gone when the Day of the Lord comes.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 5:15 – Carefully, not Fearfully

Observe then how carefully you walk, not as fools but as wise,

Truth to Learn

Be careful that you live a godly example, loving others.


Behind the Words

“Observe” is translated from the Greek verb blepō, which is one of several verbs used with regard to seeing. Blepō refers to the ability to see or perceive, as opposed to being blind. It also means “to look at” something, that is “to observe.” It is expressed here in the imperative mood, indicating a command.

“Walk” is from peripateō, which we learned earlier in this chapter is a metaphor for how a person lives his or her life.

The word “carefully” is translated from akribōs, which is derived from akribēs, meaning “accurate or exact.” Akribōs means “accurately, diligently, carefully, or exactly.”

The word “wise” is from sophos, referring to someone who possesses wisdom (the ability to understand and skillfully apply what one knows). In the New Testament, however, this word also implies an understanding of who God is and what He wants from man.

“Fools” is translated from asophos, which is made up of a, meaning “not” and sophos, meaning “wise.” Thus, it literally means “unwise,” which in our vernacular means “a fool.”


Meaning Explained

Paul has been teaching us to avoid close fellowship with those who live their lives in an ungodly manner. In yesterday’s verse he challenged us to wake up and to stand up from among the dead ones. In doing so, Paul tells us that God will give us His light. That is, not only will He illuminate us with the understanding of His word, He will give us His light to reflect onto the dead ones around us.

Now Paul gives us a couple more nuggets of truth regarding how we should live. He starts today’s verse with “observe then how carefully you walk.” Some translations translate the word akribos as “circumspectly.” The English word “circumspectly” means “looking around,” that is, “being cautious.” This is not the message Paul is giving us. He is not saying “be cautious.” He is saying “be diligent, exact, or careful” regarding how you live your life.

In other words, Paul is telling us to observe ourselves, to look at our own manner of living. As we reflect the light of God’s truth on those who are living for themselves, producing unfruitful works of darkness, we need to be aware of how we are living. We need to be careful that we are living a godly example. Too many Christians live their lives in fear – in fear of attacks from our enemy, or in fear that God will punish them for sinning. God does not want us to live in fear, but in hope. Others have learned a set of rules and are living their lives based on those rules. Often this produces a legalism that looks a lot like the Pharisees of Jesus’ time.

In the opening part of this chapter Paul tole us to “be imitators of God” and to “walk in love.” If we are watching our own manner of life, we should see godly, loving actions and nothing else.



Instead of living in fear, live your life imitating God and loving those around you. If you do, you won’t have to worry about whether or not you’re breaking the rules. Rather, do as James said, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

1 Thessalonians 5:2 – Noisily Versus Quietly

For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night.

Truth to Learn

The Day of the Lord will come quietly, the rapture noisily.

Behind the Words

Know” is translated from the verb eidō, which refers to “seeing with perception and comprehension.” Thus, it takes on the meaning of “knowing” or “understanding.” In English someone might explain something and then say, “Do you see what I’m saying?” In such a case, they are not asking about vision but about understanding. This is the sense that eidō has in today’s verse.

The word translated “perfectly” is akribōs, which means “accurately” or “exactly.” It is not an expression about perfection, but of accuracy.

Hēmera is the word translated “day.” It can refer to a complete twenty-four hour period or, as in today’s verse, it can refer to the timeframe of a specific event.

The word “as” is from the Greek word houtō, meaning “in this way” or “in this manner.”

The word “thief” is from kleptēs. This is derived from the verb kleptō (from which we get our English word kleptomaniac, meaning someone who has an obsession with stealing things). Kleptē refers to someone who steals things, that is, “a thief.”

Night” is translated from nux, which refers to the time period from sundown to sunrise.

Meaning Explained

In today’s verse we see a couple more reasons why the rapture (the Day of Jesus Christ) and the Day of the Lord are two distinctly different events. When Paul introduced the topic of the rapture back in 1 Thessalonians 4:13, he said “I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren,” meaning that they were ignorant of the facts surrounding the rapture. In yesterday’s verse he said, “you have no need that I should write to you,” and in today’s verse he completes that thought. The reason that they didn’t need additional information is because, “For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night.

Apparently, Paul had previously taught the Christians in Thessalonica the facts about the Day of the Lord. Since they had accurate knowledge about the Day of the Lord and were ignorant concerning the rapture, they must be two different things. One of the possible reasons for this is that the Old Testament has numerous references to the Day of the Lord, but there are no references to the rapture. Since the Old Testament is the only Scripture the Thessalonians had, they could only have learned about the Day of the Lord from it.

The other thing to note is how these two events occur. The rapture occurs with a loud proclamation and a trumpet blast. The Day of the Lord, on the other hand, comes like a thief in the night. A thief doesn’t announce himself and he doesn’t make a lot of noise; he comes quietly and secretly. In other words, the rapture will come with lots of noise, but the Day of the Lord will come quietly, like a thief.


Christians, keep your ears open, listening for the shout and the trumpet blast. You’ll be gone when the Day of the Lord comes.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 5:15 – Carefully, not Fearfully

See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise,

Truth to Learn

Be careful that you live a godly example, loving others.

Behind the Words

See” is translated from the Greek verb blepō, which is one of several verbs used with regard to seeing. Blepō refers to the ability to see or perceive, as opposed to being blind. It also means “to look at” something, that is “to observe.”

Walk” is from peripateō, which we learned earlier in this chapter is a metaphor for how a person lives his or her life.

The word “circumspectly” is translated from akribōs, which is derived from akribēs, meaning “accurate or exact.” Akribōs means “accurately, diligently, carefully, or exactly.”

The word “wise” is from sophos, referring to someone who possesses wisdom (the ability to understand and skillfully apply what one knows). In the New Testament, however, this word also implies an understanding of who God is and what He wants from man.

Fools” is translated from asophos, which is made up of a, meaning “not” and sophos, meaning “wise.”

Meaning Explained

Paul has been teaching us to avoid close fellowship with those who live their lives in an ungodly manner. In yesterday’s verse he challenged us to wake up and to stand up from among the dead ones. In doing so, Paul tells us that God will give us His light. That is, not only will He illuminate us with the understanding of His word, He will give us His light to shed on the dead ones around us.

Now Paul gives us a couple more nuggets of truth regarding how we should live. He starts today’s verse with “See then that you walk circumspectly.” This is one of the few times I think the NKJV is poorly translated. The English word “circumspectly” means “looking around,” that is, “being cautious.” This is not the message Paul is giving us. He is not saying “be cautious.” He is saying “be diligent, exact, or careful” regarding how you live your life.

A literal translation of the first part of this verse is “Then observe how carefully you walk.” In other words, Paul is telling us to observe ourselves, to look at our own manner of living. As we shed the light of God’s truth on those who are living for themselves, producing unfruitful works of darkness, we need to be aware of how we are living. We need to be careful that we are living a godly example. Too many Christians live their lives in fear – in fear of attacks from our enemy, or in fear that God will punish them for sinning. God does not want us to live in fear, but in hope. Others have learned a set of rules and are living their lives based on those rules. Often this produces a legalism that looks a lot like the Pharisees of Jesus’ time.

In the opening part of this chapter Paul said, “Be imitators of God and walk in love.” If we are watching our own manner of life, we should see godly, loving actions and nothing else.


Instead of living in fear, live your life imitating God and loving those around you. If you do, you won’t have to worry about whether or not you’re breaking the rules. Rather, do as James said, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved.