Tag: ischus

1 Peter 4:11 – Speaking and Ministering

If anyone speaks, let it be as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen.

Truth to Learn

All ministering that we do within the church should glorify God, not us!


Behind the Words

The word translated “oracles” is logia. This is related to logos, meaning “a word,” but it specifically refers to “an utterance.”

“Ability” is from the Greek word ischus, which refers to “physical strength or mental power.”


Meaning Explained

Now Peter gets specific about two very important types of gifts in the body; the speaking gifts and the serving gifts. The speaking gifts are those which involve the use of words. These could be preaching, teaching, counseling, encouraging, singing, or other verbal functions within the body of Christ. Peter tells us that if we are using any speaking gift within the church we should treat our words as the very utterances of God.

This is an awesome responsibility for those of us who have speaking responsibilities in the Church and is not to be taken lightly. First, we must be sure it is because of God’s gift that we are speaking. Then, we need to be certain that what we are saying is, in fact, the message that God wants us to deliver. It must be consistent with what is taught throughout the Bible. Therefore, the words that come out of our mouths should only be words that would come out of God’s mouth. Think about that the next time you are asked to present special music at your church or the next time you teach a Sunday school lesson.

The other gifts that Peter is talking about in today’s verse are the serving gifts. Though not always as visible as the speaking gifts, they are just as important. For instance, those who serve in the nursery so that others can receive the spoken message without distraction are doing a mighty service to God and to the church. Just because these gifts are behind the scenes doesn’t mean that they are any less blessed, any less important, or any less needful of the enabling gifts from God.

Whatever we do within and for the body of Christ is a type of service, and Peter says something critically important about it. He says that we are to do it with the ability that God has given us. That means that there are things within the body of Christ that you or I shouldn’t do. Unfortunately, there are people within the church who have taken on responsibilities that they shouldn’t have taken on, but they don’t know how to say “no” to those who ask them.

How do we know what areas of ministry we should be involved with in our church? Peter even gives the answer to this question. If we can do it so that God will be glorified, then we should do it. If it is for personal glory, we shouldn’t!



We all need to be actively serving the body in one way or another, but we need to be involved

“… so that God may be glorified in all things through Jesus Christ …”

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2017 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 6:10 – Be Made Strong!

Finally, my brothers, be strengthened in the Lord and in the power of His strength.

Truth to Learn

Christians need to prepare for spiritual warfare.


Behind the Words

The word “finally” is translated from loipos, meaning “that which remains.” There is some variation in Greek manuscripts as to whether this should be “for the rest” or “as to the rest.” Either way, this expression is an introduction into Paul’s final teaching in this letter.

The words translated “my brothers” do not appear in the better Greek manuscripts, so these should probably be excluded.

“Be strengthened” is from the Greek verb endunamoō, which is a compound word made up of en, meaning “in” and a form of dunamis (from which we get our English word dynamite), meaning “power” or “strength.” Endunamoō means “to make strong.” It is expressed here in the passive voice and imperative mood, so it is a command to “have yourself be made strong.”

“Power” is from the Greek word kratos, which refers to “power that is demonstrated or shown.”

The word translated “strength” is ischus, which is composed of is, meaning “strength” and echo, meaning “to have.”


Meaning Explained

Having concluded his teaching about behavior within the body of Christ, the family unit, and the working world, Paul now gives one final word of encouragement. Actually, it is more than just an encouragement to be strong, it contains instruction on how to be strong. Paul knows that Christians are engaged in a constant battle against the forces of evil. So, like a football coach giving his team one final challenge before entering into the biggest game of the year, Paul gives a challenge to the Christians at Ephesus (and to those of us who read this letter).

His challenge is to “be made strong.” Notice that Paul did not say “make yourselves strong.” We can’t make ourselves strong, but we can do those things which will allow us to be made stronger. When I was in high school, I participated in the sport of wrestling and, because it is a sport that is partially dependent on strength, I began weightlifting. What I was surprised to learn is that lifting weights does not make you strong. In fact, if you do it correctly, lifting weights actually causes minor injuries to your muscles; it tears your muscles down. While you sleep, however, your body miraculously heals itself and adds a little more muscle where the small injuries occurred.

Similarly, I learned that losing a wrestling match actually helps you to win a match in the future. Not only do your muscles rebuild, just like with weightlifting, but with the help of a coach you discover the moves and techniques that defeated you. Then your coach teaches you how to overcome those moves and techniques.

As Paul will tell us in a couple of verses, we are in a spiritual wrestling match, whether we like it or not. In order to be victorious in these battles we need two things. We need to work our spiritual muscles, and we need to learn about the attacks of our adversary.



Are you in the middle of a spiritual battle? Don’t be discouraged when you fall. Get up again, listen to your coach (God), learn the enemy’s attacks, and get back in the battle!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2016 Will Krause. All rights reserved

Ephesians 1:19 – Incredible Mighty Power!

and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power

Truth to Learn

God has already demonstrated how valuable we are to Him.


