Tag: be strong

Ephesians 6:10 – Be Made Strong!

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.

Truth to Learn

Christians need to prepare for spiritual warfare.

Behind the Words

The word “finally” is translated from loipos, meaning “that which remains.” There is some variation in Greek manuscripts as to whether this should be “for the rest” or “as to the rest.” Either way, this expression is an introduction into Paul’s final teaching in this letter.

The words translated “my brethren” do not appear in the better Greek manuscripts, so these should probably be excluded.

Be strong” is from the Greek verb endunamoĊ, which is a compound word made up of en, meaning “in” and a form of dunamis (from which we get our English word dynamite), meaning “power” or “strength.” EndunamoĊ means “to make strong.” It is expressed here in the passive voice and imperative mood, so it is a command to “have yourself be made strong.”

Power” is from the Greek word kratos, which refers to “power that is demonstrated or shown.”

The word translated “might” is ischus, which is composed of is, meaning “strength” and echo, meaning “to have.”

Meaning Explained

Having concluded his teaching about behavior within the body of Christ, the family unit, and the working world, Paul now gives one final word of encouragement. Actually, it is more than just an encouragement to be strong, it contains instruction on how to be strong. Paul knows that Christians are engaged in a constant battle against the forces of evil. So, like a football coach giving his team one final challenge before entering into the biggest game of the year, Paul gives a challenge to the Christians at Ephesus (and to those of us who read this letter).

His challenge is to “be made strong.” Notice that Paul did not say “make yourselves strong.” We can’t make ourselves strong, but we can do those things which will allow us to be made stronger. When I was in high school, I participated in the sport of wrestling and, because it is a sport that is partially dependent on strength, I began weightlifting. What I was surprised to learn is that lifting weights does not make you strong. In fact, if you do it correctly, lifting weights actually causes minor injuries to your muscles. While you sleep, however, your body miraculously heals itself and adds a little more muscle where the small injuries occurred.

Similarly, I learned that losing a wrestling match actually helps you to win a match in the future. Not only do your muscles rebuild, just like with weightlifting, but with the help of a coach you discover the moves and techniques that defeated you. Then your coach teaches you how to overcome those moves and techniques.

As Paul will tell us in a couple of verses, we are in a spiritual wrestling match, whether we like it or not. In order to be victorious in these battles we need two things. We need to work our spiritual muscles, and we need to learn about the attacks of our adversary.


Are you in the middle of a spiritual battle? Don’t be discouraged when you fall. Get up again, listen to your coach (God), learn the enemy’s attacks, and get back in the battle!

In God's service, for His glory,

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