Tag: anagkletos

1 Corinthians 1:8 – Preserved Blameless

who will also confirm you to the end, that you may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Truth to Learn

Christians are now, and will always be, blameless according to Jesus Christ’s judicial action on our behalf.

Behind the Words

The verb “confirm” is from the word bebaioō, which we looked at a couple of verses back. It means “to be made certain or secure.” In verse six it was expressed in the aorist tense, indicating action completed at a point in time in the past. In today’s verse, however, it is expressed in the future tense, indicating action that will take place in the future.

Heōs is the Greek word translated “until.” As it is used here it means “all the way until.”

The end” is translated from telos, which refers to “the end point or the completion.” Here it refers to “the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

The word “blameless” is from the Greek anegklētos, which is made up of the privative a, meaning “not” and egkaleō, which means “to accuse in court.” Anegklētos literally means “unaccused” or “free from any legal charge.”

Meaning Explained

This is an excellent verse for those who believe that if we sin intentionally, commit a particularly heinous sin, or insult God too many times, we will lose our salvation. Remember that salvation is an act of God, in which by His grace He records us as sinless because Jesus Christ has paid for all our sins (past, present, and future). Paul tells the Corinthians (and us) that just as our salvation was confirmed in us by the gifts we received (see verse six), He will also confirm us (make us certain and secure) to the end. If you are a genuine born-again Christian, there is nothing you can do to “undo” your salvation because God has confirmed it and will confirm it until the end. Therefore, unless you are stronger than God, once you are saved, you are saved forever!

Now, look carefully at what specifically is confirmed about us when we get saved. Paul says, “who will also confirm you to the end blameless …” Once we have been saved and cleansed from sin by the blood of Christ, we cannot be blamed for anything in God’s courtroom. “But,” you might ask, “what about Revelation 12:10, where it says that Satan accuses us day and night?” We needn’t be worried about Satan’s accusations for two reasons. The first is that we have a defense attorney in heaven according to the Apostle John:

… And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. (1 John 2:1)

The second reason is in today’s verse: God will preserve us blameless to the end. Satan may accuse us, but our defense attorney will testify on our behalf and, through His shed blood, have the case thrown out of court because we are blameless.


Every person who ever lived (except Jesus Christ) and who will ever live is a sinner because we have a sin nature that causes us to sin. Christians, however, have had the penalty for those sins paid for by the blood of Christ. Does that mean that we no longer sin? No, but it means that the debt has already been paid, and we are innocent of any charge brought before our God and Judge!

In God's service, for His glory,

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