Behind the Words

“Exceeding” is from the Greek verb huperballō, which is made up of huper (hyper), meaning “above” or “beyond” and ballō, meaning “to throw.” Thus huperballō literally means “to throw beyond;” that is, “to go beyond” or “to exceed.”

The word “greatness” is from megethos, which means “magnitude” or, as in this verse, “greatness.”

The word translated “power” is dunamis (from which we get our English word dynamite). This word refers specifically to having the capability or authority to do something. So “power” is a good translation it as it is used here.

“Believe” is from pisteuō, which we saw back in verse thirteen. It means “to be firmly persuaded regarding some truth” or “to believe.”

The word “working” is translated from energeia (from which we get our English word energy). It refers to “active power” or “power in action.”

“Mighty” is from kratos, which refers to “demonstrated power,” that is, “vigor or might.”

Finally, the word “power” is from ischus. This is made up of is, meaning “strength” and echo, meaning “to have.” Thus, ischus refers to someone “having strength.”


Meaning Explained

First of all, notice how many words Paul used in this one verse to express God’s strength and power. Each of these words can have a number of subtle nuances that produce very similar meanings. It is as if Paul is trying to use every word he can think of to describe the exceeding greatness and magnitude of God’s almighty power at work.

One of the difficulties in understanding the Apostle Paul is the fact that he writes such lengthy, complex sentences. This particular sentence takes up seven verses and it contains almost 140 words! He started out this thought in verse fifteen by expressing his thanks for the growing faith and demonstrated love of the Christians in the church in Ephesus. Then he expresses the content of his prayers for these believers and, by extension, for all Christians. He prayed that the Father would have the Holy Spirit impart wisdom and reveal truths to us. The first of these truths is that we might understand the hope and assurance we have in God’s inviting us to have eternal life. The second truth is the magnificence of the inheritance that Jesus will receive from the Father. We, the church, the body of Christ, the bride of Christ, are that marvelous inheritance.

In the current verse Paul tells us about the third truth which he prays will be revealed to us. It is the incredible greatness of God’s active and demonstrated power, which is mighty in strength. The greatest part is that His powerful strength is displayed toward us, we who believe in Jesus Christ.



Listen, God has demonstrated His incredible power for your sake because He loves you and wants to spend eternity with you. Yes, you! You are incredibly valuable to Him!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2015 Will Krause. All rights reserved

2 Thessalonians 1:7 – Eternal Rest

and to give you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels,

Truth to Learn

Christians may be suffering now, but we will have eternal rest.

Behind the Words

The word “give” is not in the Greek text, but has been added by the translators. The grammatical construction of the Greek, however, indicates that the verb here is the same as the previous verse (repay). So this verse should read, “and to repay you…

Anesis is the word translated “rest.” It is based on the verb aniēmi, a compound word made up of ana, meaning “up” or “back” and hiēmi, meaning “to send.” Thus, aniēmi means “to send back” or “to loosen” and anesis refers to “relief or rest.”

Revealed” is from the Greek word apokalupsis, which is made up of apo, meaning “from” or “away from” and a form of the verb kaluptō, meaning “to cover.” Hence, apokalupsis refers to something being “uncovered” or “revealed.”

The word “heaven” is translated from ouranos, which is probably based on oros, meaning “a high place” or “a mountain.” Ouranos refers to the area above us. It can refer to the sky (the atmosphere around the earth), space (where stars and planets are located), or God’s dwelling place (sometimes called the third heaven).

The Greek word translated “mighty” is dunamis (from which we get our English word “dynamite). This word refers to “power in action.” The Greek word ischus is similar, although it refers to the ability, whereas dunamis refers to the action.

Meaning Explained

Paul has prayed for the growth in faith and love of the Thessalonians and stated that this growth in the face of persecution and tribulation is an indication of God’s righteous judgment. In yesterday’s verse Paul told us that God’s judgment is righteous in the way He judges evil doers. He told them (and us) that he will repay those who persecute us with their own tribulation. We will see in tomorrow’s verse the kind of repayment they will receive.

We are now told how God’s judgment is righteous toward those of us who believe in God and who believe in His son Jesus Christ. Please note here that there is a difference between fairness and righteous judgment. If God were fair, we would receive from Him what we rightly deserve. We would receive His wrath because of our sinfulness. But, because God is righteous and has chosen to demonstrate His grace toward us, we will not experience God’s wrath. Instead, we are told here, He will give us relief from the tribulation that we suffer in this life. Keep in mind what Jesus told His disciples:

These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)

Being a Christian does not mean that our life on earth will be easy. On the contrary, we will have tribulation. But, when this life is over we will have rest. Those who persecute us, however, will have tribulation beyond measure, eternally!


Be of good cheer, my Christian friends; though your life may be difficult now, we will have eternal peace and rest!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved


Ephesians 6:10 – Be Made Strong!

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.

Truth to Learn

Christians need to prepare for spiritual warfare.

