Tag: alodzonia

James 4:16 – Stealing Credit from God

But now you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil.

Truth to Learn

Claiming credit for your own success is vicious thievery.

Behind the Words

The words “boast” and “boasting” are both translated from forms of kauchaomai, which means “to glory” or “to celebrate.” It implies making great, joyous exclamations about someone or something. As such, it is sometimes translated as “rejoice.”

“Arrogance” is translated from the Greek word alodzonia, which refers to boasting or bragging about something that one does not possess. It is derived from the word alē, which means a “wandering or roaming,” which is applied to a vagabond or quack who wanders around making empty claims about cures or miracles which he cannot perform. Hence, alodzonia refers specifically to baseless, arrogant boasting or bragging, taking credit for that which God has caused to occur.

The word “evil” is from ponēros, referring to evil actions. This word is different from kakos, meaning intrinsically or inherently worthless or evil. Ponēros refers to the evil effect or evil influence of an action. Hence, it carries the idea of “malicious” or “vicious.”

Meaning Explained

In this chapter of James’ letter, he is focusing on interpersonal issues, showing us what the sources of such problems really are. He talked about the fact that fighting and battling is caused by selfish desires to have “stuff.” He told us that the reason we don’t have is because we don’t ask God, and when we do ask God for things we don’t get them because we ask selfishly, trying to satisfy our own desires. Instead, James told us that we need to humble ourselves before Almighty God, recognizing Him as our supreme authority and source of all good things.

Then, James told us not to talk evil about each other (within the body of Christ) because in doing so we take on the role of judge regarding things of which only God is a righteous judge. When we focus on the missteps of others, we lose sight of the fact that we have just as many missteps ourselves and are, therefore, unworthy to judge others. It is the denial of our own unrighteousness that causes us to accuse our brothers and sisters of unrighteousness.

Finally, James has talked about the arrogance of those who believe that they are themselves responsible for the degree of success that they have attained in this world. They selfishly plan for future success giving no heed to the fact that it is God, and God alone, who is responsible for their success. He says here that when we celebrate our own success and brag about what we have accomplished, we are maliciously taking the rightful credit away from God.

As you can see, all these interpersonal issues are the result of us focusing on ourselves, believing that we are responsible and in control. The only way to eliminate these problems is to humble ourselves before God and recognize that He is the source of all that we have and all that we are.


Do you get it yet? Do you see that the reason you are having relationship problems, or you are not being successful in life, is not because God doesn’t care? God does care! But He wants you to humble yourself and give Him the reins of your life.

In God's service, for His glory,

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