Behind the Words

The word “finally” is translated from loipos, meaning “that which remains.” There is some variation in Greek manuscripts as to whether this should be “for the rest” or “as to the rest.” Either way, this expression is an introduction into Paul’s final teaching in this letter.

The words translated “my brethren” do not appear in the better Greek manuscripts, so these should probably be excluded.

Be strong” is from the Greek verb endunamoō, which is a compound word made up of en, meaning “in” and a form of dunamis (from which we get our English word dynamite), meaning “power” or “strength.” Endunamoō means “to make strong.” It is expressed here in the passive voice and imperative mood, so it is a command to “have yourself be made strong.”

Power” is from the Greek word kratos, which refers to “power that is demonstrated or shown.”

The word translated “might” is ischus, which is composed of is, meaning “strength” and echo, meaning “to have.”

Meaning Explained

Having concluded his teaching about behavior within the body of Christ, the family unit, and the working world, Paul now gives one final word of encouragement. Actually, it is more than just an encouragement to be strong, it contains instruction on how to be strong. Paul knows that Christians are engaged in a constant battle against the forces of evil. So, like a football coach giving his team one final challenge before entering into the biggest game of the year, Paul gives a challenge to the Christians at Ephesus (and to those of us who read this letter).

His challenge is to “be made strong.” Notice that Paul did not say “make yourselves strong.” We can’t make ourselves strong, but we can do those things which will allow us to be made stronger. When I was in high school, I participated in the sport of wrestling and, because it is a sport that is partially dependent on strength, I began weightlifting. What I was surprised to learn is that lifting weights does not make you strong. In fact, if you do it correctly, lifting weights actually causes minor injuries to your muscles. While you sleep, however, your body miraculously heals itself and adds a little more muscle where the small injuries occurred.

Similarly, I learned that losing a wrestling match actually helps you to win a match in the future. Not only do your muscles rebuild, just like with weightlifting, but with the help of a coach you discover the moves and techniques that defeated you. Then your coach teaches you how to overcome those moves and techniques.

As Paul will tell us in a couple of verses, we are in a spiritual wrestling match, whether we like it or not. In order to be victorious in these battles we need two things. We need to work our spiritual muscles, and we need to learn about the attacks of our adversary.


Are you in the middle of a spiritual battle? Don’t be discouraged when you fall. Get up again, listen to your coach (God), learn the enemy’s attacks, and get back in the battle!

In God's service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2012 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

Ephesians 1:19 – Incredible Mighty Power!

Ephesians 1:19  – Incredible Mighty Power!

and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power

Truth to Learn

God has already demonstrated how valuable we are to Him.

Behind the Words

Exceeding” is from the Greek verb huperballō, which is made up of huper (hyper), meaning “above” or “beyond” and ballō, meaning “to throw.” Thus huperballō literally means “to throw beyond;” that is, “to go beyond” or “to exceed.”

The word “greatness” is from megethos, which means “magnitude” or, as in this verse, “greatness.”

The word translated “power” is dunamis (from which we get our English word dynamite). This word refers specifically to having the capability or authority to do something. So “power” is a good translation it as it is used here.

Believe” is from pisteuō, which we saw back in verse thirteen. It means “to be firmly persuaded regarding some truth” or “to believe.”

The word “working” is translated from energeia (from which we get our English word energy). It refers to “active power” or “power in action.”

Mighty” is from kratos, which refers to “demonstrated power,” that is, “vigor or might.”

Finally, the word “power” is from ischus. This is made up of is, meaning “strength” and echo, meaning “to have.” Thus, ischus refers to someone “having strength.”

Meaning Explained

First of all, notice how many words Paul used in this one verse to express God’s strength and power. Each of these words can have a number of subtle nuances that produce very similar meanings. It is as if Paul is trying to use every word he can think of to describe the exceeding greatness and magnitude of God’s almighty power at work.

One of the difficulties in understanding the Apostle Paul is the fact that he writes such lengthy, complex sentences. This particular sentence takes up seven verses and it contains almost 140 words! He started out this thought in verse fifteen by expressing his thanks for the growing faith and demonstrated love of the Christians in the church in Ephesus. Then he expresses the content of his prayers for these believers and, by extension, for all Christians. He prayed that the Father would have the Holy Spirit impart wisdom and reveal truths to us. The first of these truths is that we might understand the hope and assurance we have in God’s inviting us to have eternal life. The second truth is the magnificence of the inheritance that Jesus will receive from the Father. We, the church, the body of Christ, the bride of Christ, are that marvelous inheritance.

In the current verse Paul tells us about the third truth which he prays will be revealed to us. It is the incredible greatness of God’s active and demonstrated power, which is mighty in strength. The greatest part is that His powerful strength is displayed toward us, we who believe in Jesus Christ.


Listen, God has demonstrated His incredible power for your sake because He loves you and wants to spend eternity with you. Yes, you! You are incredibly valuable to Him!

In God’s service, for His glory,

Copyright © 2011 Will Krause. All rights reserved.

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